Cooperative Shark Tagging Program

June 18, 2020

The Cooperative Shark Tagging Program (CSTP) is a collaborative effort between recreational anglers, the commercial fishing industry, and NOAA Fisheries to learn more about the life history of Atlantic Sharks.

Since launching in 1962 with fewer than 100 taggers, CSTP participants have tagged more than 295,000 sharks representing 52 species. More than 17,500 sharks have been recaptured, giving us data from 33 species. This information helps us better understand:

  • Stock structure
  • Distribution, movements, and migration patterns
  • Population abundance
  • Age and growth rates
  • Behavior
  • Mortality

Today, thousands of people along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts participate in this program.

Last updated by Northeast Fisheries Science Center on 08/07/2020