Cancer and Health Statistics & Data for Researchers

NCI Cancer Statistics & Data Resources

  • Annual Report to the Nation
    This report provides long-term trends in cancer incidence rates and mortality rates for all races combined.
  • Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2017
    The SEER Cancer Statistics Review (CSR), a report of the most recent cancer incidence, mortality, survival, prevalence, and lifetime risk statistics, is published annually by NCI's Surveillance Research Program.
  • Cancer Trends Progress Report
    This report summarizes our nation's progress against cancer in relation to Healthy People 2010 targets set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services. It includes key measures of progress along the cancer control continuum and uses national trend data to illustrate where advancements have been made.
  • Cancer Prevalence and Cost of Care Projections
    This site is based on a study that estimates and projects the national cost of cancer care through the year 2020 separately for multiple cancer sites using the most recent available U.S. population projections, cancer incidence, survival, and cost of care data.
  • NCI Cancer Atlas
    This tool allows users to create maps of cancer statistics, demographics, and risk factors.
  • SEER*Explorer
    This interactive website provides easy access to a wide range of cancer statistics from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program.
  • SEER-Medicare Linked Database
    The SEER-Medicare datasets consist of linkages to the clinical data collected by the SEER registries about claims for health services collected by Medicare for its beneficiaries.
  • State Cancer Profiles
    A system to characterize the cancer burden in a standardized manner in order to motivate action, integrate surveillance into cancer control planning, characterize areas and demographic groups, and expose health disparities. The focus is on cancer sites for which there are evidence based control interventions. Epidemiologists may find this site useful for exploring cancer statistics to identify research opportunities.

Other Government Sources of Health Statistics

  • Cancer Registries
    This compilation of resources provides links to information on cancer statistics, such as incidence, mortality, and the prevalence of certain risk factors.
  • CDC Data and Statistics
    This site provides data and statistics such as an alphabetical listing of statistics on topics of public health importance and an annual report on trends in health statistics.
  • Health, United States
    This document presents national trends in health statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It includes topics such as diseases and conditions, health expenditures, health insurance, infectious disease, poverty, and other topics.
  • National Center for Health Statistics: FASTATS A-Z
    This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site provides statistical information for more than 100 topics of public health interest, including access to care, diet/nutrition, life expectancy, obesity/overweight, physical activity, various diseases, and much more.
  • National Death Index
    Centralized source of data on all deaths recorded in the United States.

Non-Government Cancer Statistics Resources

  • American Cancer Society Cancer StatisticsExternal Web Site Policy
    The American Cancer Society tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, and how long people survive after diagnosis. ACS also tracks data regarding behaviors that influence the risk of developing cancer (such as tobacco use and certain dietary behaviors) and the use of screening tests (such as mammography, Pap tests, and sigmoidoscopy.)
  • World Health OrganizationExternal Web Site Policy
    Provides access to information on the occurrence of cancer world-wide by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.