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Volume 126, Issue 10
Original Article
Free Access

Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part I: National cancer statistics

S. Jane Henley MSPH

Corresponding Author

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

Corresponding Author: S. Jane Henley, MSPH, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway NE, Mail Stop S107‐4, Chamblee, GA 30341‐3717 (

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Elizabeth M. Ward PhD

North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Springfield, Illinois

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Susan Scott MPH

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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Jiemin Ma PhD, MHS

Surveillance and Health Services Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia

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Robert N. Anderson PhD

National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, Maryland

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Albert U. Firth BS

Information Management Services, Inc., Rockville, Maryland

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Cheryll C. Thomas MSPH

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

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Farhad Islami MD, PhD

Surveillance and Health Services Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia

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Hannah K. Weir PhD

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

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Denise Riedel Lewis PhD, MPH

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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Recinda L. Sherman MPH, PhD, CTR

North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Springfield, Illinois

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Manxia Wu MD, MPH

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

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Vicki B. Benard PhD

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

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Lisa C. Richardson MD, MPH

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

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Ahmedin Jemal DVM, PhD

Surveillance and Health Services Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia

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Kathleen Cronin PhD, MPH

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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Betsy A. Kohler MPH

North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Springfield, Illinois

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First published: 12 March 2020
Citations: 45
See editorial and companion article on pages 2114‐5 and 2250‐66, this issue.
Elizabeth M. Ward is a consultant to North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.
This article has been contributed to by US Government employees, and their work is in the public domain in the United States.
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the state and regional cancer registry staff and health department personnel for their work in collecting the data used in this report. In addition, we thank Information Management Services, Inc., for assistance in compiling the data used in this report.
The funders had no role in the design of the study; the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; the writing of the article; or the decision to submit the article for publication.
The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official positions of the authors' agencies (the American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute, or the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries).



The American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries collaborate to provide annual updates on cancer occurrence and trends in the United States.


Data on new cancer diagnoses during 2001 through 2016 were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‐funded and National Cancer Institute‐funded population‐based cancer registry programs and compiled by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Data on cancer deaths during 2001 through 2017 were obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics' National Vital Statistics System. Trends in incidence and death rates for all cancers combined and for the leading cancer types by sex, racial/ethnic group, and age were estimated by joinpoint analysis and characterized by the average annual percent change during the most recent 5 years (2012‐2016 for incidence and 2013‐2017 for mortality).


Overall, cancer incidence rates decreased 0.6% on average per year during 2012 through 2016, but trends differed by sex, racial/ethnic group, and cancer type. Among males, cancer incidence rates were stable overall and among non‐Hispanic white males but decreased in other racial/ethnic groups; rates increased for 5 of the 17 most common cancers, were stable for 7 cancers (including prostate), and decreased for 5 cancers (including lung and bronchus [lung] and colorectal). Among females, cancer incidence rates increased during 2012 to 2016 in all racial/ethnic groups, increasing on average 0.2% per year; rates increased for 8 of the 18 most common cancers (including breast), were stable for 6 cancers (including colorectal), and decreased for 4 cancers (including lung). Overall, cancer death rates decreased 1.5% on average per year during 2013 to 2017, decreasing 1.8% per year among males and 1.4% per year among females. During 2013 to 2017, cancer death rates decreased for all cancers combined among both males and females in each racial/ethnic group, for 11 of the 19 most common cancers among males (including lung and colorectal), and for 14 of the 20 most common cancers among females (including lung, colorectal, and breast). The largest declines in death rates were observed for melanoma of the skin (decreasing 6.1% per year among males and 6.3% among females) and lung (decreasing 4.8% per year among males and 3.7% among females). Among children younger than 15 years, cancer incidence rates increased an average of 0.8% per year during 2012 to 2016, and cancer death rates decreased an average of 1.4% per year during 2013 to 2017. Among adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 39 years, cancer incidence rates increased an average of 0.9% per year during 2012 to 2016, and cancer death rates decreased an average of 1.0% per year during 2013 to 2017.


Although overall cancer death rates continue to decline, incidence rates are leveling off among males and are increasing slightly among females. These trends reflect population changes in cancer risk factors, screening test use, diagnostic practices, and treatment advances. Many cancers can be prevented or treated effectively if they are found early. Population‐based cancer incidence and mortality data can be used to inform efforts to decrease the cancer burden in the United States and regularly monitor progress toward goals.


Each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Cancer Society (ACS), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) collaborate to provide updated information about cancer occurrence and trends in the United States and to address a special topic of interest.1 Part I of this report focuses on national cancer statistics, and part II characterizes progress in achieving Healthy People 2020 objectives related to four common cancers.2

Materials and Methods

Data Sources

Cancer incidence data

Population‐based cancer incidence data by age, sex, and race/ethnicity were obtained from registries that participate in the CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and/or the NCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program.3 Data from registries that satisfied NAACCR's criteria for data quality and completeness were included in the analyses; an exception was that data from New Mexico did not meet NAACCR completeness criteria but, after review, were included in this report.4 For rate analyses, 49 states and 1 territory (Puerto Rico) met data criteria for every year during 2012 through 2016, whereas, for trend analyses, 46 states met data criteria for every year during 2001 through 2016, representing 99% and 93% of the population of the United States and Puerto Rico, respectively.

Anatomic site and histology were coded according to International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, third edition (ICD‐O‐3)5 and categorized according to SEER site groups.6 Only cases defined as malignant were included in this report, except that in situ and malignant bladder cancers were combined when reporting bladder cancer incidence rates.

Cancer mortality data

Cause of death was based on death certificate information reported to state vital statistics offices and compiled into a national file through CDC's National Center for Health Statistics' (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System.7 The underlying causes of death were selected according to the ICD tenth revision, then categorized according to SEER site groups to maximize comparability with ICD‐O classifications.6

Population data

Population estimates used as rate denominators were a modification of intercensal (for July 1, 2001‐2009) and vintage 2017 (for July 1, 2010‐2017) annual county population estimates by age, sex, bridged‐race, and Hispanic origin produced by the US Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program, in collaboration with NCHS, and with support from the NCI.8 The estimates incorporate bridged, single‐race estimates derived from the original multiple‐race categories in the 2000 and 2010 Censuses and permit estimation of race‐specific statistics.9

Demographic characteristics

Rates and trends are presented by sex, racial/ethnic group, and age (all ages, children aged 0‐14 years, and adolescents and young adults [AYAs] aged 15‐39 years). Information about race and ethnicity was collected separately and was based on information abstracted from medical records or death certificates. In this report, information about race and ethnicity was combined to create 5 mutually exclusive racial/ethnic groups: non‐Hispanic white, non‐Hispanic black, non‐Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), non‐Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander (API), and Hispanic (any race). For purposes of brevity, in this report, the non‐Hispanic groups will be referred to by race only. To minimize racial misclassification for AI/AN, this group was restricted to residents in Indian Health Service Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas (PRCDA)10 in states that provided county‐level information (ie, excluding Minnesota). Persons with other or unknown race or unknown ethnicity were included in overall rates but were not included as separate categories.

For males and females of all ages, rates and trends are presented for each cancer site that was 1 of the 15 most common sites for incidence or death in any racial/ethnic group. For children and AYAs, rates and trends are presented for each cancer site that was 1 of the 3 most common sites for incidence or death in any racial/ethnic group.

Statistical Methods

Cross‐sectional incidence (2012‐2016) and death (2013‐2017) rates for all ages combined, children, and AYAs by cancer site and racial/ethnic group were calculated using SEER*Stat software, version All rates were age‐standardized to the 2000 US standard population and were expressed per 100,000 standard population. Incidence rates were adjusted for potential delays in case reporting.12 Corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated as modified γ intervals and allow for informal comparisons between groups, without specifying a referent group. Rates based on fewer than 16 cases were deemed to be statistically unreliable and were suppressed.

Temporal trends in delay‐adjusted cancer incidence (2001‐2016) and death (2001‐2017) rates were estimated using joinpoint regression.13 The maximum number of joinpoints was based on the length of the period, with 2 joinpoints (3 line segments) allowed for the 16‐year period for incidence and a maximum of 3 joinpoints (4 line segments) allowed for the 17‐year period for deaths. Trends were characterized by the annual percent change (APC), the slope of a single segment, and the average APC (AAPC), which is a summary measure over a fixed interval.13 To determine whether APCs were significantly different from zero, a t test was used; to determine whether AAPCs were significantly different from zero, a t test was used for 0 joinpoints, and a z test was used for ≥1 joinpoint. Rates were considered to increase if the slope of the trends (APC or AAPC) was greater than zero (P < .05) and to decrease if it was less than zero (P < .05); otherwise, rates were considered stable. Trends based on fewer than 10 cases in any of the data years were considered statistically unreliable and were suppressed. All statistical tests were 2‐sided. Corresponding 95% CIs for trends were calculated using the parametric method and allow for informal comparisons between groups, without specifying a referent group.


Cancer Incidence Rates and Trends

Overall, cancer incidence rates decreased 0.6% on average per year during the most recent 5 years (2012‐2016), but trends differed by sex, being stable among males (AAPC, −1.0%; P = .14) and increasing slightly among females (AAPC, 0.2%; P = .007) (Table 1). The overall incidence rate of cancer among males decreased during 2001 through 2013 but was stable during 2013 through 2016, which resulted in a stable trend for the most recent 5 years (Fig. 1 and Table 2). Among females, overall cancer incidence rates were stable during 2001 through 2003 and increased slightly during 2003 through 2016 (APC, 0.2%) (Fig. 1).

