Library of Congress

Cataloging Distribution Service

The Library of Congress > Cataloging Distribution Service > MARC Distribution Services (data set)

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These electronic services are your source for MARC records, delivered via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). MDS offers cataloging records, available in original scripts, for materials in hundreds of languages, from Arabic to Yiddish, along with other non-roman alphabet languages such as Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, and Korean. MDS provides national level cataloging for almost all English-language imprints. Each service is available as a current-year (January-December) subscription or a retrospective file.

2019 MARC Distribution Service Record Counts and Prices

Read more about MDS

MARC Open-Access

In addition to our MDS subscription service, we now offer an "open-access" provision, MDSConnect, at no cost to users. Our open-access service includes nearly 25 million MARC records, as distributed in the unabridged 2016 Retrospective file sets. These MDS record sets have been made available primarily for research and development usage. Records are available in two file formats - UTF8 and XML.

To explore this open data, please select from the links below. Within each link, you will be given the choice of selecting the file type (UTF8 or XML).

Please note that record sets are contained in zipped files and you may need to download several files.


Getting Started