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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee; Request for Information

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Start Preamble


International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.


Notice of Renewal of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee and Solicitation of Nominations for Membership.


Pursuant to provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App., the Department of Commerce announces the renewal of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (the Committee). The Committee shall advise the Secretary of Commerce regarding the development and administration of programs and policies to expand the competitiveness of U.S. exports of renewable energy and energy efficiency goods and services. The Committee's work on energy efficiency will focus on technologies, services, and platforms that provide system-level energy efficiency to electricity generation, transmission, and distribution. These include smart grid technologies and services, as well as equipment and systems that increase the resiliency of power infrastructure such as energy storage. For the purposes of this Committee, covered goods and services will not include vehicles, feedstock for biofuels, or energy efficiency as it relates to consumer goods. Non-fossil fuels that are considered renewable fuels (e.g., liquid biofuels and pellets) are included. This notice also requests nominations for membership.


Applications or nominations for members must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on Friday July 31, 2020.


Applications or nominations may be emailed to

Start Further Info


Cora Dickson, Designated Federal Officer, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee, Office of Energy & Environmental Industries, U.S. Department of Commerce; phone 202-482-6083; email Interested parties can also view Committee documents on the REEEAC website at​reeeac.

End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


The Committee shall consist of Start Printed Page 40234approximately 35 members appointed by the Secretary in accordance with applicable Department of Commerce guidance and based on their ability to carry out the objectives of the Committee. The Secretary of Commerce invites nominations to the Committee of qualified individuals who will represent U.S. companies, U.S. trade associations, and U.S. private sector organizations with activities focused on the export competitiveness of U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency goods and services. Members shall reflect the diversity of this sector, including in terms of entity or organization size, geographic location, and subsector representation. The Committee shall also represent the diversity of company or organizational roles in the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, including, for example, project developers, technology integrators, financial institutions, and manufacturers.

Members serve at the pleasure of the Secretary from the date of appointment to the Committee to the date on which the Committee's charter terminates. Members serve in a representative capacity presenting the views and interests of a U.S. entity or U.S. organization, as well as their particular subsector; they are, therefore, not Special Government Employees.

Members of the Committee must not be registered as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. No member may represent a company that is majority owned or controlled by a foreign government entity (or foreign government entities). Members of the Committee will not be compensated for their services or reimbursed for their travel expenses.

If you are interested in applying or nominating someone else to become a member of the Committee, please provide the following information:

(1) Sponsor letter on the company's, trade association's or organization's letterhead containing the name, title, and relevant contact information (including phone, fax, and email address) of the individual who is applying or being nominated;

(2) An affirmative statement that the nominee will be able to meet the expected time commitments of Committee work. Committee work includes (1) attending in-person committee meetings roughly four times per year (lasting one day each), (2) undertaking additional work outside of full committee meetings including subcommittee conference calls or meetings as needed, and (3) frequently drafting, preparing, or commenting on proposed recommendations to be evaluated at Committee meetings;

(3) Short biography of nominee, including credentials;

(4) Brief description of the company, trade association, or organization to be represented and its business activities, company size (number of employees and annual sales), and export markets served;

(5) An affirmative statement that the nominee meets all Committee eligibility requirements.

Please do not send company, trade association, or organization brochures or any other information.

See the ADDRESSES and DATES captions above for how and the deadline to submit nominations.

Nominees selected for appointment to the Committee will be notified by mail.

Start Signature

Man Cho,

Deputy Director, Office of Energy and Environmental Industries, International Trade Administration.

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[FR Doc. 2020-14418 Filed 7-2-20; 8:45 am]