Table 1. Age‐Standardized, Delay‐Adjusted Incidence Ratesaa Rates are per 100,000 persons, adjusted for potential delays in reporting, and age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]).
and Fixed‐Interval Trends (2012‐2016)bb Fixed interval trends are characterized as the AAPC, the weighted average of the annual percent changes over the fixed interval 2012 to 2016, using the underlying Joinpoint model (with up to 2 joinpoints) for the period 2001 to 2016. The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
for the Most Common Cancers,cc Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted incidence rates for 2012 to 2016 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
All Ages, by Sex, Age Group, and Racial/Ethnic Groupdd Racial/ethnic groups are mutually exclusive. Data for non‐Hispanic AIs/ANs are restricted to PRCDA counties (excluding Minnesota).
for Areas in the United States With High‐Quality Incidence Dataee The following National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) areas are reported by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) as meeting high‐quality incidence data standards for the specified time periods. Registries included in the incidence rate analysis (49 states and 1 territory): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Registries included in the Joinpoint regression analysis (46 states): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Sex/Cancer Site or Type Rank All Races Non‐Hispanic White Non‐Hispanic Black Non‐Hispanic API Non‐Hispanic AI/AN (PRCDA) Hispanic
Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P
All sites                                      
Both sexes   447.9 (447.6, 448.2) −0.6 (−0.7, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 467.5 (467.1, 467.9) −0.4 (−0.5, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 466.9 (465.8, 467.9) −1.1 (−1.4, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 293.6 (292.5, 294.8) −0.5 (−0.6, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 401.4 (396.7, 406.1) −0.1 (−0.3, 0.1) .40 348.9 (348.0, 349.7) −0.8 (−0.9, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Males   487.9 (487.4, 488.4) −1.0 (−2.4, 0.3) .14 503.0 (502.4, 503.6) −0.8 (−2.2, 0.7) .31 547.6 (545.8, 549.3) −1.7 (−2.8, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 296.5 (294.7, 298.3) −1.5 (−1.7, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 420.0 (412.6, 427.5) −0.7 (−1.1, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 377.8 (376.4, 379.2) −1.4 (−2.1, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Females   421.4 (421.0, 421.8) 0.2 (0.1, 0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.007 444.5 (444.0, 445.0) 0.3 (0.2, 0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 412.8 (411.6, 414.1) 0.3 (0.2, 0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 295.7 (294.1, 297.3) 0.4 (0.3, 0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 391.9 (385.8, 398.2) 0.5 (0.3, 0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 333.6 (332.5, 334.8) 0.6 (0.3, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Children (ages 0‐14 y)   16.8 (16.7, 17.0) 0.8 (0.7, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 17.8 (17.6, 18.1) 0.9 (0.7, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 13.5 (13.1, 13.8) 1.2 (0.8, 1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 14.7 (14.1, 15.3) 1.8 (1.1, 2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 12.4 (11.2, 13.8) −0.2 (−1.6, 1.3) .81 16.3 (16.0, 16.6) 0.5 (0.2, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
AYAs (ages 15‐39 y)   75.5 (75.2, 75.7) 0.9 (0.8, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 84.1 (83.8, 84.5) 1.1 (1.0, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 63.5 (62.9, 64.1) 0.7 (0.6, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 54.8 (54.0, 55.6) 1.8 (1.5, 2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 61.9 (59.4, 64.6) 0.8 (0.1, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 62.0 (61.5, 62.5) 2.4 (1.6, 3.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Prostate 1 108.1 (107.9, 108.3) −2.1 (−9.2, 5.5) .58 101.7 (101.5, 102.0) −1.9 (−10.0, 6.9) .66 182.3 (181.3, 183.3) −2.1 (−6.3, 2.4) .36 56.3 (55.5, 57.1) −3.0 (−9.1, 3.6) .37 75.7 (72.5, 79.0) −2.3 (−7.8, 3.4) .42 98.2 (97.5, 99.0) −4.0 (−7.6, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Lung and bronchus 2 69.5 (69.3, 69.7) −2.6 (−2.7, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 73.4 (73.2, 73.6) −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 83.9 (83.2, 84.6) −3.2 (−3.6, −2.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 44.4 (43.7, 45.1) −1.6 (−1.8, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 62.9 (60.0, 65.9) −5.7 (−12.1, 1.3) .11 36.2 (35.7, 36.6) −2.8 (−3.0, −2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 3 45.1 (45.0, 45.3) −1.1 (−2.1, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 44.7 (44.5, 44.9) −1.2 (−1.9, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 55.0 (54.4, 55.6) −2.7 (−3.0, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 36.2 (35.5, 36.8) −2.3 (−2.5, −2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 51.9 (49.3, 54.6) −0.6 (−1.2, 0.0) .06 42.9 (42.4, 43.4) −2.2 (−2.5, −1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Urinary bladder 4 35.5 (35.4, 35.7) −1.6 (−2.3, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 40.1 (40.0, 40.3) −1.4 (−2.3, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 20.4 (20.1, 20.8) −1.2 (−2.9, 0.7) .21 15.3 (14.9, 15.8) −0.6 (−1.0, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 20.7 (18.9, 22.6) 0.9 (−0.1, 2.0) .08 19.0 (18.7, 19.4) −1.5 (−1.8, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Melanoma of the skin 5 28.5 (28.3, 28.6) 2.2 (2.0, 2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 36.4 (36.2, 36.5) 2.6 (2.4, 2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.2 (1.1, 1.3) 0.0 (−1.0, 1.1) .93 1.6 (1.4, 1.7) −0.5 (−1.2, 0.3) .18 10.8 (9.6, 12.1) 7.9 (4.9, 11.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.1 (5.0, 5.3) 0.5 (0.0, 1.1) .052
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 6 23.8 (23.6, 23.9) −1.0 (−2.3, 0.2) .11 25.1 (25.0, 25.2) −0.9 (−2.1, 0.3) .14 17.9 (17.5, 18.2) 0.3 (0.0, 0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 16.4 (16.0, 16.8) 0.4 (0.0, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.04 16.6 (15.2, 18.2) −0.8 (−2.2, 0.6) .24 20.1 (19.8, 20.4) 0.0 (−0.4, 0.4) .91
Kidney and renal pelvis 7 22.9 (22.8, 23.0) 1.5 (1.3, 1.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 23.4 (23.3, 23.5) 1.6 (1.3, 2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 26.6 (26.2, 26.9) 1.3 (0.7, 1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.4 (11.1, 11.8) 0.7 (−0.6, 2.0) .28 31.8 (29.9, 33.8) 0.7 (−0.4, 1.9) .19 20.8 (20.5, 21.2) 2.2 (1.4, 3.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 8 19.4 (19.3, 19.5) −0.1 (−1.5, 1.4) .94 20.7 (20.6, 20.9) 0.2 (−1.6, 1.9) .86 15.1 (14.8, 15.5) 1.1 (0.6, 1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 10.3 (9.9, 10.6) 0.8 (0.2, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 14.2 (12.8, 15.6) 1.0 (−0.4, 2.4) .15 14.2 (13.9, 14.5) 0.7 (0.2, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Oral cavity and pharynx 9 18.1 (18.0, 18.2) 1.2 (1.0, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 20.0 (19.9, 20.1) 1.9 (1.6, 2.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 14.6 (14.4, 14.9) −1.8 (−2.2, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.6 (11.3, 12.0) 0.7 (0.2, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.006 15.2 (13.9, 16.5) 1.3 (−0.1, 2.7) .06 11.3 (11.0, 11.5) −0.6 (−1.0, −0.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Pancreas 10 14.7 (14.6, 14.8) 1.1 (1.0, 1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 14.9 (14.8, 15.0) 1.2 (1.1, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 17.8 (17.4, 18.1) 0.6 (0.3, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 10.3 (10.0, 10.7) 0.6 (0.2, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 13.2 (11.9, 14.6) 2.2 (0.4, 4.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 11.9 (11.7, 12.2) 0.5 (0.1, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 11 13.0 (12.9, 13.0) 2.5 (1.9, 3.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 10.8 (10.7, 10.9) 2.1 (0.8, 3.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.005 18.4 (18.1, 18.7) 1.9 (0.7, 3.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.004 20.0 (19.6, 20.5) −0.9 (−1.3, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 22.6 (21.1, 24.2) 4.7 (3.4, 6.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 19.6 (19.3, 19.9) 0.4 (−0.6, 1.4) .44
Stomach 12 9.1 (9.0, 9.1) −1.5 (−3.0, 0.1) .06 7.7 (7.7, 7.8) −1.6 (−2.5, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 14.1 (13.8, 14.4) −1.9 (−2.1, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 13.6 (13.2, 14.0) −2.8 (−3.3, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 12.0 (10.7, 13.3) −3 (−4.0, −1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 12.1 (11.8, 12.3) −2.0 (−2.4, −1.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Myeloma 13 9.0 (9.0, 9.1) 1.1 (−0.1, 2.4) .07 8.3 (8.2, 8.3) 1.1 (−0.1, 2.4) .07 17.7 (17.4, 18.1) 2.1 (1.8, 2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.2 (4.9, 5.4) −1.5 (−4.0, 1.1) .27 9.2 (8.0, 10.4) 2.3 (−9.0, 14.9) .71 8.4 (8.2, 8.6) −0.6 (−3.2, 2.1) .62
Esophagus 14 7.9 (7.9, 8.0) −0.5 (−1.3, 0.3) .20 8.7 (8.7, 8.8) −0.6 (−1.0, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.005 6.6 (6.5, 6.8) −4.6 (−5.0, −4.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.6 (3.4, 3.8) −0.9 (−2.0, 0.1) .08 7.9 (7.0, 9.0) −0.2 (−2.3, 2.0) .86 5.0 (4.8, 5.1) −1.7 (−2.3, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Brain and other nervous system 15 7.8 (7.7, 7.8) −0.3 (−0.4, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
<.001 8.9 (8.8, 8.9) 0.0 (−0.1, 0.1) .78 5.0 (4.9, 5.2) 0.3 (−0.3, 0.8) .32 4.4 (4.2, 4.6) −0.5 (−1.7, 0.8) .40 5.1 (4.4, 5.9) −0.3 (−2.4, 1.8) .74 5.7 (5.6, 5.9) −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Thyroid 16 7.5 (7.5, 7.6) 0.5 (−1.6, 2.6) .65 8.4 (8.3, 8.4) 0.6 (−1.5, 2.6) .58 4.0 (3.9, 4.2) 1.8 (−0.5, 4.1) .11 7.4 (7.1, 7.7) 0.5 (−3.4, 4.5) .82 5.0 (4.3, 5.8) 4.8 (2.3, 7.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 6.2 (6.1, 6.4) 2.4 (0.8, 4.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Larynx 17 5.8 (5.7, 5.8) −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.9 (5.8, 5.9) −1.9 (−2.1, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.4 (8.1, 8.6) −3.1 (−3.5, −2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.0 (1.9, 2.2) −2.7 (−4.1, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 5.3 (4.5, 6.1) −1.5 (−3.1, 0.1) .07 4.8 (4.6, 4.9) −3.2 (−3.7, −2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Breast 1 126.8 (126.5, 127.0) 0.5 (0.3, 0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 133.0 (132.7, 133.3) 0.6 (0.4, 0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 129.6 (128.9, 130.3) 0.6 (0.3, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 96.5 (95.6, 97.4) 1.5 (1.2, 1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 102.5 (99.4, 105.6) 0.8 (0.3, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.004 96.1 (95.5, 96.6) 0.3 (0.1, 0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Lung and bronchus 2 51.8 (51.7, 51.9) −1.1 (−1.3, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 57.5 (57.3, 57.7) −0.9 (−1.0, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 49.3 (48.9, 49.8) −1.6 (−2.0, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 28.2 (27.7, 28.7) −1.5 (−3.1, 0.2) .08 51.2 (48.9, 53.5) −0.3 (−0.8, 0.2) .22 23.1 (22.8, 23.4) −0.8 (−1.1, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 3 34.4 (34.3, 34.6) −0.3 (−0.7, 0.1) .15 34.4 (34.3, 34.6) −0.5 (−0.7, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 40.8 (40.4, 41.2) −1.3 (−2.6, 0.0) .06 26.3 (25.8, 26.8) −2.4 (−2.7, −2.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 41.8 (39.8, 43.9) −0.7 (−1.2, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 30.0 (29.7, 30.3) 0.3 (−0.9, 1.6) .54
Corpus and uterus, NOS 4 26.9 (26.8, 27.1) 1.3 (1.2, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 27.6 (27.5, 27.8) 1.1 (1.0, 1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 27.1 (26.8, 27.4) 2.4 (2.2, 2.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 19.4 (19.0, 19.8) 2.2 (1.9, 2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 24.5 (23.1, 26.0) 1.7 (0.7, 2.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 24.0 (23.8, 24.3) 2.9 (2.4, 3.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Thyroid 5 22.0 (21.9, 22.1) −0.2 (−1.3, 0.8) .65 23.3 (23.2, 23.5) −0.3 (−1.3, 0.7) .50 14.2 (14.0, 14.5) −0.1 (−2.3, 2.2) .94 22.4 (22.0, 22.8) −1.8 (−4.0, 0.5) .11 16.9 (15.7, 18.1) 5.0 (3.9, 6.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 23.3 (23.1, 23.6) 1.7 (0.5, 2.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Melanoma of the skin 6 17.6 (17.5, 17.6) 1.9 (1.5, 2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 23.8 (23.7, 23.9) 2.5 (2.1, 2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.9 (0.9, 1.0) −0.5 (−1.5, 0.4) .25 1.2 (1.1, 1.3) −0.3 (−1.6, 0.9) .58 6.9 (6.0, 7.7) 2.1 (0.6, 3.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.008 4.4 (4.3, 4.5) 0.5 (−0.2, 1.2) .14
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 7 16.4 (16.3, 16.5) −0.1 (−0.2, 0.0) .16 17.1 (17.0, 17.2) −0.1 (−0.2, 0.1) .23 12.7 (12.5, 13.0) 0.5 (0.3, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 11.2 (10.9, 11.5) 0.3 (−0.2, 0.9) .23 14.2 (13.0, 15.4) −0.7 (−1.7, 0.3) .14 15.4 (15.2, 15.7) 0.3 (0.0, 0.6) .07
Kidney and renal pelvis 8 11.7 (11.7, 11.8) 0.6 (0.3, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 11.8 (11.7, 11.9) 1.2 (0.1, 2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 13.6 (13.3, 13.8) 0.5 (−0.3, 1.3) .17 5.3 (5.1, 5.5) 1.1 (0.2, 2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 18.8 (17.5, 20.1) 1.5 (0.4, 2.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 11.8 (11.6, 12.0) 1.6 (1.2, 1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 9 11.7 (11.6, 11.8) 0.0 (−1.3, 1.3) .98 12.3 (12.3, 12.4) 0.0 (−1.5, 1.6) .95 9.7 (9.5, 9.9) 0.4 (−1.8, 2.7) .69 6.6 (6.4, 6.8) 1.0 (0.5, 1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 8.7 (7.8, 9.7) 0.4 (−1.3, 2.1) .65 10.0 (9.8, 10.2) 1.4 (0.9, 1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Ovary 10 11.4 (11.3, 11.4) −1.6 (−1.7, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.9 (11.8, 12.0) −1.7 (−1.8, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 9.4 (9.2, 9.6) −0.8 (−1.1, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 9.5 (9.2, 9.8) −0.2 (−0.6, 0.2) .36 11.2 (10.2, 12.3) −1.2 (−2.9, 0.5) .14 10.2 (10.0, 10.4) −1.3 (−1.6, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Pancreas 11 11.3 (11.2, 11.4) 1.0 (0.9, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.2 (11.1, 11.2) 1.2 (1.0, 1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 14.9 (14.6, 15.1) 0.6 (0.3, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 8.8 (8.6, 9.1) 0.7 (0.2, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.007 10.7 (9.7, 11.8) 0.5 (−0.9, 1.9) .47 10.0 (9.8, 10.2) 0.6 (0.4, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Urinary bladder 12 8.8 (8.7, 8.8) −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 9.8 (9.8, 9.9) −0.7 (−0.8, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.8 (6.6, 6.9) −0.4 (−0.7, 0.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 3.7 (3.6, 3.9) −0.8 (−1.7, 0.2) .11 5.9 (5.1, 6.7) 1.3 (−0.5, 3.1) .15 5.0 (4.8, 5.1) −1.3 (−1.9, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Cervix 13 7.7 (7.7, 7.8) 1.0 (−0.3, 2.4) .15 7.2 (7.1, 7.3) 1.4 (−0.1, 3.0) .07 9.3 (9.1, 9.5) −2.3 (−2.7, −1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.2 (5.9, 6.4) −1.9 (−2.5, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 9.4 (8.5, 10.3) −0.2 (−1.2, 0.8) .70 10.0 (9.8, 10.1) 1.1 (−0.4, 2.7) .14
Oral cavity and pharynx 14 6.5 (6.5, 6.6) 0.5 (0.3, 0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.1 (7.0, 7.2) 0.9 (0.7, 1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.3 (5.1, 5.4) −0.7 (−0.9, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.4 (5.2, 5.6) 0.2 (−0.6, 1.0) .68 5.9 (5.2, 6.7) −0.3 (−2.2, 1.7) .75 4.3 (4.2, 4.5) 0.3 (−0.3, 1.0) .25
