Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Webinar Series

Take your teaching about climate and energy to the next level with the CLEAN Webinar Series. Use the buttons below to register for each free webinar. We also invite you to check out these partner webinars that are related to the CLEAN series.

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Current Webinar Series Special Webinars Webinar Series Recordings Special Webinar Recordings

Webinar recordings of the event topics are posted below.

Click here to register for: Introduction to CLEAN

Monday, October 5, 2020 @ 6:00pm ET / 5:00pm CT / 4:00pm MT / 3:00pm PT

This webinar offers a guided tour of the CLEAN portal. Learn about the CLEAN collection of almost 700 climate and energy educational resources and the range of other supporting materials to help you effectively and accurately teach about climate and energy topics. Presenter: Katie Boyd, CLEAN Program Manager.

Click here to register for: Teaching about Climate and Energy with CLEAN

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 @ 6pm ET / 5pm CT / 4pm MT / 3pm PT

This webinar introduces the Climate and Energy Literacy Principles and how they are integrated with the CLEAN collection of climate and energy resources. These principles provide the foundation for understanding the science behind climate and energy concepts. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.

Click here to register for: It's Us: Humans as agents of change within Earth's climate system

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 @ 6:30pm ET / 5:30pm CT / 4:30pm MT / 3:30pm PT

Human impacts on the climate system are becoming increasingly evident, moving climate change from a topic that is abstract and faraway to one that is right before our eyes. It's our job to help students learn about our role in altering the climate, but it's important to do so in a way that's constructive and solutions-oriented. Educational materials from CLEAN collection can help you navigate this essential topic. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.

Click here to register for: Teaching Climate Consequences with CLEAN: Motivate and Inspire, Don't Despair

Thursday, October 29, 2020 @ 6:30pm ET / 5:30pm CT / 4:30pm MT / 3:30pm PT

The consequences of climate change are all around us, unfortunately. How can we teach these topics without overwhelming our students or causing anxiety? In this webinar, climate communicator Karin Kirk will share strategies for building connections between cause and effect, showcasing solutions, and using local approaches to make science relevant and inspiring. All the teaching tools highlighted in this webinar are appropriate for online teaching.

Click here to register for: Strategies for Integrating Climate Science into the Elementary Classroom

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 @ 6:30pm ET / 5:30pm CT / 4:30pm MT / 3:30pm PT

This webinar provides strategies for elementary teachers to integrate climate science into their classroom. Teachers will explore how to breakdown this complex and controversial topic, teach it across disciplines, make it culturally relevant, use it to inspire curiosity, and motivate students to develop climate change solutions.

Click here to register for: The UC Berkeley Understanding Global Change Project and CLEAN

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 @ 6pm ET / 5pm CT / 4pm MT / 3pm PT

The Understanding Global Change (UGC) Project at the University of California Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley developed a suite of online and interactive learning materials that support educators and students to explore the Earth as an interconnected, dynamic system. The UGC resources, co-designed with classroom teachers and leaders in climate education, are integrated with research-based teaching practices that utilize modeling of phenomena to make learning visible, and support the investigation of local and global actions that reduce human impacts on global environments. In this webinar, you will learn about the UGC Project tools for teaching about climate and energy using CLEAN resources. Presenter: Jessica Bean, University of California Berkeley.

Special Webinars

RELATED WEBINAR - Climate Solutions Workshop Using the En-ROADS Decision Support Model

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 @ 4pm ET / 3pm CT / 2pm MT / 1pm PT

Are you interested in exploring what strategies can help the world address climate change? Come to this workshop, where Dr. Tamara Shapiro Ledley will help participants explore the impact of various strategies including reducing the use of coal, oil, and gas for energy, increasing the impact of renewable energy resources, increasing the energy efficiency of transportation and infrastructure, electrifying transportation, reducing emissions from land use, and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and others using the En-ROADS decision support model. We will also explore the co-benefits and equity considerations of the various strategies. This will be an interactive workshop so be prepared to think about how you and your communities are addressing climate change. We will test what the impact would be if the entire world did the same. You will discuss and test a wide range of strategies and discover as a group what suite of worldwide actions would help limit the increase of temperature to no more than 2 degrees C by 2100.

RELATED WEBINAR - CLEAN and the National Climate Assessment

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 @ 6pm ET / 5pm CT / 4pm MT / 3pm PT

In this webinar, David Easterling (NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Information), Technical Support Unit and a Federal Coordinating lead author on the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), will summarize the key scientific findings from the NCA4. CLEAN educators will discuss how teachers can use the NCA4 in their classrooms and point to CLEAN resources that support teaching these topics.

RELATED WEBINAR - Click here to register for: CLEAN Resources to Support Washington ClimeTime

Wednesday, May 2, 2019 @ 7pm ET / 6pm CT / 5pm MT / 4pm PT

This webinar, led by Deb Morrison (University of Washington) and Katie Boyd (CIRES), introduces teachers to CLEAN and offers an interactive tutorial of how it can help teach about climate and energy in the classroom. CLEAN has a collection of quality resources teachers can use as well as guidance for teaching about climate and energy topics. CLEAN is aligned with NGSS and has resources to help teachers create 3D learning units. This webinar is designed to target teachers in Washington state and help them navigate the new statewide climate education initiative. Time is provided for teachers to explore CLEAN for themselves through engaging activities.

