DEC Overview

The Mission of the Departmental Enforcement Center is to restore the public trust by protecting residents, improving the quality of housing and eliminating fraud waste and abuse. The DEC's primary goal is to bring owners to full compliance so that there is no compromise in the quality of America's housing. To a large extent, owners have agreed to work with HUD to prevent possible enforcement action. Such a proactive stance on the part of owners is in the best interest of all parties, especially for residents.

In instances where owners fail to bring properties up to standard, and where physical and financial deficiencies persist, the DEC can take appropriate enforcement action. This includes administrative sanctions, such as civil money penalties, suspension and/or debarment, and possible referral to the Department of Justice for civil action. When criminal activity is suspected, the DEC refers these cases to HUD's Office of the Inspector General.

The DEC is part of the Office of General Counsel within HUD.