Myeloma 15 5.9 (5.8, 5.9) 1.2 (0.4, 2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 5.0 (4.9, 5.0) 1.0 (0.0, 2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.0496 13.1 (12.9, 13.4) 2.3 (2.0, 2.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.2 (3.0, 3.4) 0.9 (0.0, 1.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.045 6.3 (5.5, 7.1) 0.2 (−1.8, 2.2) .87 5.8 (5.7, 6.0) 2.0 (1.0, 2.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Brain and other nervous system 16 5.6 (5.6, 5.7) −0.5 (−0.8, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 6.4 (6.3, 6.5) −0.3 (−0.6, 0.0) .07 3.6 (3.5, 3.8) −0.2 (−0.6, 0.3) .48 3.3 (3.1, 3.5) −1.7 (−6.3, 3.1) .47 3.3 (2.8, 3.9) −4.4 (−6.9, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.005 4.5 (4.4, 4.6) −0.7 (−1.1, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Stomach 17 4.7 (4.7, 4.7) 0.1 (−0.4, 0.6) .61 3.5 (3.5, 3.6) 0.0 (−0.6, 0.6) .98 7.6 (7.4, 7.8) −1.2 (−1.6, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.0 (7.8, 8.3) −2.5 (−3.1, −2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.9 (6.1, 7.7) −1.5 (−3.2, 0.3) .09 7.7 (7.5, 7.8) −1.3 (−1.7, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 18 4.5 (4.5, 4.6) 3.7 (3.4, 4.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.8 (3.7, 3.8) 4.0 (3.7, 4.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.6 (5.4, 5.7) 3.7 (3.1, 4.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.5 (7.3, 7.8) −1.0 (−1.5, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 9.8 (8.9, 10.8) 2.9 (1.3, 4.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 7.5 (7.3, 7.7) 2.3 (1.8, 2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 1 5.2 (5.1, 5.3) 0.9 (0.5, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.3 (5.2, 5.4) 0.8 (0.5, 1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.3 (3.1, 3.5) 1.6 (1.0, 2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.2 (4.9, 5.6) 0.6 (−0.2, 1.5) .15 4.7 (3.9, 5.6) 15.3 (0.6, 32.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.04 6.2 (6.0, 6.4) 0.8 (0.2, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Brain and other nervous system 2 3.8 (3.7, 3.8) 0.8 (0.5, 1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.3 (4.2, 4.4) 1.0 (0.6, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.0 (2.8, 3.1) 1.5 (0.7, 2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 2.8 (2.5, 3.0) 1.1 (−0.1, 2.4) .07 2.4 (1.9, 3.1) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  3.0 (2.9, 3.1) 0.0 (−0.4, 0.4) .99
Lymphoma 3 1.6 (1.6, 1.7) 0.9 (0.4, 1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 1.7 (1.6, 1.8) 5.2 (0.7, 9.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 1.6 (1.5, 1.7) 1.6 (0.5, 2.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.005 1.4 (1.3, 1.6) 0.5 (−1.0, 2.1) .50 1.2 (0.8, 1.6) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.5 (1.4, 1.6) 0.3 (−0.4, 0.9) .38
Female breast 1 22.4 (22.2, 22.6) 1.2 (0.5, 1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 23.1 (22.8, 23.3) 0.6 (0.4, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 27.1 (26.6, 27.7) 0.5 (0.2, 0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 19.8 (19.2, 20.5) 0.9 (0.4, 1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 16.6 (14.6, 18.7) 0.3 (−1.4, 2.2) .69 17.6 (17.2, 18.0) 2.0 (−0.1, 4.2) .06
Thyroid 2 12.2 (12.1, 12.3) 1.7 (0.6, 2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.006 14.0 (13.8, 14.1) 1.4 (0.3, 2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 5.8 (5.6, 6.0) −0.1 (−5.5, 5.5) .96 12.1 (11.7, 12.5) 0.0 (−3.1, 3.1) .99 8.6 (7.7, 9.6) 3.7 (2.4, 4.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 10.5 (10.3, 10.7) 4.7 (4.2, 5.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Testis 3 10.9 (10.8, 11.1) 0.8 (0.6, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 13.5 (13.3, 13.6) 0.6 (0.4, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.5 (2.4, 2.7) 0.5 (−0.7, 1.8) .36 4.0 (3.7, 4.3) 3.3 (2.1, 4.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 10.8 (9.5, 12.3) 0.6 (−0.7, 2.0) .32 10.8 (10.5, 11.1) 2.9 (2.4, 3.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Lymphoma 4 7.7 (7.6, 7.8) −0.4 (−0.5, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.3 (8.2, 8.4) −0.4 (−0.5, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.4 (8.2, 8.6) −0.3 (−0.6, 0.0) .06 5.2 (5.0, 5.5) 2.1 (1.4, 2.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.0 (3.3, 4.6) −0.4 (−2.6, 2.0) .75 6.1 (6.0, 6.3) −0.1 (−0.4, 0.2) .43
  • Abbreviations: AAPC, average annual percent change; AI/AN, American Indian/Alaska Native; API, Asian/Pacific Islander; AYAs, adolescents and young adults; CI, confidence interval; NOS, not otherwise specified; PRCDA, Indian Health Services Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area.
  • a Rates are per 100,000 persons, adjusted for potential delays in reporting, and age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]).
  • b Fixed interval trends are characterized as the AAPC, the weighted average of the annual percent changes over the fixed interval 2012 to 2016, using the underlying Joinpoint model (with up to 2 joinpoints) for the period 2001 to 2016. The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
  • c Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted incidence rates for 2012 to 2016 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
  • d Racial/ethnic groups are mutually exclusive. Data for non‐Hispanic AIs/ANs are restricted to PRCDA counties (excluding Minnesota).
  • e The following National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) areas are reported by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) as meeting high‐quality incidence data standards for the specified time periods. Registries included in the incidence rate analysis (49 states and 1 territory): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Registries included in the Joinpoint regression analysis (46 states): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
  • f The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
  • g The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
Trends in age‐standardized incidence rates (2001‐2016) and death rates (2001‐2017) are illustrated for all cancer sites combined and for all races and ethnicities combined, by sex. Incidence rates were delay‐adjusted and covered 93% of the US population, and death rates covered the entire US population. Trends were estimated using joinpoint regression and characterized by the annual percent change (APC), the slope of a single segment, and the average APC (AAPC), a summary measure of the APCs over a fixed 5‐year interval. The 16‐year period for incidence allowed up to 3 different APCs, and the 17‐year period for mortality allowed up to 4 different APCs. An asterisk (*) indicates that the APC or AAPC was statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). 95% confidence limits are given in parentheses.
Table 2. Joinpoint Trendsaa Joinpoint models with up to 2 joinpoints are based on rates per 100,000 persons, adjusted for potential delays in reporting and age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]). The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
in Age‐Standardized, Delay‐Adjusted Incidence Rates for the Most Common Cancers,bb Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted incidence rates for 2012 to 2016 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
All Races/Ethnicities Combined by Sex and Age Group, for Areas in the United States With High‐Quality Incidence Data,cc The following National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) areas are reported by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) as meeting high‐quality incidence data standards for 2001 to 2016 (46 states): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
2001 to 2016
Sex/Cancer Site or Type Trend 1 Trend 2 Trend 3 Fixed Interval 2012‐2016
Years APC (95% CI) P Years APC (95% CI) P Years APC (95% CI) P AAPC (95% CI)dd The AAPC is the weighted average of the APCs over the fixed interval 2012 to 2016 using the underlying Joinpoint model for the period 2001 to 2016.
All sites                      
Both sexes 2001‐2016 −0.6 (−0.7, −0.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −0.6 (−0.7, −0.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Males 2001‐2008 −0.6 (−1.2, 0.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.04 2008‐2013 −2.3 (−3.6, −0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.004 2013‐2016 −0.6 (−2.7, 1.5) .52 −1.0 (−2.4, 0.3) .14
Females 2001‐2003 −1.1 (−3.1, 1.0) .28 2003‐2016 0.2 (0.1, 0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.007       0.2 (0.1, 0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Children (ages 0‐14 y) 2001‐2016 0.8 (0.7, 1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             0.8 (0.7, 1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
AYAs (ages 15‐39 y) 2001‐2016 0.9 (0.8, 1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             0.9 (0.8, 1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Prostate 2001‐2009 −1.6 (−3.2, 0.1) .06 2009‐2014 −7.5 (−12.2, −2.6)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.008 2014‐2016 3.7 (−12.4, 22.8) .64 −2.1 (−9.2, 5.5) .58
Lung and bronchus 2001‐2007 −1.6 (−1.8, −1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2007‐2016 −2.6 (−2.7, −2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       −2.6 (−2.7, −2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 2001‐2012 −3.2 (−3.4, −3.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2012‐2016 −1.1 (−2.1, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03       −1.1 (−2.1, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Urinary bladder 2001‐2005 0.1 (−0.5, 0.7) .72 2005‐2014 −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2014‐2016 −2.3 (−4.0, −0.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 −1.6 (−2.3, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Melanoma of the skin 2001‐2016 2.2 (2.0, 2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             2.2 (2.0, 2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 2001‐2014 0.3 (0.1, 0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 2014‐2016 −2.3 (−5.1, 0.5) .10       −1.0 (−2.3, 0.2) .11
Kidney and renal pelvis 2001‐2007 3.0 (2.8, 3.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2007‐2011 0.0 (−0.5, 0.5) .88 2011‐2016 1.5 (1.3, 1.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.5 (1.3, 1.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 2001‐2007 −0.2 (−0.8, 0.4) .43 2007‐2014 2.1 (1.5, 2.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2014‐2016 −2.1 (−5.3, 1.1) .17 −0.1 (−1.5, 1.4) .94
Oral cavity and pharynx 2001‐2005 −0.1 (−1.3, 1.1) .87 2005‐2016 1.2 (1.0, 1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       1.2 (1.0, 1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Pancreas 2001‐2016 1.1 (1.0, 1.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             1.1 (1.0, 1.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 2001‐2009 4.7 (4.1, 5.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2009‐2016 2.5 (1.9, 3.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       2.5 (1.9, 3.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Stomach 2001‐2006 −2.1 (−3.0, −1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2006‐2014 −0.4 (−0.9, 0.1) .07 2014‐2016 −2.5 (−6.0, 1.1) .14 −1.5 (−3.0, 0.1) .06
Myeloma 2001‐2007 0.7 (0.2, 1.3) .02 2007‐2014 2.8 (2.3, 3.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2014‐2016 −0.5 (−3.3, 2.3) .67 1.1 (−0.1, 2.4) .07
Esophagus 2001‐2008 0.3 (−0.2, 0.8) .27 2008‐2011 −2.9 (−6.4, 0.7) .10 2011‐2016 −0.5 (−1.3, 0.3) .20 −0.5 (−1.3, 0.3) .20
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2016 −0.3 (−0.4, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −0.3 (−0.4, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Thyroid 2001‐2009 7.0 (6.3, 7.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2009‐2014 2.2 (0.6, 3.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 2014‐2016 −1.2 (−5.7, 3.5) .56 0.5 (−1.6, 2.6) .65
Larynx 2001‐2016 −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Breast 2001‐2004 −2.8 (−4.3, −1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 2004‐2016 0.5 (0.3, 0.6)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       0.5 (0.3, 0.6)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Lung and bronchus 2001‐2006 0.7 (0.2, 1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 2006‐2016 −1.1 (−1.3, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       −1.1 (−1.3, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 2001‐2007 −2.4 (−2.6, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2007‐2012 −3.4 (−3.8, −3.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2012‐2016 −0.3 (−0.7, 0.1) .15 −0.3 (−0.7, 0.1) .15
Corpus and uterus, NOS 2001‐2003 −2.1 (−4.4, 0.3) .09 2003‐2016 1.3 (1.2, 1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       1.3 (1.2, 1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Thyroid 2001‐2009 7.3 (6.8, 7.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2009‐2013 2.3 (0.7, 4.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 2013‐2016 −1.1 (−2.7, 0.5) .15 −0.2 (−1.3, 0.8) .65
Melanoma of the skin 2001‐2016 1.9 (1.5, 2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             1.9 (1.5, 2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 2001‐2016 −0.1 (−0.2, 0.0) .16             −0.1 (−0.2, 0.0) .16
Kidney and renal pelvis 2001‐2006 3.8 (2.7, 4.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2006‐2016 0.6 (0.3, 0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002       0.6 (0.3, 0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Leukemia 2001‐2008 0.2 (−0.6, 1.1) .52 2008‐2011 3.6 (−2.4, 10.1) .21 2011‐2016 0.0 (−1.3, 1.3) .98 0.0 (−1.3, 1.3) .98
Ovary 2001‐2016 −1.6 (−1.7, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −1.6 (−1.7, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Pancreas 2001‐2016 1.0 (0.9, 1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             1.0 (0.9, 1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Urinary bladder 2001‐2016 −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Cervix 2001‐2003 −3.8 (−7.6, 0.1) .06 2003‐2013 −1.1 (−1.5, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2013‐2016 1.7 (−0.4, 3.9) .10 1.0 (−0.3, 2.4) .15
Oral cavity and pharynx 2001‐2016 0.5 (0.3, 0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             0.5 (0.3, 0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Myeloma 2001‐2007 0.1 (−0.6, 0.8) .65 2007‐2011 3.7 (1.7, 5.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 2011‐2016 1.2 (0.4, 2.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 1.2 (0.4, 2.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2005 0.8 (−0.4, 2.1) .17 2005‐2016 −0.5 (−0.8, −0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001       −0.5 (−0.8, −0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Stomach 2001‐2008 −1.1 (−1.7, −0.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 2008‐2016 0.1 (−0.4, 0.6) .61       0.1 (−0.4, 0.6) .61
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 2001‐2016 3.7 (3.4, 4.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             3.7 (3.4, 4.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 2001‐2016 0.9 (0.5, 1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             0.9 (0.5, 1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2016 0.8 (0.5, 1.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             0.8 (0.5, 1.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Lymphoma 2001‐2016 0.9 (0.4, 1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001             0.9 (0.4, 1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Female breast 2001‐2010 0.0 (−0.4, 0.3) .95 2010‐2016 1.2 (0.5, 1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003       1.2 (0.5, 1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Thyroid 2001‐2010 5.8 (5.1, 6.6)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2010‐2016 1.7 (0.6, 2.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.006       1.7 (0.6, 2.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Testis 2001‐2016 0.8 (0.6, 0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             0.8 (0.6, 0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Lymphoma 2001‐2016 −0.4 (−0.5, −0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −0.4 (−0.5, −0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
  • Abbreviations: AAPC, average annual percent change; APC, annual percent change; AYAs, adolescents and young adults; CI, confidence interval; NOS, not otherwise specified.
  • a Joinpoint models with up to 2 joinpoints are based on rates per 100,000 persons, adjusted for potential delays in reporting and age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]). The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
  • b Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted incidence rates for 2012 to 2016 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
  • c The following National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) areas are reported by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) as meeting high‐quality incidence data standards for 2001 to 2016 (46 states): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
  • d The AAPC is the weighted average of the APCs over the fixed interval 2012 to 2016 using the underlying Joinpoint model for the period 2001 to 2016.
  • e The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.

