About Us

Training & Technical Assistance Centers

The Office of Head Start training and technical assistance (TTA) system improves the knowledge, skills, and practices of grantee staff to implement programs which, in turn, improve the outcomes of children and families. The 2020–2025 OHS TTA System has three components that have distinct and complementary function: national centers, regional TTA network, and grantee funding.

The National Centers promote excellence through high-quality, practical resources and approaches that build early childhood education program capacity. They also support consistent practices across communities, states, tribes, and territories. The Regional TTA Network provides targeted TTA to individual grantees, clusters of grantees with similar interests or needs, and at state and regional events. There are up to five categories of regional TTA specialists: early childhood specialists, grantee specialists, health specialists, family engagement specialists, and, in some regions, systems specialists.

What We Do

The TTA system supports program staff in delivering high-quality services to children and families.

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