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CED Resource Guide PPR Information

Community Economic Development (CED)
Guidance, Policies, Procedures

Forms, Instructions, and Guidance

PPR Forms and Instructions
This sample document contains CED PPR forms A, B and E, as well as instructions for properly filling out the form. It reflects updates made to the CED PPR in Spring 2018. Please note that this document should only be used as an example, it is not for submission. PPRs must be submitted semi-annually within the On-Line Data Collection System (OLDC). See the CED IM on Programmatic Reporting Requirements for more information.

PPR Frequently Asked Questions
This document contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding the PPR and the OLDC system.

Final PPR Submission Guidance and Examples 
This resource provides guidance for CED grantees with a grant ending within the current fiscal year to submit a final PPR in OLDC by December 30th.

Best Practices, Reminders, and Technical Assistance for Submitting Your PPR
This resource will help CED grantees submit their semi-annual Project Performance Report (PPR) by providing best practices, reminders, and contact information for technical assistance.


Submitting High Quality PPRs
This webinar presents new and returning CED grantees with information, tips, and guidance for completing high-quality Performance Progress Reports (PPRs). It highlights key details that must be included in PPRs in order for them to be approved by Program Specialists, including job titles, explanations of project delays and challenges, and other key information about project progress.

For additional instructional videos, view the Data Collection and Performance Progress Report module.


PPR Data Collection Tool
NOTE: After clicking the link above, you must right click the PPR Data Collection Tool file and select Download. Otherwise you will receive an error message.
The Data Collection Tool helps CED grantees collect all of the information they need to complete Form A of the Performance Progress Report (PPR) over the course of their grant. All CED grantees are encouraged to use this tool to simplify the data collection process and ensure accurate data is submitted in the PPR. Watch this video for a tutorial on how to use the tool.


Note: GrantSolutions is the primary communication tool for your grant. If there is a change in your project design, contact your Program Specialist directly prior to documenting it in your PPR.

Last Reviewed: March 5, 2020