By racial/ethnic group, overall cancer incidence rates in the most recent 5 years were stable only among white males and decreased among black, API, AI/AN, and Hispanic males (Table 1). Overall cancer incidence rates in the most recent 5 years increased among females in every racial/ethnic group (Table 1). The overall cancer incidence rate was similar among white persons and black persons but was higher among black males than white males and higher among white females than black females (Fig. 2). The overall cancer incidence rate was higher among males than females in every racial/ethnic group, except APIs, in which the rates were similar.

Age‐standardized, delay‐adjusted overall cancer incidence rates for 2012 through 2016 are illustrated among males and females by racial/ethnic group. Racial/ethnic groups are mutually exclusive. Data for the non‐Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population are restricted to Indian Health Service Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) counties. API indicates Asian/Pacific Islander.

The stable trend in overall cancer incidence among males was largely driven by stable trends for 7 of the 17 most common cancers: myeloma, thyroid, leukemia, esophagus, non‐Hodgkin lymphoma, stomach, and prostate (Fig. 3A and Table 1). Incidence rates decreased for 5 cancers among males: lung and bronchus (lung) (AAPC, −2.6%), larynx (−2.3%), urinary bladder (bladder) (−1.6%), colon and rectum (colorectal) (−1.1%), and brain and other nervous systems (ONS) (−0.3%). However, incidence rates increased for 5 cancers: liver and intrahepatic bile duct (liver) (AAPC, 2.5%), melanoma of the skin (melanoma) (2.2%), kidney and renal pelvis (kidney) (1.5%), oral cavity and pharynx (1.2%), and pancreas (1.1%). Trends for the 3 most common cancers differed by racial/ethnic group: prostate cancer incidence rates decreased among Hispanic males but were stable among white, black, API, and AI/AN males, and lung and colorectal cancer incidence rates decreased among white, black, API, and Hispanic males but were stable among AI/AN males (Table 1).

The average annual percent change (AAPC) in age‐standardized, delay‐adjusted incidence rates for 2012 through 2016 are illustrated for all sites and for the 17 most common cancers in men and the 18 most common cancers in women, all ages, all races/ethnicities combined, among (A) males and (B) females. The AAPC was a weighted average of the annual percent changes (APCs) over the fixed 5‐year interval from 2012 to 2016 using the underlying joinpoint regression model, which allowed up to 3 different APCs, for the 16‐year period from 2001 to 2016. AAPCs with an asterisk (*) were statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05) and are depicted as solid‐colored bars; AAPCs in bars with hash marks were not statistically significantly different from zero (stable). NOS indicates not otherwise specified.

The slight increase in overall incidence among females was in part because incidence rates increased for 8 of the 18 most common cancers (liver [AAPC, 3.7%], melanoma [1.9%], corpus and uterus, not otherwise specified [uterus] [1.3%], myeloma [1.2%], pancreas [1.0%], kidney [0.6%], breast [0.5%], and oral cavity and pharynx [0.5%]) but decreased for only 4 cancers (ovary [AAPC, −1.6%], lung [−1.1%], bladder [−0.9%], and brain and ONS [−0.5%]) and were stable for 6 cancers (cervix, stomach, leukemia, non‐Hodgkin lymphoma, thyroid, and colorectum) (Fig. 3B and Table 1). Breast cancer incidence rates increased among females in every racial/ethnic group, whereas lung cancer incidence rates decreased among white, black, and Hispanic females but were stable among API and AI/AN females. Colorectal cancer incidence rates decreased among white, API, and AI/AN females but were stable among black and Hispanic females (Table 1).

Overall cancer incidence rates in 2012 through 2016 ranged from 363 to 517 cases per 100,000 persons (Fig. 4A). During 2012 through 2016, cancer incidence rates decreased in 31 states and were stable in 15 states; trends could not be calculated for 4 states, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico because data were not available for the entire period (Fig. 4B).

(A) Age‐standardized, delay‐adjusted overall cancer incidence rates for 2012 through 2016 and (B) the average annual percent change (AAPC) in rates for 2012 through 2016 are illustrated by state. The AAPC was a weighted average of the annual percent changes (APCs) over the fixed 5‐year interval from 2012 to 2016 using the underlying joinpoint regression model, which allowed up to 3 different APCs, for the 16‐year period from 2001 to 2016. Stable AAPCs were not statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). DC indicates District of Columbia; PR, Puerto Rico.

Cancer Death Rates and Trends

Overall, cancer death rates decreased 1.5% on average per year during 2001 through 2017, decreasing more rapidly among males (APC, −1.8%) than among females (APC, −1.4%) (Fig. 1). Overall cancer death rates decreased during 2013 through 2017 in every racial/ethnic group, decreasing the most among black persons (AAPC, −2.0%) and the least among AI/AN persons (AAPC, −0.6%) (Table 3). The overall cancer death rate was highest among black persons, next highest among AI/AN and white persons, and lowest among API persons (Fig. 5).