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Past Recorded Webinars

Watch: Intro to CLEAN

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 53.2MB Nov3 20).
This webinar offers a guided tour of the CLEAN portal. Learn about the CLEAN collection of almost 700 climate and energy educational resources and the range of other supporting materials to help you effectively and accurately teach about climate and energy topics. Presenter: Katie Boyd, CLEAN program manager.

Watch: Teaching About Climate and Energy

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 88.1MB Nov3 20).
This webinar introduces the Climate and Energy Literacy Principles and how they are integrated with the CLEAN collection of climate and energy resources. These principles provide the foundation for understanding the science behind climate and energy concepts. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Science Writer.

Watch: Create Your Own Climate and Energy Units

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 12.3MB Nov30 17).
This webinar introduces the CLEAN Get Started Guide and its downloadable unit planning tools to help educators create their own climate and energy units and highlights the three ready-to-use unit exemplars. The step-by-step planning guide incorporates the CLEAN collection of climate and energy resources and the NGSS three-dimensional instructional model. Presenter: Jennifer Taylor, Curriculum Development & Project Coordinator CIRES Education Outreach.

Watch: CLEAN, NGSS, and 3-D Learning for Climate and Energy Education

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 28MB Mar10 20).
This webinar demonstrates how the CLEAN collection of educational resources are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how CLEAN supports 3-dimensional learning. Learn how to search the CLEAN collection by NGSS climate and energy topics and at-a-glance standards tables. Presenter: Cheryl Manning, Earth Science Educator & former NESTA President.

Watch: It's Us: Humans as agents of change within Earth's climate system

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 52.4MB Nov3 20).
Human impacts on the climate system are becoming increasingly evident, moving climate change from a topic that is abstract and faraway to one that is right before our eyes. It's our job to help students learn about our role in altering the climate, but it's important to do so in a way that's constructive and solutions-oriented. Educational materials from the CLEAN collection can help you navigate this essential topic. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.

Watch: The UC Berkeley Understanding Global Change Project and CLEAN

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 131.6MB Nov20 20).
The Understanding Global Change (UGC) Project at the University of California Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley developed a suite of online and interactive learning materials that support educators and students to explore the Earth as an interconnected, dynamic system. The UGC resources, co-designed with classroom teachers and leaders in climate education, are integrated with research-based teaching practices that utilize modeling of phenomena to make learning visible, and support the investigation of local and global actions that reduce human impacts on global environments. In this webinar, you will learn about the UGC Project tools for teaching about climate and energy using CLEAN resources. Presenter: Jessica Bean, University of California Berkeley.

Watch: Teaching Climate Consequences with CLEAN: Motivate and Inspire, Don't Despair

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 33.2MB Nov3 20).
The consequences of climate change are all around us, unfortunately. How can we teach these topics without overwhelming our students or causing anxiety? In this webinar, climate communicator Karin Kirk will share strategies for building connections between cause and effect, showcasing solutions, and using local approaches to make science relevant and inspiring. All the teaching tools highlighted in this webinar are appropriate for online teaching. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.

Watch: Strategies for Integrating Climate Science into the Elementary Classroom

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 46.4MB Nov9 20).
This webinar provides strategies for elementary teachers to integrate climate science into their classroom. Teachers will explore how to breakdown this complex and controversial topic, teach it across disciplines, make it culturally relevant, use it to inspire curiosity, and motivate students to develop climate change solutions. Presenter: Alicia Christensen, CIRES Education and Outreach Program Manager, Tiffany Boyd, Retired Elementary School Teacher, and Rachel Han, PhD Candidate in Learning Sciences

Recorded Special Webinars

Watch: CLEAN Climate Solutions Workshop using the En-ROADS Decision Support Model

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 405.1MB Aug12 20).
Are you interested in exploring what strategies can help the world address climate change? This workshop, led by Dr. Tamara Shapiro Ledley, helped participants explore the impact of various strategies including reducing the use of coal, oil, and gas for energy, increasing the impact of renewable energy resources, increasing the energy efficiency of transportation and infrastructure, electrifying transportation, reducing emissions from land use, and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and others using the En-ROADS decision support model. Participants also explored the co-benefits and equity considerations of the various strategies, discussing and testing a wide range of strategies to discover as a group what suite of worldwide actions would help limit the increase of temperature to no more than 2 degrees C by 2100.

Watch: CLEAN and the National Climate Assessment

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 307.2MB Mar21 19).
In this webinar, David Easterling (NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Information), Technical Support Unit and a Federal Coordinating lead author on the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), summarizes the key scientific findings from the NCA4. CLEAN educators discuss how teachers can use the NCA4 in their classrooms and point to CLEAN resources that support teaching these topics.

Watch: CLEAN Resources to Support Washington ClimeTime

Watch the screencast on screen by pressing the play button. You can also download this video (MP4 Video 128.2MB May2 19).
This webinar, led by Deb Morrison (University of Washington) and Katie Boyd (CIRES), introduces teachers to CLEAN and offers an interactive tutorial of how it can help teach about climate and energy in the classroom. CLEAN has a collection of quality resources teachers can use as well as guidance for teaching about climate and energy topics. CLEAN is aligned with NGSS and has resources to help teachers create 3D learning units. This webinar is designed to target teachers in Washington state and help them navigate the new statewide climate education initiative. Time is provided for teachers to explore CLEAN for themselves through engaging activities.

PDF of the slides (Acrobat (PDF) 10.4MB May1 19)

Text file of the chat from the webinar (Acrobat (PDF) 24kB May7 19)