OIA's Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Section


The FY 2022 EPSCoR Eligibility Table is now available. Please note: this table applies to all EPSCoR competitions taking place in the next fiscal year, October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022. The current eligibility table applies to ongoing competitions in FY 2021.

The FY 2021 RII Track-2 solicitation has been released (NSF 21-518).

EPSCoR has re-examined its eligibility methodology and is implementing changes to ensure that it is simple, transparent, fair, and stable. These changes incorporate stakeholder feedback and are supported by robust data analyses. The new eligibility table utilizing the improved methodology applies to the FY 2021 EPSCoR competitions. Please feel free to read and distribute this informational handout about the redefined NSF EPSCoR eligibility methodology. Additionally, slides from the informational webinar are also available.




EPSCoR enhances research competitiveness of targeted jurisdictions (states, territories, commonwealth) by strengthening STEM capacity and capability.


EPSCoR envisions its jurisdictions as recognized contributors to the national and global STEM research enterprise.


  • Catalyze research capability across and among jurisdictions;
  • Establish STEM professional development pathways;
  • Broaden participation of diverse groups/institutions in STEM;
  • Effect engagement in STEM at national and global levels; and
  • Impact jurisdictional economic development.