Aging and Disability Data Files

This section of AGID provides access to ACL-related survey databases, administrative and evaluation data, and special tabulations. Data are primarily available to download as Excel files with the exception of the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP), which is available in CSV, ASCII, and SAS formats.

Administration on Aging

    • NSOAAP is a collection of annual national surveys of recipients of select Title III services. The surveys are administered by Westat. Their purpose is to obtain performance outcome measurement information, which is then used in AoA's GPRA plan and PART assessment. The survey instruments focus on consumer assessment of service quality and consumer-reported outcomes. The instruments also measure special needs characteristics such as physical and social functioning of the people who receive services. See also
  • Health and Wellness data - Coming Soon

Administration on Disabilities

Administration on Disabilities Programs Annual Performance Data

  • ILS Annual Performance Data

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, requires that each Designated State Entity (DSE) and Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) report annually on their activities, achievements, resources, and needs.

    DSEs and SILCs, using the annual Program Performance Report (PPR) form, jointly submit these data to the ACL Independent Living Administration.

  • CIL Annual Performance Data

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, requires CILs that receive Title VII, Subchapter C funding to report annually on their activities, achievements, resources, and needs.

    CILs, using the annual Program Performance Report (PPR) form, submit these data to the ACL Independent Living Administration.

    The following table includes downloadable ILS and CIL PPR datafiles and supporting materials.

    ILS Annual Program Performance Report (PPR) Datafiles* 2016 | 2017 | 2018
    CIL Annual Program Performance Report (PPR) Datafiles* 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018
    Annual PPR Form ILS PPR Instrument | CIL PPR Instrument
    Annual PPR Form Instructions ILS PPR Instructions | CIL PPR Instructions

    * The data files provided here do not include qualitative data. These data have been removed from these files to protect the privacy of individuals receiving and providing ILS and CIL services

Administration on Disabilities Programs Project of National Significance Data - Longitudinal Data Collection Projects

Center for Innovation and Partnership

    • The Assistive Technology Act requires states to submit annual progress reports detailing the delivery of authorized activities. The annual report includes data on state financing, reuse, device loan, device demonstration, training, technical assistance, information and assistance, and public awareness activities along with state improvement outcomes and funding leveraged during the reporting period. Individual grantee APR data along with national aggregate data and specialized data runs can be found on the CATADA website.

National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research

U.S. Census Bureau

Current Program Evaluation Activities

    • The evaluation is being conducted by ICFI to understand how tribes/organizations operate their Title VI Programs; what the impact of Title VI programs is on elders in the community; and whether Title VI programs that are sole-sourced funded have a different impact than programs that are funded through multiple sources. See also
    • The evaluation is being conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago to determin the efficacy of the LTCOP in carrying out core functions as described in the Older Americans Act, the long-term impacts of the LTCOP's for various stakeholders, what system advocacy among Ombudsman programs looks like, and effective or promising Ombudsman program practices. See also

If you have questions about a request to participate in an ACL survey or study, or would like to learn how to access the data for research, please contact