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UTC Spotlight Newsletter

Title Publication Date UTC(s)
Travelers’ Rationality in Anticipatory Online
Emergency Response
July 2020  North Carolina A&T State University
Improving the Functionality and Resilience of Roadway Tunnels April 2020 Colorado School of Mines
Installation of a Smart Roadway Testbed in Brooklyn, NY to Measure the Impact of Overweight Trucks January 2020 Rutgers University
Attitudes Towards the Future of Transportation October 2019 Arizona State University
New Procedure with Dust Column for Measuring Effectiveness of Dust Control Palliatives July 2019 University of Alaska Fairbanks
Smartphone App Uses Personalized Incentives to Nudge Commuter Behavior Changes in Washington DC and Baltimore April 2019 University of Alaska Fairbanks
Research Helps City Improve Crash-Prone Bike Lane January 2019 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Research Helps Local Agencies Predict Accidents to Make Rural Highways Safer December 2018 University of Wyoming as part of the Mountain-Plains Consortium
Surtrac for the People: Upgrading the Surtrac Pittsburgh Deployment to Incorporate Pedestrian Friendly Extensions and Remote Monitoring Advances November 2018 Carnegie Mellon University
MATC Helps Prepare the Next Generation of Native American Leaders in Transportation October 2018 University of Nebraska-Lincoln as part of the Mid-Atlantic Transportation Center
Managing Cyber Risks & Business Exposure in the Surface Transportation Ecosystem September 2018 Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University, as part of the Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility
Transportation in a Liquefied Natural Gas World  August 2018 University of New Orleans Transportation Institute (UNOTI), as part of the University of Arkansas Maritime Transportation and Research Center (MarTREC)
Vulnerable Road User Mobility Assistance Platform July 2018 North Carolina A&T State University, with consortium members Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, University of the District of Columbia - Community College, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Context-Specific Modeling Supports Strategic, Multimodal Investments  June 2018 Portland State University, with consortium members Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Arizona, University of Oregon, University of Texas at Arlington, University of Utah
PacTrans Researchers Develop New Techniques to Assess Rock Slopes Endangering Highways May 2018 University of Washington with consortium members Boise State University, Gonzaga University, Oregon State University, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, University of Idaho, Washington State University
Cost-Effective ECC for Transportation Infrastructure April 2018 University of Washington with consortium members Boise State University, Gonzaga University, Oregon State University, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, University of Idaho, Washington State University
Smart Rock Positioning for Scour Hazard Assessment of Bridges March 2018 INSPIRE University Transportation Center led by Missouri University of Science and Technology, with consortium members City College of New York; East Central College; Georgia Institute of Technology, Lincoln University; Ozarks Technical Community College; St. Louis Community College; University of Colorado at Boulder; University of Nevada-Las Vegas; and University of Nevada-Reno
Child Safety Seat Usage in Ride-Share Services February 2018 Virginia Polytechnic and State University with consortium members, Texas A&M University and San Diego State University
Summer Transportation Institute Inspires Future Workforce January 2018 Morgan State University with consortium members University of Maryland and Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

UTC Spotlight Newsletter Archives

Last updated: Friday, July 10, 2020