Table 3. Age‐Standardized Death Ratesaa Rates are per 100,000 persons and age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]).
and Fixed‐Interval Trends (2013‐2017)bb Fixed interval trends are characterized as the AAPC, the weighted average of the APCs over the fixed interval 2013 to 2017, using the underlying Joinpoint model (with up to 3 joinpoints) for the period 2001 to 2017. The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
for the Most Common Causes of Cancer Death,cc Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted death rates for 2013 to 2017 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
by Sex and Racial/Ethnic Group,dd Racial/ethnic groups are mutually exclusive. Data for non‐Hispanic AIs/ANs are restricted to PRCDA counties.
United Statesee Based on data from the National Center for Health Statistics public‐use data file for the total United States, 2001 to 2017.
Sex/Cancer Site or Type Rank All Races Non‐Hispanic White Non‐Hispanic Black Non‐Hispanic API Non‐Hispanic AI/AN (PRCDA) Hispanic
Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) AAPC (95% CI) P
All sites                                      
Both sexes   158.2 (158.0, 158.3) −1.5 (−1.6, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 162.9 (162.7, 163.1) −1.4 (−1.4, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 186.4 (185.8, 187.1) −2.0 (−2.1, −2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 98.9 (98.3, 99.6) −1.3 (−1.4, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 166.0 (162.8, 169.3) −0.6 (−0.9, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 111.8 (111.3, 112.3) −1.3 (−1.4, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Males   189.3 (189.0, 189.6) −1.8 (−1.9, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 193.8 (193.4, 194.1) −1.6 (−1.7, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 233.2 (232.1, 234.4) −2.6 (−2.7, −2.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 117.4 (116.2, 118.5) −1.6 (−1.8, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 200.3 (194.8, 205.8) −0.5 (−1.0, 0.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 135.6 (134.7, 136.5) −1.6 (−1.7, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Females   135.5 (135.3, 135.7) −1.4 (−1.4, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 139.9 (139.6, 140.2) −1.3 (−1.3, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 157.5 (156.8, 158.3) −1.6 (−1.6, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 85.7 (84.8, 86.5) −1.0 (−1.2, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 141.0 (137.1, 144.9) −0.9 (−1.1, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 95.1 (94.4, 95.7) −1.0 (−1.1, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Children (ages 0‐14 y)   2.1 (2.0, 2.1) −1.4 (−1.8, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.1 (2.0, 2.2) −1.4 (−1.8, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.1 (2.0, 2.3) −1.2 (−1.9, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.8 (1.6, 2.0) −1.6 (−3.3, 0.2) .07 2.6 (2.0, 3.4) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  2.1 (2.0, 2.2) −1.6 (−2.2, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
AYAs (ages 15‐39 y)   8.9 (8.9, 9.0) −1.0 (−1.2, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.9 (8.8, 9.0) −1.2 (−1.5, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.4 (11.2, 11.7) −1.6 (−1.8, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.9 (6.7, 7.2) −0.8 (−1.3, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 11.0 (9.8, 12.4) −0.5 (−2.2, 1.1) .50 8.1 (7.9, 8.2) 1.1 (0.6, 1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Lung and bronchus 1 49.3 (49.1, 49.4) −4.8 (−5.4, −4.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 51.8 (51.7, 52.0) −4.4 (−4.7, −4.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 60.4 (59.8, 61.0) −5.7 (−6.3, −5.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 29.3 (28.7, 29.9) −3.0 (−3.4, −2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 46.5 (43.9, 49.2) −1.5 (−2.4, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 24.1 (23.7, 24.5) −5.4 (−8.0, −2.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Prostate 2 19.1 (19.0, 19.2) −0.3 (−1.6, 1.0) .60 18.0 (17.9, 18.1) 0.1 (−1.2, 1.4) .88 38.7 (38.2, 39.2) −3.9 (−4.2, −3.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.6 (8.3, 9.0) −2.3 (−2.8, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 21.2 (19.3, 23.3) −1.2 (−2.4, −0.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.04 15.7 (15.4, 16.0) −0.7 (−2.2, 0.7) .32
Colon and rectum 3 16.6 (16.5, 16.7) −2.3 (−2.5, −2.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 16.3 (16.2, 16.4) −1.8 (−2.3, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 23.8 (23.5, 24.2) −2.6 (−2.8, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.5 (11.1, 11.9) −2.1 (−2.5, −1.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 23.1 (21.3, 25.0) 0.2 (−1.0, 1.4) .77 14.1 (13.9, 14.4) −1.7 (−1.9, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Pancreas 4 12.7 (12.6, 12.7) 0.3 (0.2, 0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 13 (12.9, 13.1) 0.5 (0.4, 0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 15.3 (15.0, 15.6) −0.2 (−0.4, 0.0) .06 8.2 (7.9, 8.5) 0.0 (−0.5, 0.4) .98 11.9 (10.6, 13.3) 0.0 (−1.6, 1.7) .95 9.3 (9.1, 9.5) −0.1 (−0.5, 0.4) .69
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 5 9.6 (9.6, 9.7) 0.5 (−0.5, 1.5) .28 8.4 (8.3, 8.4) 1.0 (0.4, 1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.004 13.5 (13.3, 13.8) −0.3 (−1.4, 0.9) .65 13.5 (13.1, 13.9) −3.7 (−4.9, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 17 (15.5, 18.5) 2.8 (1.7, 4.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 13.2 (12.9, 13.5) 1.2 (0.9, 1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 6 8.6 (8.5, 8.6) −2.7 (−3.5, −2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 9.1 (9.0, 9.2) −2.2 (−2.8, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.2 (7.0, 7.4) −1.8 (−2.2, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.8 (4.5, 5.0) −0.6 (−1.4, 0.3) .17 6.0 (5.1, 7.0) −0.5 (−2.4, 1.4) .56 5.8 (5.6, 6.0) −1.0 (−1.5, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Urinary bladder 7 7.5 (7.4, 7.6) −1.1 (−2.0, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 8.3 (8.2, 8.4) −0.8 (−1.9, 0.2) .11 5.5 (5.3, 5.6) −0.3 (−0.8, 0.2) .27 2.8 (2.7, 3.0) −0.4 (−1.3, 0.6) .43 4.6 (3.8, 5.6) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  3.9 (3.7, 4.1) −0.7 (−1.4, 0.0) .06
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 8 7.1 (7.1, 7.2) −2.0 (−2.1, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.5 (7.4, 7.6) −1.9 (−2.2, −1.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.3 (5.1, 5.5) −1.8 (−2.3, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.9 (4.7, 5.2) −1.4 (−1.9, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.3 (5.3, 7.3) 0.2 (−1.7, 2.1) .84 5.9 (5.7, 6.1) −1.4 (−1.8, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Esophagus 9 7.0 (6.9, 7.1) −1.2 (−1.4, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.8 (7.8, 7.9) −0.5 (−0.7, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.5 (5.3, 5.6) −4.8 (−5.2, −4.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.8 (2.6, 3.0) −1.4 (−2.3, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.006 7.1 (6.1, 8.2) −0.7 (−2.6, 1.2) .42 3.6 (3.5, 3.8) −1.4 (−2.1, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Kidney and renal pelvis 10 5.4 (5.4, 5.5) −2.4 (−3.0, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.6 (5.5, 5.7) −2.3 (−4.2, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 5.6 (5.4, 5.8) −0.9 (−1.3, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.6 (2.4, 2.8) −0.1 (−1.3, 1.1) .85 9.7 (8.5, 10.9) −0.7 (−2.1, 0.7) .28 5.0 (4.8, 5.1) −0.8 (−1.4, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Brain and other nervous system 11 5.4 (5.3, 5.4) 0.4 (0.1, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 6.1 (6.1, 6.2) 0.7 (0.4, 1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.3 (3.2, 3.4) 0.3 (−0.4, 0.9) .40 2.6 (2.5, 2.8) 0.3 (−0.6, 1.2) .48 3.2 (2.6, 4.0) 0.7 (−1.7, 3.2) .53 3.5 (3.4, 3.6) 0.4 (−0.1, 0.9) .13
Myeloma 12 4.1 (4.1, 4.2) −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.9 (3.9, 4.0) −0.9 (−1.1, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.7 (7.4, 7.9) −0.9 (−1.2, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.0 (1.9, 2.2) 0.1 (−0.9, 1.1) .81 4.1 (3.3, 5.0) −1.6 (−3.3, 0.1) .06 3.4 (3.2, 3.5) −0.4 (−1.1, 0.3) .28
Stomach 13 4.1 (4.1, 4.1) −2.5 (−2.7, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.2 (3.1, 3.2) −2.7 (−3.1, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.0 (7.8, 8.3) −3.1 (−3.4, −2.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.7 (6.4, 7.0) −3.6 (−4.0, −3.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.6 (6.5, 8.7) −2.9 (−4.8, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.005 6.4 (6.2, 6.6) −2.8 (−3.2, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Oral cavity and pharynx 14 3.9 (3.9, 4.0) 1.0 (0.5, 1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 4.0 (4.0, 4.1) 1.4 (0.9, 1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.6 (4.5, 4.8) −2.9 (−3.5, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.1 (3.0, 3.3) 1.3 (−0.3, 2.9) .10 4.0 (3.3, 4.8) 0.0 (−2.4, 2.4) .98 2.4 (2.3, 2.5) 1.2 (−0.7, 3.0) .20
Melanoma of the skin 15 3.5 (3.5, 3.6) −6.1 (−7.6, −4.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.5 (4.4, 4.5) −5.7 (−7.2, −4.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.4 (0.4, 0.5) −1.4 (−3.4, 0.6) .15 0.4 (0.3, 0.4) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.2 (0.8, 1.7) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.9 (0.8, 1.0) −3.4 (−5.7, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Nonmelanoma skin 16 1.7 (1.7, 1.8) 0.7 (−3.1, 4.6) .73 2.0 (2.0, 2.0) 1.5 (−2.3, 5.4) .44 0.7 (0.6, 0.8) −2.7 (−3.8, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.4 (0.3, 0.5) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.0 (0.7, 1.5) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.8 (0.7, 0.9) 0.6 (−0.7, 2.0) .34
Larynx 17 1.7 (1.7, 1.8) −2.5 (−2.7, −2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.7 (1.6, 1.7) −2.1 (−2.3, −1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.1 (3.0, 3.3) −3.6 (−4.0, −3.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.6 (0.5, 0.7) −2.9 (−4.8, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.007 1.9 (1.4, 2.5) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.4 (1.3, 1.5) −4.4 (−6.5, −2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Soft tissue, including heart 18 1.5 (1.5, 1.6) 0.5 (0.3, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 1.6 (1.6, 1.6) 0.6 (0.2, 0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 1.6 (1.5, 1.7) 0.5 (−0.4, 1.4) .24 1.0 (0.9, 1.1) 0.5 (−1.4, 2.4) .58 1.7 (1.2, 2.2) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.2 (1.1, 1.3) 1.1 (0.0, 2.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Bones and Joints 19 0.6 (0.5, 0.6) 0.4 (−0.1, 0.8) .08 0.6 (0.6, 0.6) 0.4 (−0.1, 0.9) .13 0.6 (0.5, 0.7) 0.5 (−0.5, 1.5) .29 0.3 (0.3, 0.4) 2.4 (0.2, 4.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.04 0.7 (0.4, 1.0) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.5 (0.4, 0.5) 0.0 (−1.5, 1.6) .97
Lung and bronchus 1 33.2 (33.1, 33.3) −3.7 (−4.3, −3.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 36.8 (36.7, 36.9) −3.3 (−3.9, −2.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 31.9 (31.6, 32.3) −4.6 (−5.7, −3.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 16.9 (16.6, 17.3) −3.7 (−5.9, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 32.6 (30.7, 34.5) −2.2 (−3.2, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 12.6 (12.4, 12.9) −3.7 (−6.5, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Breast 2 20.3 (20.2, 20.4) −1.2 (−1.4, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 20.3 (20.2, 20.4) −1.1 (−1.4, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 28.4 (28.1, 28.8) −1.5 (−1.6, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 11.5 (11.2, 11.8) −0.7 (−1.2, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 16.6 (15.2, 17.9) 3.9 (−2.8, 11.0) .23 14.0 (13.7, 14.2) −1.1 (−1.4, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 3 11.7 (11.7, 11.8) −1.6 (−2.3, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 11.7 (11.7, 11.8) −1.6 (−2.1, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 15.6 (15.4, 15.9) −3.1 (−3.3, −2.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.1 (7.9, 8.4) −2.0 (−2.6, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 15 (13.7, 16.3) −0.6 (−2.0, 0.7) .34 8.7 (8.5, 8.9) −2.1 (−2.4, −1.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Pancreas 4 9.6 (9.5, 9.6) 0.2 (0.1, 0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 9.6 (9.5, 9.6) 0.3 (0.2, 0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 12.3 (12.1, 12.5) −0.2 (−0.4, 0.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 7.1 (6.8, 7.3) 0.1 (−0.3, 0.5) .71 8.9 (7.9, 9.9) 0.3 (−1.4, 2.0) .70 7.8 (7.6, 7.9) 0.0 (−0.2, 0.3) .95
Ovary 5 6.9 (6.8, 6.9) −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 7.3 (7.2, 7.4) −2.4 (−2.6, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 6.1 (6.0, 6.3) −1.6 (−2.0, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.5 (4.3, 4.6) −0.9 (−1.4, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 7.1 (6.3, 8.0) −1.1 (−2.3, 0.2) .10 5.1 (5.0, 5.3) −1.5 (−1.8, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Corpus and uterus, NOS 6 4.8 (4.8, 4.9) 2.1 (1.7, 2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.5 (4.4, 4.5) 1.9 (1.5, 2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 8.8 (8.6, 9.0) 2.3 (1.8, 2.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.2 (3.0, 3.3) 2.6 (1.9, 3.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.0 (3.4, 4.7) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  4.0 (3.9, 4.1) 2.6 (2.0, 3.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 7 4.8 (4.8, 4.8) −1.3 (−1.5, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.0 (5.0, 5.1) −1.2 (−1.4, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.4 (4.3, 4.6) −1.5 (−1.8, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.6 (2.5, 2.8) −4.6 (−7.4, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.006 3.5 (2.9, 4.1) −2.1 (−4.4, 0.3) .08 3.7 (3.6, 3.9) −0.8 (−1.2, −0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 8 4.2 (4.2, 4.3) −2.6 (−2.8, −2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.5 (4.4, 4.5) −2.2 (−2.8, −1.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.3 (3.2, 3.4) −2.2 (−2.5, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.0 (2.8, 3.1) −2.1 (−2.7, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.7 (3.1, 4.4) −3.4 (−5.3, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 3.7 (3.6, 3.8) −2.0 (−2.6, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 9 4.0 (3.9, 4.0) 1.6 (1.0, 2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 3.5 (3.5, 3.5) 2.2 (2.0, 2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.9 (4.7, 5.0) 1.8 (1.3, 2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 5.6 (5.4, 5.8) −1.3 (−2.1, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 8.1 (7.2, 9.1) 1.0 (−1.1, 3.1) .32 6.0 (5.8, 6.1) 1.2 (0.8, 1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Brain and other nervous system 10 3.6 (3.6, 3.6) 0.5 (0.2, 0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 4.1 (4.1, 4.2) 0.7 (0.3, 1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 2.2 (2.1, 2.3) 0.4 (−0.3, 1.1) .21 1.9 (1.8, 2.1) 2.1 (1.0, 3.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 2.7 (2.2, 3.3) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  2.6 (2.5, 2.7) 0.6 (0.1, 1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Myeloma 11 2.6 (2.6, 2.6) −1.9 (−3.0, −0.9)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003 2.3 (2.3, 2.4) −1.7 (−2.7, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.004 5.4 (5.3, 5.6) −1.0 (−1.6, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 1.2 (1.1, 1.3) −1.2 (−2.7, 0.3) .10 3.3 (2.7, 4.0) −1.1 (−3.9, 1.7) .41 2.2 (2.1, 2.3) −1.4 (−2.0, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Kidney and renal pelvis 12 2.3 (2.3, 2.3) −1.4 (−1.6, −1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.4 (2.3, 2.4) −1.4 (−1.6, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.3 (2.2, 2.4) −1.6 (−2.0, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.1 (1.0, 1.2) −1.0 (−2.1, 0.1) .06 4.0 (3.3, 4.7) −1.6 (−3.5, 0.3) .09 2.2 (2.1, 2.3) −0.7 (−1.2, −0.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Cervix uteri 13 2.3 (2.2, 2.3) −0.7 (−0.9, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.1 (2.0, 2.1) −0.1 (−0.4, 0.2) .43 3.6 (3.4, 3.7) −2.4 (−2.8, −2.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.7 (1.6, 1.9) −2.2 (−3.2, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.1 (2.6, 3.7) −1.7 (−3.6, 0.2) .08 2.6 (2.5, 2.7) −0.2 (−1.8, 1.4) .75
Stomach 14 2.2 (2.2, 2.2) −1.8 (−2.2, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.6 (1.6, 1.6) −3.0 (−3.2, −2.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 3.7 (3.6, 3.8) −3.4 (−3.8, −3.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.1 (3.9, 4.3) −3.1 (−3.6, −2.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 4.1 (3.4, 4.8) −2.9 (−4.7, −1.1)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.005 4.0 (3.8, 4.1) −1.9 (−2.4, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Urinary bladder 15 2.1 (2.1, 2.2) −0.5 (−0.7, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2.3 (2.2, 2.3) −0.2 (−0.4, 0.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 2.4 (2.3, 2.5) −1.4 (−1.9, −1.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.9 (0.8, 1.0) −1.0 (−2.1, 0.0) .06 1.9 (1.4, 2.4) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.3 (1.2, 1.3) −0.7 (−1.6, 0.1) .08
Melanoma of the skin 16 1.5 (1.4, 1.5) −6.3 (−8.6, −3.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.9 (1.9, 1.9) −5.9 (−8.5, −3.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 0.3 (0.3, 0.3) −2.2 (−3.7, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.009 0.3 (0.2, 0.3) −0.4 (−3.3, 2.6) .77 0.5 (0.3, 0.8) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.5 (0.5, 0.6) −1.6 (−2.9, −0.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Esophagus 17 1.4 (1.4, 1.5) −1.6 (−1.8, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.5 (1.5, 1.5) −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.7 (1.6, 1.8) −4.3 (−4.8, −3.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.6 (0.6, 0.7) −2.3 (−3.9, −0.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.008 1.4 (1.1, 1.9) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.7 (0.7, 0.8) −2.2 (−3.0, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Oral cavity and pharynx 18 1.3 (1.3, 1.4) 1.4 (−1.4, 4.3) .31 1.4 (1.4, 1.4) 2.0 (−0.5, 4.6) .10 1.3 (1.3, 1.4) −2.1 (−2.8, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.1 (1.0, 1.2) −1.5 (−2.9, −0.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 1.2 (0.9, 1.6) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.8 (0.7, 0.9) −0.2 (−1.2, 0.8) .71
Soft tissue, including heart 19 1.2 (1.1, 1.2) 0.2 (0.0, 0.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 1.2 (1.1, 1.2) 0.1 (−0.1, 0.3) .45 1.5 (1.4, 1.6) 0.8 (0.5, 1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.8 (0.7, 0.9) 0.8 (−0.7, 2.4) .26 1.1 (0.8, 1.5) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.9 (0.9, 1.0) 0.6 (−0.5, 1.6) .27
Gallbladder 20 0.7 (0.7, 0.7) −1.2 (−1.5, −0.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.6 (0.6, 0.6) −1.7 (−2.1, −1.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.0 (1.0, 1.1) 0.0 (−0.8, 0.8) .94 0.8 (0.7, 0.8) −0.9 (−2.1, 0.4) .17 1.8 (1.4, 2.3) −2.6 (−4.6, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 1.1 (1.1, 1.2) −1.6 (−2.5, −0.6)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Brain and other nervous system   0.7 (0.7, 0.7) −0.2 (−0.7, 0.2) .27 0.7 (0.7, 0.8) −0.4 (−1.0, 0.2) .17 0.7 (0.7, 0.8) 0.5 (−0.9, 1.9) .48 0.5 (0.4, 0.7) −0.9 (−3.2, 1.4) .41 0.9 (0.6, 1.4) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.7 (0.6, 0.7) 0.2 (−0.6, 0.9) .66
Leukemia   0.5 (0.5, 0.6) −2.8 (−3.5, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.5 (0.5, 0.5) −3.0 (−3.8, −2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.5 (0.4, 0.6) −2.4 (−3.7, −1.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 0.5 (0.4, 0.6) −3.7 (−5.6, −1.7)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 0.8 (0.5, 1.2) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.7 (0.6, 0.7) −3.3 (−4.4, −2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Female breast   2.2 (2.1, 2.3) 0.6 (−0.8, 2.1) .36 2.0 (2.0, 2.1) 0.9 (−1.3, 3.0) .40 3.9 (3.7, 4.2) −2.3 (−2.7, −2.0)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.3 (1.1, 1.5) −0.7 (−2.7, 1.4) .49 1.6 (1.0, 2.4) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.8 (1.7, 1.9) −0.8 (−2.1, 0.5) .22
Brain and other nervous system   1.0 (0.9, 1.0) −0.2 (−0.7, 0.3) .36 1.2 (1.2, 1.2) −0.1 (−0.6, 0.5) .78 0.6 (0.6, 0.7) 0.4 (−0.8, 1.6) .51 0.6 (0.6, 0.7) 1.4 (−0.5, 3.3) .14 0.8 (0.5, 1.2) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.6 (0.6, 0.7) 0.8 (−0.2, 1.8) .12
Leukemia   0.9 (0.9, 1.0) −2.2 (−2.6, −1.8)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.8 (0.8, 0.8) −2.9 (−3.5, −2.4)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.0 (0.9, 1.1) −2.4 (−3.2, −1.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.8 (0.7, 0.9) −1.2 (−2.6, 0.3) .10 1.1 (0.8, 1.5) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  1.3 (1.2, 1.3) −1.1 (−1.7, −0.5)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Colon and rectum   0.9 (0.8, 0.9) 0.9 (0.5, 1.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 0.9 (0.9, 0.9) 1.5 (0.8, 2.2)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 1.2 (1.1, 1.3) 0.7 (−0.2, 1.5) .11 0.7 (0.6, 0.8) −0.3 (−2.2, 1.7) .78 1.4 (1.0, 1.9) gg The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
  0.6 (0.6, 0.7) 1.3 (0.3, 2.3)ff The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
  • Abbreviations: AAPC, average annual percent change; AI/AN, American Indian/Alaska Native; API, Asian/Pacific Islander; AYAs, adolescents and young adults; CI, confidence interval; NOS, not otherwise specified; PRCDA, Indian Health Service Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area.
  • a Rates are per 100,000 persons and age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]).
  • b Fixed interval trends are characterized as the AAPC, the weighted average of the APCs over the fixed interval 2013 to 2017, using the underlying Joinpoint model (with up to 3 joinpoints) for the period 2001 to 2017. The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
  • c Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted death rates for 2013 to 2017 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
  • d Racial/ethnic groups are mutually exclusive. Data for non‐Hispanic AIs/ANs are restricted to PRCDA counties.
  • e Based on data from the National Center for Health Statistics public‐use data file for the total United States, 2001 to 2017.
  • f The AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the AAPC was determined using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
  • g The statistic could not be calculated. The AAPC is based on <10 cases for at least 1 year within the time interval.
Age‐standardized, overall cancer death rates for 2013 through 2017 are illustrated among males and females by racial/ethnic group. Racial/ethnic groups are mutually exclusive. Data for the non‐Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population are restricted to Indian Health Service Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) counties. API indicates Asian/Pacific Islander.

