Who We Select

Each year, the MCC Board of Directors selects countries as eligible for MCC assistance. A hallmark of MCC’s model is transparency about the process and criteria that govern the selection of country partners.

MCC’s Board uses a four-step process to select countries as eligible for assistance, including identifying candidate countries and establishing the criteria and methodology used to select countries.

MCC’s Board assesses individual country commitment to ruling justly, investing in people, and economic freedom using policy indicators compiled into country scorecards.

MCC uses public, third-party, governance data for the indicators on the country scorecards.

Reports and documents related to MCC’s annual country selection process, including the Candidate Country Report, and the Selection Criteria and Methodology Report.

The MCC Effect is the positive impact of MCC’s eligibility criteria beyond the direct development investments of MCC compact and threshold programs.

Eligibility for assistance can be suspended or terminated for several reasons including if a country engages in a pattern of actions inconsistent with MCC’s eligibility criteria.
