News From the Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

EGRP Cancer Epidemiology News

EGRP Cancer Epidemiology News is a monthly e-newsletter with information regarding funding opportunities related to cancer epidemiology, grantsmanship issues, research resources, and other relevant news.


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Featured News Articles

Survivorship Activities of the National Cancer Institute

November 2020

In order to address the unique needs of the growing cancer survivor population, NCI and the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), remains focused on supporting cancer survivorship research through more than 20 funding opportunity announcements and more than 100 active grants. Read more about the NCI- and DCCPS-sponsored activities that promote cancer survivorship research.

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The Direction of NIH Nutrition Research in the Coming Decade

October 2020

The first Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research, published in May 2020, presents a framework to help answer important nutrition research questions over the next 10 years. It is designed to expand collaboration across NIH Institutes and Centers to further research to develop targeted and effective recommendations about what, when, why, and how to eat to optimize health.

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Single IRB Policies for NIH Grantees Coordinating Multi-Site Research

September 2020

If the NIH funds even one site in an applicable multi-site study (also referred to as cooperative research), the NIH expects all other sites using the same protocol will rely on a single IRB. This article summarizes the NIH single IRB policy, including the policy goals, IRB models, potential exceptions, and a list of resources with more information.

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Data Resources from NIH’s All of Us Research Program

August 2020

At the end of May, NIH announced that a beta version of the All of Us Researcher Workbench was available for researchers to begin using through the Program’s Research Hub. In this article, learn more about the initial All of Us dataset and a suite of custom tools available to approved researchers.

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