During 2013 through 2017, death rates among males decreased for 11 of the 19 most common cancers, were stable for 4 cancers (including prostate), and increased for 4 cancers (oral cavity and pharynx; soft tissue, including heart; brain and ONS; and pancreas) (Fig. 6A and Table 3). Death rates among females increased for cancers of the uterus, liver, brain and ONS, soft tissue, including heart, and pancreas; rates were stable for oral cavity and pharynx cancer and decreased for 14 of the 20 most common cancers (Fig. 6B and Table 3). The largest declines in death rates were observed for melanoma (AAPC, −6.1% among males and −6.3% among females) and lung cancer (AAPC, −4.8% among males and −3.7% among females) (Fig. 6).

The average annual percent change (AAPC) in age‐standardized death rates for 2013 through 2017 are illustrated for all sites and for the 19 most common cancer deaths in men and the 20 most common cancer deaths in women, all ages, all races/ethnicities combined, among (A) males and (B) females. The AAPC was a weighted average of the annual percent changes (APCs) over the fixed 5‐year interval from 2013 to 2017 using the underlying joinpoint regression model, which allowed up to 4 different APCs, for the 17‐year period from 2001 to 2017. AAPCs with an asterisk (*) were statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05) and are depicted as solid‐colored bars; AAPCs in bars with hash marks were not statistically significantly different from zero (stable). NOS indicates not otherwise specified.

The 3 most common cancer deaths among males were from lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer in most racial/ethnic groups, except API males. Among API males, lung cancer was the most common cancer death, followed by cancer of the liver, colorectum, and prostate (Table 3). Lung cancer death rates among males decreased during 2013 through 2017 in each racial/ethnic group, decreasing the most among black males (AAPC, −5.7%) and Hispanic males (−5.4%). Prostate cancer death rates were stable among white and Hispanic males but decreased among black, API, and AI/AN males. Colorectal cancer death rates were stable among AI/AN males but decreased in all other racial/ethnic groups. Pancreas cancer was the fourth most common cancer death among white and black males, and death rates increased among white males but were stable in other racial/ethnic groups. Liver cancer was the fourth most common cancer death among AI/AN and Hispanic males (and the second most common among API males); death rates increased among white, AI/AN, and Hispanic males, were stable among black males, and decreased among API males.

Among females, the 3 most common cancer deaths were lung, breast, and colorectal, except among Hispanic females, in whom breast cancer was the most common and lung cancer was the second (Table 3). Lung cancer death rates among females decreased in every racial/ethnic group, decreasing the most among black females (−4.6%). Breast and colorectal cancer death rates decreased among white, black, API, and Hispanic females but were stable among AI/AN females. Pancreas cancer was the fourth most common cancer death among females in each racial/ethnic group, and death rates increased among white females, decreased among black females, and were stable in other racial/ethnic groups. Uterine cancer death rates increased among white, black, API, and Hispanic females and could not be calculated among AI/AN females.

Notable changes in trend were observed for melanoma and lung cancer. Melanoma death rates among males were stable during 2009 through 2014 then decreased 7.6% per year during 2014 through 2017, and melanoma death rates among females were stable during 2001 through 2013 then decreased 6.3% per year during 2013 through 2017 (Table 4). In contrast, incidence rates of melanoma increased 2.2% per year among males and 1.9% per year among females during 2001 through 2016 (Table 2). Declines in lung cancer death rates accelerated over the time period studied (Table 4). Among males, lung cancer death rates decreased 2.0% per year during 2001 through 2005, 2.9% during 2005 through 2012, 4.0% during 2012 through 2015, and 5.5% during 2015 through 2017. Among females, lung cancer death rates decreased 0.5% per year during 2001 through 2007, 2.0% during 2007 through 2014, and 4.2% during 2014 through 2017. Lung incidence rates also decreased, but at a slower pace: lung cancer incidence rates among males decreased 2.6% per year during 2007 through 2016 and 1.1% per year among females during 2006 through 2016 (Table 2).

