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November 24, 2020 Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC - Today, U.S. Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-07) called on Governor Tony Evers, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and incoming Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu to work together to set pragmatic guidelines for school districts to enable the full resumption of in-person classroom learning as soon as possible, citing a recent op-ed he authored in the Wisconsin State Journal.
November 19, 2020 Editorials

Three years behind. Due to the current state of our K-12 education system that is how far our children could find themselves academically due to COVID-19 restrictions.

November 9, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-07) released the following statement in response to the media’s projected outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election.

"Let’s halt the premature rush to declare a winner in the presidential race to ensure that every legal vote is counted and that every legitimate legal challenge is heard and addressed by our independent judiciary."

November 6, 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, This week we saw more encouraging news as the U.S. economy roared back from state and local lockdowns posting an unprecedented 33 percent expansion, the largest quarterly growth figure posted since 1947 when the U.S. began keeping track. This growth is a testament to the work ethic and ingenuity of Americans, and to the sound economic foundation of regulatory reform and low taxes put in place by President Trump. This is the second time that President Trump has led the country through economic difficulty since taking office – despite Speaker Pelosi holding up more than $130 billion in additional Paycheck Protection Program funds that could further assist struggling small businesses.
October 29, 2020 Press Release


WASHINGTON, DC – The Department of Interior today announced a new rule de-listing the Gray Wolf in the lower 48 states, allowing state and tribal governments to develop their own locally-tailored management rules to reflect the unique conditions and needs of their own jurisdictions.

October 27, 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, This week we saw more encouraging economic news as new jobless claims dropped to their lowest level since the beginning of the pandemic and continuing unemployment claims dropped by more than 1 million. This is a testament to the resilience of the American economy which was the strongest in modern history – thanks to landmark tax and regulatory reforms – before the coronavirus pandemic that originated in China fanned out across the globe. It is great to see more Americans getting back to work.

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