Open Government Initiative: Transparency, Participation, Collaboration

Open Government Plan - April 7, 2010

The U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) is committed to the principles outlined in President Obama's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, issued on January 21, 2009. We will make more of its mission-related and financial data available and accessible to the public, researchers, and academics. We will operate under a presumption that requested records should be released unless there is an overwhelming need to protect the privacy interests of individuals or the security concerns of other Federal agencies.

This Open Government Webpage provides direct links to data, documents, and other useful information frequently requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or that the MSPB otherwise believes is of interest to the public. We will be proactive in our approach to transparency, participation, and collaboration, and we will update this site frequently.

The MSPB's records, like those throughout the Federal Government, belong to the American people. If you have comments, complaints, or suggestions regarding the content of MSPB's Open Government Webpage, please contact us at open

Susan Tsui Grundmann, Chairman
January 20, 2010
Senior Accountable Official:

In accordance with the Open Government Directive, the MSPB delegated a high-level senior official to be accountable for the quality and objectivity of its Federal spending information. This senior leader will ensure that the information conforms to OMB guidance on information quality and adequate systems and processes are in place within the MSPB to promote such conformity.

Kevin Nash, Director, Financial and Administrative Management
Data Sources Records and Reports
Case Processing Data - HQ: Petitions for review filed, petitions pending, and decisions issued (1993 to present, by month).

Case Processing Data - Regions & Field Offices: Initial appeals filed, appeals pending, and decisions issued (1993 to present, by month).

Performance Management Measures: Responses to 37 performance management-related questions from the 2007 Merit Principles Survey.
FOIA Annual Reports

General Counsel/Acting Chief Executive and Administrative Officer's Record Testimony on Learning from Whistleblowers at the Department of Veterans Affairs | Supporting Documents: Appendix A, Appendix B.

Acting Chairman's Record Testimony on the Effects of Vacancies at the Merit Systems Protection Board

Letter to Congress Regarding Sequestration
This letter was sent on February 21, 2013 to U.S. Senators Carper, Coburn, Tester, Portman, Lautenberg, and Johanns, and U.S. Representatives Issa, Cummings, Crenshaw, and Serrano.

Chairman's Record Testimony on S. 1082 and S. 1117  

Chairman's Record Testimony on S. 1856, the Department of Veterans Affairs Equitable Employee Accountability Act of 2015  

Chairman's Record Testimony on MSPB Reauthorization

Comments on MSPB's Open Government Plan
Press Release Requesting Comments on Plan

Federal Register Notice Requesting Comments on Plan

MSPB greatly appreciates the thoughtful comments we received, and we welcome additional input. We currently are evaluating these suggestions, and we will post our responses as soon as possible.
Comments on Open Government Plan from AFGE
Comments on Open Government Plan from EEOC
Comments on Open Government Plan from NAPA
Comments on Open Government Plan from Peter Broida
Comments on Open Government Plan from POGO
Comments on Open Government Plan from PPS
Sample Stakeholder Letters
Stakeholder Letter Recipients