Table 4. Joinpoint Trendsaa Joinpoint models with up to 3 joinpoints are based on rates per 100,000 persons, age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]). The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
for the Most Common Causes of Cancer Death,bb Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted death rates for 2013 to 2017 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
All Races/Ethnicities Combined by Sex and Age Group, United States,cc Based on data from the National Center for Health Statistics public‐use data file for the total United States, 2001 to 2017.
2001 to 2017
Sex/Cancer Site or Type Trend 1 Trend 2 Trend 3 Trend 4 Fixed Interval 2013‐2017
Years APC (95% CI) P Years APC (95% CI) P Years APC (95% CI) P Years APC (95% CI) P AAPC (95% CI)dd The AAPC is the weighted average of the APCs over the fixed interval 2013 to 2017 using the underlying Joinpoint model for the period 2001 to 2017.
All sites                            
Both sexes 2001‐2017 −1.5 (−1.6, −1.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.5 (−1.6, −1.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Males 2001‐2017 −1.8 (−1.9, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.8 (−1.9, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Females 2001‐2017 −1.4 (−1.4, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.4 (−1.4, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Children (ages 0‐14 years) 2001‐2017 −1.4 (−1.8, −1.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.4 (−1.8, −1.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
AYAs (ages 15‐39 years) 2001‐2005 −3.0 (−4.0, −1.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2005‐2017 −1.0 (−1.2, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −1.0 (−1.2, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Lung and bronchus 2001‐2005 −2.0 (−2.3, −1.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2005‐2012 −2.9 (−3.1, −2.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2012‐2015 −4.0 (−5.1, −3.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2015‐2017 −5.5 (−6.6, −4.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 −4.8 (−5.4, −4.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Prostate 2001‐2013 −3.5 (−3.7, −3.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2013‐2017 −0.3 (−1.6, 1.0) .60             −0.3 (−1.6, 1.0) .60
Colon and rectum 2001‐2006 −3.6 (−4.2, −2.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2006‐2017 −2.3 (−2.5, −2.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.3 (−2.5, −2.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Pancreas 2001‐2017 0.3 (0.2, 0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   0.3 (0.2, 0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Liver and Intrahepatic bile duct 2001‐2013 2.7 (2.5, 2.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2013‐2017 0.5 (−0.5, 1.5) .28             0.5 (−0.5, 1.5) .28
Leukemia 2001‐2013 −1.0 (−1.1, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2013‐2017 −2.7 (−3.5, −2.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.7 (−3.5, −2.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Urinary bladder 2001‐2013 0.0 (−0.2, 0.2) .73 2013‐2017 −1.1 (−2.0, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02             −1.1 (−2.0, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 2001‐2006 −3.0 (−3.7, −2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2006‐2017 −2.0 (−2.1, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.0 (−2.1, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Esophagus 2001‐2006 0.0 (−0.7, 0.7) .96 2006‐2017 −1.2 (−1.4, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −1.2 (−1.4, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Kidney and renal pelvis 2001‐2006 −1.4 (−1.7, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2006‐2015 −0.5 (−0.7, −0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2015‐2017 −4.3 (−5.7, −3.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       −2.4 (−3.0, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2006 −1.3 (−2.4, −0.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.03 2006‐2017 0.4 (0.1, 0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01             0.4 (0.1, 0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Myeloma 2001‐2017 −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −0.9 (−1.1, −0.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Stomach 2001‐2006 −3.7 (−4.5, −2.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2006‐2017 −2.5 (−2.7, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.5 (−2.7, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Oral cavity and pharynx 2001‐2009 −1.4 (−2.0, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2009‐2017 1.0 (0.5, 1.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002             1.0 (0.5, 1.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Melanoma of the skin 2001‐2009 1.0 (0.5, 1.6)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.002 2009‐2014 −1.4 (−2.8, 0.0) .06 2014‐2017 −7.6 (−9.8, −5.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       −6.1 (−7.6, −4.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Nonmelanoma skin 2001‐2004 −1.4 (−5.6, 3.0) .46 2004‐2012 1.6 (0.5, 2.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 2012‐2015 4.2 (−2.8, 11.7) .20 2015‐2017 −2.8 (−9.0, 3.9) .34 0.7 (−3.1, 4.6) .73
Larynx 2001‐2017 −2.5 (−2.7, −2.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −2.5 (−2.7, −2.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Soft tissue, including heart 2001‐2017 0.5 (0.3, 0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001                   0.5 (0.3, 0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Bones and joints 2001‐2017 0.4 (−0.1, 0.8) .08                   0.4 (−0.1, 0.8) .08
Lung and bronchus 2001‐2007 −0.5 (−0.9, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.004 2007‐2014 −2.0 (−2.3, −1.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2014‐2017 −4.2 (−5.1, −3.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001       −3.7 (−4.3, −3.1)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Breast 2001‐2003 −1.6 (−2.2, −0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 2003‐2007 −2.3 (−2.6, −1.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2007‐2013 −1.6 (−1.8, −1.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2013‐2017 −1.2 (−1.4, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 −1.2 (−1.4, −1.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 2001‐2012 −2.9 (−3.1, −2.7)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2012‐2017 −1.6 (−2.3, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001             −1.6 (−2.3, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Pancreas 2001‐2017 0.2 (0.1, 0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001                   0.2 (0.1, 0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Ovary 2001‐2005 −1.1 (−1.9, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 2005‐2017 −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.3 (−2.5, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Corpus and uterus, NOS 2001‐2008 0.1 (−0.4, 0.7) .58 2008‐2017 2.1 (1.7, 2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             2.1 (1.7, 2.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Leukemia 2001‐2017 −1.3 (−1.5, −1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.3 (−1.5, −1.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Non‐Hodgkin lymphoma 2001‐2005 −3.6 (−4.5, −2.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2005‐2017 −2.6 (−2.8, −2.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −2.6 (−2.8, −2.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 2001‐2004 2.8 (1.0, 4.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.008 2004‐2008 0.5 (−1.1, 2.1) .46 2008‐2012 3.6 (2.1, 5.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 2012‐2017 1.6 (1.0, 2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.001 1.6 (1.0, 2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2006 −1.2 (−2.1, −0.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02 2006‐2017 0.5 (0.2, 0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003             0.5 (0.2, 0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Myeloma 2001‐2009 −2.5 (−3.0, −2.0)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2009‐2012 1.7 (−3.2, 6.8) .46 2012‐2017 −1.9 (−3.0, −0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.003       −1.9 (−3.0, −0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Kidney and renal pelvis 2001‐2017 −1.4 (−1.6, −1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.4 (−1.6, −1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Cervix uteri 2001‐2004 −3.0 (−5.1, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.01 2004‐2017 −0.7 (−0.9, −0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −0.7 (−0.9, −0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Stomach 2001‐2008 −3.0 (−3.5, −2.5)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2008‐2017 −1.8 (−2.2, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −1.8 (−2.2, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Urinary bladder 2001‐2017 −0.5 (−0.7, −0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −0.5 (−0.7, −0.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Melanoma of the skin 2001‐2013 −0.4 (−0.9, 0.1) .08 2013‐2017 −6.3 (−8.6, −3.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001             −6.3 (−8.6, −3.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Esophagus 2001‐2017 −1.6 (−1.8, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.6 (−1.8, −1.4)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Oral cavity and pharynx 2001‐2013 −1.4 (−1.9, −0.9)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2013‐2017 1.4 (−1.4, 4.3) .31             1.4 (−1.4, 4.3) .31
Soft tissue, including heart 2001‐2017 0.2 (0.0, 0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
.02                   0.2 (0.0, 0.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
Gallbladder 2001‐2017 −1.2 (−1.5, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −1.2 (−1.5, −0.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2017 −0.2 (−0.7, 0.2) .27                   −0.2 (−0.7, 0.2) .27
Leukemia 2001‐2017 −2.8 (−3.5, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −2.8 (−3.5, −2.2)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Female breast 2001‐2010 −3.2 (−4.1, −2.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001 2010‐2017 0.6 (−0.8, 2.1) .36             0.6 (−0.8, 2.1) .36
Brain and other nervous system 2001‐2017 −0.2 (−0.7, 0.3) .36                   −0.2 (−0.7, 0.3) .36
Leukemia 2001‐2017 −2.2 (−2.6, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   −2.2 (−2.6, −1.8)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
Colon and rectum 2001‐2017 0.9 (0.5, 1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001                   0.9 (0.5, 1.3)ee The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.
< .001
  • Abbreviations: AAPC, average annual percent change; APC, annual percent change; AYAs, adolescents and young adults; CI, confidence interval; NOS, not otherwise specified.
  • a Joinpoint models with up to 3 joinpoints are based on rates per 100,000 persons, age standardized to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; US Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Publication 25‐1130. US Government Printing Office; 2000 [Census P25‐1130]). The Joinpoint Regression Program was used (version; Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; February 2019).
  • b Cancers are listed in descending rank order of sex‐specific, age‐adjusted death rates for 2013 to 2017 for all racial/ethnic groups combined. More than 15 cancers may appear for males and females to include the top 15 cancers in each racial/ethnic group.
  • c Based on data from the National Center for Health Statistics public‐use data file for the total United States, 2001 to 2017.
  • d The AAPC is the weighted average of the APCs over the fixed interval 2013 to 2017 using the underlying Joinpoint model for the period 2001 to 2017.
  • e The APC or AAPC is statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). Two‐sided statistical significance for the APC was determined using a t test and, for the AAPC, using a t test when the AAPC lay entirely within the last joinpoint segment or a z test when the AAPC extended beyond the last joinpoint segment.

Overall cancer death rates ranged from 125 to 195 deaths per 100,000 standard population (Fig. 7A). During 2013 through 2017, cancer death rates decreased in all states, decreasing 4.3% in Alaska and ≥2% per year in 6 additional states and the District of Columbia (Fig. 7B).

(A) Age‐standardized overall cancer death rates for 2013 through 2017 and (B) the average annual percent change (AAPC) in rates for 2013 through 2017 are illustrated by state. The AAPC was a weighted average of the annual percent changes (APCs) over the fixed 5‐year interval from 2013 to 2017 using the underlying joinpoint regression model, which allowed up to 4 different APCs, for the 17‐year period from 2001 to 2017. Stable AAPCs were not statistically significantly different from zero (P < .05). DC indicates District of Columbia; PR, Puerto Rico.

Cancer Among Children

Among children aged birth to 14 years, the incidence rate for all cancer sites combined was 16.8 cases per 100,000 standard population, ranging from 12.4 among AI/AN children to 17.8 among white children (Table 1). Overall cancer incidence rates increased an average of 0.8% per year during 2012 through 2016 (Table 1). The most common cancer types among children included leukemia, brain and ONS, and lymphoma, with increasing trends for each of these cancers during 2001 through 2016 (Table 2). Leukemia rates showed the most variability among racial/ethnic groups, ranging from 3.3 cases per 100,000 standard population among black children to 6.2 among Hispanic children. The cancer death rate among children was 2.1 deaths per 100,000 standard population and was highest among AI/AN children (2.6 deaths per 100,000) and lowest among API children (1.8 deaths per 100,000) (Table 3). Overall cancer death rates among children decreased an average of 1.4% per year during 2013 through 2017. The most common cancer deaths among children were from brain and ONS cancer (0.7 deaths per 100,000) and leukemia (0.5 deaths per 100,000). During 2001 through 2017, death rates among children for brain and ONS cancer were stable, whereas death rates from leukemia declined 2.8% per year (Table 4).

Cancer Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Among AYAs aged 15 to 39 years, the incidence rate for all cancer sites combined was 75.5 cases per 100,000 standard population, ranging from 54.8 per 100,000 among API AYAs to 84.1 among white AYAs (Table 1). The most common cancer among AYAs was female breast cancer, which was highest among black AYAs. Incidence rates of thyroid cancer and testicular cancer among AYAs varied by racial/ethnic group and were lowest among black AYAs and highest among white AYAs. Overall cancer incidence rates among AYAs increased an average of 0.9% per year during 2012 through 2016 (Table 1). Three of the 4 most common cancer types among AYAs (female breast, thyroid, and testis) increased during 2012 through 2016, but the fourth (lymphoma) decreased. AYA female breast cancer incidence rates were stable during 2001 through 2010 then increased 1.2% per year during 2010 through 2016 (Table 2). Increasing trends for AYA thyroid cancer slowed from 5.8% per year during 2001 through 2010 to 1.7% per year during 2010 through 2016 (Table 2).

