
FOIA Library

USTR Archives

The USTR website contains detailed information about all of USTR’s activities from 2007 to present. It includes news, press releases, links to Federal Register notices and comments, fact sheets, speeches and remarks, reports, information about current initiatives, and historical information about U.S. trade issues. The Archives includes similar information dating back to 2001. 

Frequently Requested Records

The FOIA requires an agency to post FOIA-processed records to its FOIA Library that the agency determines are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same records. We use the “rule of three”, which means we generally will post records if they have been requested at least three times within a short period of time. We also post

  • FOIA logs: We provide USTR’s FOIA logs for the most recent two years.
  • NAFTA:  The United States, Canada and Mexico have agreed that the information exchanged in the context of the NAFTA negotiations, such as the negotiating text, proposals of each Government, accompanying explanatory material, and emails related to the substance of the negotiations, must remain confidential. Pursuant to this agreement, USTR has classified the materials. This means that they are not available under the Freedom of Information Act.  To review the confidentiality agreement, please click here.
  • U.S. -UK Trade and Investment Working Group:  The United States and United Kingdom have agreed that the information exchanged in the context of the U.S.-UK Trade and Investment Working Group, such as documents and proposals, accompanying explanatory material, and emails related to the substance of the working group, will be held in confidence. Pursuant to this arrangement, USTR has classified the materials. This means that they are not available under the Freedom of Information Act.  To review the arrangement, please click here for the U.S. letter and click here for the UK letter.
  • U.S. - UK FTA Negotiations:  The United States and United Kingdom have agreed that the information exchanged in the context of the U.S.-UK FTA Negotiations, such as documents and proposals, accompanying explanatory material, and emails related to the substance of the negotiations, will be held in confidence. Pursuant to this arrangement, USTR has classified the materials. This means that they are not available under the Freedom of Information Act.  To review the arrangement, please click here for the U.S. letter and click here for the UK letter.
  • KORUS:  The United States and the Republic of Korea have agreed that the information exchanged in the context of negotiations on amendments and modifications to the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA), such as the negotiating text, proposals of each Government, accompanying explanatory material, and emails related to the substance of the negotiations, must remain confidential. Pursuant to this agreement, USTR has classified the materials. This means that they are not available under the Freedom of Information Act.  To review the confidentiality agreement, please click here.

    The United States and the People’s Republic of China have agreed that the information exchanged in the context of negotiations initiated on December 1, 2018, such as proposals of each Government, accompanying explanatory material, and emails related to the substance of the negotiations, will be held in confidence.  Pursuant to this arrangement, USTR has classified the materials. This means that they are not available under the Freedom of Information Act.  To review the arrangement, please click here for the U.S. letter and click here for the letter from the People’s Republic of China.

  • India:  The United States and India have agreed that the information exchanged in the context of discussing a possible U.S.-India trade agreement, such as negotiating text, proposals of each government, accompanying explanatory material, emails and other information exchanged in the context of the discussions, must remain confidential. Pursuant to this agreement, USTR has classified the materials. This means that they are not available under the Freedom of Information Act.  To review the confidentiality arrangement, please click here.

Policy Statements and Reports

Reports and Publications 

Congressional Budget Submissions 

FOIA Reports

  • Annual Reports - The FOIA requires each federal agency to submit an Annual Report to the Attorney General. These reports contain detailed statistics on the numbers of requests received and processed by each agency, the time taken to respond, and the outcome of each request, as well as many other vital statistics regarding the administration of the FOIA at federal departments and agencies. ​Click here to view the two most recent USTR FOIA Annual Reports.
  • Chief FOIA Officer Reports - Department of Justice FOIA Guidelines require the Chief FOIA Officer for each federal agency to submit a report to the Attorney General containing a detailed description of steps the agency has taken to improve FOIA compliance and transparency. These reports contain details of FOIA administration at each agency, as well as the steps taken to implement the DOJ FOIA Guidelines during each reporting year. Click here to view the two most recent USTR Chief FOIA Officer Reports. 
  • Quarterly Reports - The Department of Justice Office of Information Policy requires all agencies to provide quarterly reporting for four key FOIA statistics to identify trends and assess agencies' progress throughout the course of the fiscal year. Click here to view USTR’s Quarterly FOIA Reports for the past two years.