
December 11, 2020

Elizabeth Warren: What a Biden-Harris administration should prioritize on its first day

by Elizabeth Warren

As Democrats celebrate the election of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris, we need to have an important conversation about building a 50-state party that can win up and down the ticket. But with a hobbled economy, an international health crisis, a vanishing middle class and widespread racial inequities, we also need to answer another important question — how to deliver on our campaign promises and improve the lives of the American people.The Biden-Harris ticket … Continue Reading

December 04, 2020

Why We, Elizabeth Warren And Chuck Schumer, Believe The Biden-Harris Administration Should Cancel Up To $50K In Student Debt On Day One

by Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer

For the first time in history, the American people have elected a President and Vice President States who committed to cancelling billions in student loan debt.Americans outside of Washington get it.They see their friends, family, and neighbors crushed by growing debt burdens, unable to afford their first home or start a small business. They know a senior whose Social Security check has been garnished by the federal government just to pay student loan interest. They know a mother struggling to … Continue Reading

October 25, 2020

CNN: Supreme Court power grab threatens Native health care during the pandemic

by Elizabeth Warren and Tom Udall

(CNN) As millions of Americans cast their ballots in the most important presidential election in recent history, and as Native communities grapple with the disproportionate toll of a once-in-a-century pandemic, Senate Republicans are focused on one thing: installing a right-wing judge on our nation's highest court.Make no mistake: The Trump administration and Senate Republicans are trying to force a justice onto the court to finish the job they could not finish in Congress. They want to … Continue Reading

October 23, 2020

WBUR: Overturning The Affordable Care Act Would Be Catastrophic — Especially For People With Disabilities

by Elizabeth Warren and Matthew Cortland

For the 61 million Americans who live with a disability, there’s an important date on the calendar this fall: November 10, the day the Supreme Court will hear a case about whether to overturn the Affordable Care Act. President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans have picked a Supreme Court nominee whose position is clear: she doesn’t like the ACA, or the previous court rulings that upheld it. There is so much at stake.Before the ACA, the disability community faced critical barriers to … Continue Reading

October 19, 2020

Shondaland: How Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Could Threaten Your Healthcare

by Elizabeth Warren

Over ten years ago, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. Since then, we’ve made progress. Millions of Americans now have high-quality, affordable health insurance. We no longer have to worry about being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Millions of young adults can stay on their parents’ plans until 26. States were given the option to expand Medicaid eligibility — providing coverage to more than 12 million low-income … Continue Reading

October 14, 2020

Boston Globe: The Affordable Care Act and coverage for Massachusetts residents is at risk

by Elizabeth Warren, Amy Rosenthal, and Kate Walsh

Dave was laid off from his hotel job in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, and he lost his health insurance too. A week later, he was rushed to the emergency room with a lung problem. With support from an enrollment assister, he was able to enroll in MassHealth coverage that was made possible because of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. He is just one of the hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts residents given a lifeline by the ACA.Yet, the multi-year effort to repeal … Continue Reading

October 12, 2020

Rolling Stone: Elizabeth Warren on How to Honor RBG’s Legacy — and the Dangers of Confirming Amy Coney Barrett

by Elizabeth Warren

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazer. She was an icon. The legend known as the “Notorious RBG.” And to me, she was a role model and a friend. Her sharp legal mind, her compassion, and her fighting spirit pried open doors for millions of women, including myself. I remember when I was a young mother and I was at Rutgers, trying something as seemingly outlandish as going to law school. It was a really lonely undertaking. But Ruth was an example of a woman who made it, and even better, a … Continue Reading

October 08, 2020

The Cut: We Know Exactly How Amy Coney Barrett Feels About Abortion

by Elizabeth Warren

"The decision whether or not to bear a child is “central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that 30 years ago, at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. She understood that reproductive freedom is foundational to equality, and critical to women’s health and economic security. Without … Continue Reading

October 06, 2020

Dorchester Reporter: Opioid epidemic did not pause for Covid; we must act to save lives

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Long before the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in the United States, the country was already battling another large-scale public health crisis: the opioid epidemic. Like the COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic has disproportionately hit Black, Brown, American Indian, and Alaska Native communities.The coronavirus pandemic has actually made the opioid crisis worse and accelerated its devastation. Congress has a responsibility to take immediate action to tackle these twin crises. It can … Continue Reading

September 29, 2020

Fast Company: Elizabeth Warren: Business Roundtable declaration ‘was just an empty publicity stunt’

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Last August, the Business Roundtable made a big, splashy announcement: Nearly 200 of its member CEOs, led by JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon, would reverse their harmful, decades-long position that “corporations exist principally to serve shareholders.” The new “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation” said they would now serve all stakeholders, including workers, consumers, and the communities in which they operate. But one year later, their actions show this was just an empty publicity … Continue Reading