The cancer death rate among AYAs was 8.9 deaths per 100,000 standard population and was highest among black AYAs (11.4 deaths per 100,000) and AI/AN AYAs (11.0 deaths per 100,000) and lowest among API AYAs (6.9 deaths per 100,000) (Table 3). The most common cancer deaths among AYAs were from female breast cancer (2.2 deaths per 100,000 standard population), brain and ONS cancer (1.0 deaths per 100,000), leukemia (0.9 deaths per 100,000), and colorectal cancer (0.9 deaths per 100,000). Death rates from breast cancer among black AYAs (3.9 deaths per 100,000) were nearly twice as high compared with white AYAs (2.0 deaths per 100,000) and more than twice as high compared with API (1.3 deaths per 100,000), AI/AN (1.6 deaths per 100,000), and Hispanic (1.8 deaths per 100,000) AYAs. Declining trends in overall death rates among AYAs slowed from −3.0% per year during 2001 through 2005 to −1.0% per year during 2005 through 2017 (Table 4). The only notable change in trend in cancer death rates for common sites occurred for AYA female breast cancer, which declined (−3.2% per year) during 2001 through 2010 and then stabilized during 2010 through 2017.


Although overall cancer death rates continued to decline among both males and females, incidence rates leveled off among males and increased slightly among females. These trends reflect population changes in cancer risk factors, screening test use, diagnostic practices, and treatment advances.2 Part II of this report showed that Healthy People 2020 objectives were not yet met overall for major cancer risk factors such as excess body weight, excessive alcohol use, and cigarette smoking.2 Historical declines in cigarette smoking have been reflected by declines in incidence of and mortality from several tobacco‐related cancers, including lung, larynx, and bladder, which have greatly affected the overall incidence and death rates.14, 15 Although the decrease in lung cancer was substantial, it continues to be the leading cause of cancer death, accounting for about one‐quarter of all cancer deaths. Furthermore, these gains are being offset by increasing incidence trends for cancers related to excess body weight and physical inactivity, including those for cancers of the female breast, uterus, kidney, liver, and pancreas.16, 17

Through early detection of cancer and subsequent timely and effective treatment, the use of cancer screening tests can reduce mortality.18-23 However, the effects on incidence are more complex because screening can lead to either increases or decreases in the number of diagnosed cases.24 For example, the number of cases may increase through the detection of indolent, slow‐growing, or inconsequential tumors, or the number of malignant colorectal and cervical cases may decrease when screening tests detect precancerous lesions that are treated before progressing to cancer. Part II of this report shows that the current use of recommended screening tests is suboptimal, ranging from <10% for lung cancer to 60% for colorectal cancer, 72% for breast cancer, and 81% for cervical cancer.2, 25 Furthermore, breast and cervical cancer screening use has declined.2, 25 This report shows that rates of cervical cancer incidence have leveled off after over a decade of sustained declines, which may coincide with declines in screening rates.

For the first time, the Annual Report to the Nation provided rates and trends for the most common cancers among children and AYAs. As noted in last year's report, cancers among these age groups are of particular significance because many young patients experience long‐term sequelae of their cancer and its treatment, affecting their health and quality of life for the remainder of their lifetimes.1 Reasons for increasing incidence rates for cancer overall and for the most common types among children are largely unknown.26 Factors potentially influencing childhood cancer incidence trends include changes over time in diagnostic technology, disease classification, and registry completeness26 as well as changes in risk factors, such as increasing maternal age.27 Continued declines in cancer death rates among children likely result from improved treatment. As part of an effort to provide data faster for pediatric cancer research and more quickly identify young patients eligible for clinical trial enrollment, the CDC created a cooperative program to help cancer registries improve rapid reporting of pediatric and young adult cases.28 The NCI is launching an initiative to enhance data collection for childhood cancers.29

Among AYAs, the increase in female breast cancer incidence rates during 2010 through 2016 after a period of stability is concerning—particularly because death rates, which had declined during 2001 through 2010, also began to stabilize in 2010. As noted in last year's report, opportunities for primary prevention of breast cancer among younger and premenopausal women are limited.1 More detailed studies may help evaluate potential reasons for these adverse trends.

During the most recent 5‐year period in this report, colorectal cancer death rates declined among both males and females overall, most likely caused in part by increases in the use of guideline‐concordant colorectal cancer screening,30 which rose from 39% in 2000 to 55% in 2008 and continued to increase, but at a slower pace, to 61% in 2015.31 The relatively rapid declines in colorectal cancer incidence rates during 2001 through 2012 observed in this report correspond with this timeline of increased use of colorectal cancer screening. However, during 2012 through 2016, colorectal cancer incidence rates stabilized among women, and the decline in rates slowed among men, consistent with the slowing pace in colorectal cancer screening use and increasing prevalence of risk factors such as excess body weight, adult weight gain, and diabetes.30 This year's report observed a continued increase in colorectal cancer death rates among AYAs, which has been noted previously.32, 33

Excess body weight may have contributed to increasing trends in uterine cancer incidence and death rates.34 This report shows that, as death rates from leukemia and non‐Hodgkin lymphoma continue to decrease, uterine cancer is now ranked as the sixth most common cause of cancer death among women (slightly higher than leukemia). Excess body weight is also a risk factor for liver cancer.35, 36 Liver cancer death rates continued to increase among females overall but stabilized among males, reflecting differing trends by racial/ethnic group. Liver cancer death rates have decreased among APIs largely because of improvements in hepatitis B virus vaccination coverage and treatment.37 However, prevalent risk factors for liver cancer, including excess body weight, diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcohol use, and hepatitis C virus infection, may contribute to increases in liver cancer death rates observed in other groups.37 Incident rates for cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx increased among non‐Hispanic white men and women and API men. Because tobacco use, a prominent risk factor, has declined, researchers suggest that the increase in this group of cancers may be because of increases in sites associated with human papillomavirus, such as tonsil, base of tongue, and oropharynx.38

Changing trends in prostate cancer incidence and mortality largely reflect changes in the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations for prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) screening.39, 40 In 2008, the USPSTF considered evidence to be insufficient for recommending routine PSA screening in men aged 50 to 74 years and recommended against PSA screening in men aged ≥75 years,41 and, in 2012, subsequently recommended against routine PSA screening in men of any age.42 Subsequent declines in PSA test use have been associated with declines in prostate cancer incidence during 2009 through 2014.39 Recent stabilization in prostate cancer mortality trends may be related to an increasing incidence of distant‐stage disease since 2008.39, 43 The USPSTF issued new prostate cancer screening recommendations in 2018, which recommend that men aged 55 to 69 years talk with their clinician about the benefits and harms of prostate cancer screening with the PSA test.44

There are some trends in the positive direction. For the first time in decades, incidence rates for thyroid cancer in the most recent 5‐year period stabilized among both males and females overall. Increasing trends in thyroid cancer incidence over the past several decades have been attributed in part to increasing use of ultrasound‐guided fine‐needle aspiration biopsy,45 and a slowing of these trends, beginning in 2009, has been attributed to revisions in American Thyroid Association management guidelines for thyroid nodules, which recommended against biopsy of nodules <1 cm in the absence of certain high‐risk characteristics.46 Recent changes in thyroid cancer guidelines are intended to reduce overdiagnosis and overtreatment of relatively low‐risk tumors, which can result in long‐term decrement in health‐related quality of life and financial burden.47, 48 Although thyroid cancer incidence rates stabilized among males and females of all ages, rates continued to increase among AYAs. An analysis of differentiated thyroid cancer incidence among children and AYAs found increasing trends for large as well as small tumors.49 Changes in prevalence of several risk factors for thyroid cancer, including low‐dose radiation exposure50 and excess body weight,51 may contribute to increasing incidence rates in more recent birth cohorts.

Recent rapid declines in death rates from melanoma of the skin, first noted in last year's report,1 likely have resulted from the introduction of new therapies that have improved survival rates for advanced melanoma.52 New therapies, including targeted and immune checkpoint inhibitors, have increased the median survival for advanced‐stage melanoma from approximately 9 months to at least 2 years, based on clinical trials. Early indications of the new therapies' effect on population‐level survival were observed in a study using the SEER‐18 database. The study found that 2‐year survival among patients diagnosed with metastatic melanoma in the post‐targeted era (2011‐2014) was 28.3%, which is a statistically significant improvement over the 23.5% observed in the pretargeted era (2004‐2010).53

Accelerating rates of declines in death rates from lung cancer, the most common cause of cancer death in both men and women, may reflect increases in survival related to improved treatments, improved access to diagnostic and treatment services, and possibly earlier diagnosis because of implementation of low‐dose computed tomography screening in high‐risk populations.54 The selection of individualized lung cancer treatment can be based on characteristics such as disease stage, histologic features, and the presence of treatable oncogenic alterations.55-58

Because of the growth and aging of the US population, the number of cases and deaths for many cancers continue to increase even while the age‐standardized incidence and death rates decrease.59, 60 For example, during 2001 through 2017, the number of cancer deaths increased from 553,760 to 599,108, despite death rates decreasing from 196 to 153 deaths per 100,000 persons.7 Similarly, the number of malignant cancers reported increased from 1.4 million in 2001 to 1.7 million in 2016, despite the incidence rate declining 0.6% per year.61 Future trends in cancer incidence and mortality will be affected by changes in the demographics of the US population, which is projected to be older and more racially and ethnically diverse.62 Tailored approaches for proven, evidence‐based interventions may help maintain progress in decreasing the cancer burden in the United States.2

Strengths and Limitations

The major strength of this study is the high population coverage of cancer incidence data for the United States and Puerto Rico (99% for incidence rates during 2012‐2016 and 92% for incidence trends during 2001‐2016). Data from some cancer registries did not meet criteria for data quality or completeness for some years; however, because of the high population coverage, these exclusions likely do not materially impact national trends. Another strength is that this is the first Annual Report that has examined race and ethnicity in mutually exclusive groups. Previous reports categorized race as 4 nonoverlapping groups, regardless of ethnicity, and categorized ethnicity as 2 nonoverlapping groups, regardless of race. Mutually exclusive groups allow more direct comparisons between categories. In addition, this report restricts the analysis of incidence data to cases categorized by the third edition of the ICD‐O, so rates and trends may not be comparable to previous reports. Many of this study's limitations, including potential lack of representativeness of cancer incidence data of the US population, have been described in previous reports.37, 63-65 In some instances, this report groups cancers that are anatomically close to each other but may have different etiologies (such as cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx) or cancers at 1 site with different histologic types (such as small cell and non–small‐cell lung cancer) or molecular types (such as breast cancer); more detailed examinations of these cancers are beyond the scope of this report.


Although overall cancer death rates continue to decline, incidence rates are leveling off among males and increasing slightly among females. These trends reflect population changes in cancer risk factors, screening test use, diagnostic practices, and treatment advances. Many cancers can be prevented or treated effectively if found early. Population‐based cancer incidence and mortality data can be used to inform efforts to decrease the cancer burden in the United States and regularly monitor progress toward goals.

Funding Support

This work was supported by the American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. The American Cancer Society is a not‐for‐profit public health organization that receives support from the public through fundraising and direct contributions. The Society also receives a small portion of support from corporations and industry to support its mission programs and services.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

The authors made no disclosures.

Author Contributions

S. Jane Henley: Conceptualization, writing–original draft, writing–review and editing, and visualization. Elizabeth M. Ward: Conceptualization, writing–original draft, and writing–review and editing. Susan Scott: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Jiemin Ma: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Robert N. Anderson: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Albert U. Firth: Software, validation, formal analysis, data curation, writing–original draft, writing–review and editing, and visualization. Cheryll C. Thomas: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Farhad Islami: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Hannah K. Weir: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Denise Riedel Lewis: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Recinda L. Sherman: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Manxia Wu: Conceptualization, data curation, and writing–review and editing. Vicki B. Benard: Conceptualization, data curation, and writing–review and editing. Lisa C. Richardson: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Ahmedin Jemal: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Kathleen Cronin: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing. Betsy A. Kohler: Conceptualization and writing–review and editing.

    Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 45

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