September 18, 2020

Boston Globe: Ranked-choice voting is a better way to vote

by Elizabeth Warren and Jamie Raskin

Across the country, nearly 1,000 people are dying each day from COVID-19, an infectious disease that should have been under control by now. The economy is being squeezed to its breaking point. The fight for racial justice has reached an inflection point and demands bold action. And from postal sabotage to old-fashioned voter purges, voting — the very foundation of our democracy and an essential instrument for change — is under siege.To defend our democracy, we need to fortify it. One way is by … Continue Reading

August 17, 2020

CNBC: Elizabeth Warren and lawyer who sued Uber say gig economy companies deny workers their rights

by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Shannon Liss-Riordan

The coronavirus pandemic has delivered a one-two punch to American workers - a public health emergency paired with a brutal economic crisis. Our country has lost millions of jobs and has already experienced some of the highest unemployment numbers since the Great Depression. Essential workers are risking their safety on the job, often without adequate protections. Senate Republicans have made shielding employers from liability, while dismantling federal labor protections, their top priority … Continue Reading

August 06, 2020

The Washington Post: Families see a looming catastrophe. Private equity firms see dollar signs.

by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Carroll Fife

The nation is facing an accelerating housing crisis. Too many people had no stable housing before the pandemic hit, and covid-19 has made the problem even worse. Renters who were already facing an affordable housing shortage (with many spending more than half of their income on rent) now have no federal rental assistance or federal protection from eviction. Homeowners have less than a month left of foreclosure protection. And more than 30 million people receiving unemployment insurance just … Continue Reading

July 21, 2020

The New York Times: To Fight the Pandemic, Here’s My Must-Do List

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Americans stayed at home and sacrificed for months to flatten the curve and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. That gave us time to take the steps needed to address the pandemic — but President Trump squandered it, refusing to issue national stay-at-home guidelines, failing to set up a national testing operation and fumbling production of personal protective equipment. Now, Congress must again act as this continues to spiral out of control.Those who frame the debate as one of health … Continue Reading

July 07, 2020

The Wall Street Journal: Eugene Scalia Off the Mark on ESG Investing

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia proclaims his department is doing right by retirees by making it harder to invest with environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in mind (“Retirees’ Security Trumps Other Social Goals,” op-ed, June 24). Mr. Scalia claims retirement advisers shouldn’t consider these factors because “retirees’ security trumps other social goals.” Mr. Scalia overlooks that ESG funds routinely outperform other offerings and ignores well-documented economic risks … Continue Reading

July 06, 2020

Univision: Debemos actuar ahora para poner fin a los devastadores impactos de covid-19

by Senadora Elizabeth Warren

Cuando los grandes bancos y las compañías hipotecarias colapsaron nuestra economía en 2008, los grandes ejecutivos de Wall Street obtuvieron los rescates de los contribuyentes del gobierno federal, mientras que los trabajadores se quedaron estancados con la factura. Y para las comunidades de color ya vulnerables, la recesión fue aún peor.Las comunidades latinas fueron algunas de las más afectadas, según un estudio del Pew Research Center que encontró que la economía de estos hogares cayó … Continue Reading

July 06, 2020

Univision: We Must Act Now to End the Devastating Impacts of Covid-19

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

When the big banks and mortgage companies crashed our economy in 2008, Wall Street CEOs got taxpayer bail-outs from the federal government, while working people got stuck with the bill.And for already vulnerable communities of color, the recession hit even worse. Latino communities were some of the hardest hit, with a Pew Research Center study finding that the median wealth of these households fell by 66% from 2005-2009. If the federal government doesn’t act, the COVID-19 pandemic will have a … Continue Reading

May 26, 2020

The Washington Post: The federal government fiddles as covid-19 ravages Native Americans

by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Deb Haaland

For generations, the federal government has failed to honor its promises to Native American people. Now, covid-19 is ravaging Native communities, killing young people and elders alike, and devastating tribal economies. We are fighting in Congress to ensure that sovereign Native nations have the resources needed to protect the health and well-being of their citizens during this pandemic. The novel coronavirus's terrible impact in Indian Country underscores that the federal government must live … Continue Reading

May 14, 2020

NBC News: Coronavirus contact tracing could stop COVID-19 and reopen America. We have a plan for that.

by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Andy Levin

As states across America try to reopen cities and towns, some people are acting like we have two mutually exclusive options: protect our public health or get our economy up and running. They could not be more wrong. Workers, consumers and businesses need to feel safe in their communities before we can get back to normal. In other words, we can't rebuild our economy without stopping the spread of COVID-19. Even as we rush to develop a vaccine - which could take months, if not years - contact … Continue Reading

April 21, 2020

Medium Post: Congress must provide immediate relief for consumers. Here’s how.

by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

The coronavirus outbreak poses a major challenge to public health and to the economy. An unprecedented 22 million Americans filed for unemployment in the last four weeks, yet bills keep coming and debts keep piling up. A part of our policy response to the crisis must include solutions that help those teetering on the edge of financial ruin. For millions of Americans, a $1,200 stimulus check will not even cover one month of basic expenses, including rent and mortgage payments, food and … Continue Reading

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