Congressman John Shimkus

Representing the 15th District of Illinois


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Dec 14, 2020 Press Release
Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) entered a statement into the permanent Congressional Record remembering the extraordinary life of Lawrence County's Roscoe D. Cunningham, who passed away November 28.
Nov 30, 2020 Press Release
Introduced by more than 20 Lithuanian lawmakers from different political parties, the resolution also noted the congressman’s Lithuanian heritage as well as his service as a U.S. Army Officer in Europe during the Cold War.
Oct 28, 2020 Press Release
"Federal investments like this are critical in rural communities where the capital costs of major infrastructure projects would be all but impossible to finance through other means,” Shimkus said. “I applaud Greenville, Ashemore, and the EJ Water Cooperative on their successful loan applications."
Sep 25, 2020 Press Release
Jack Schurman spent almost a decade as the chairman of the congressman’s Veterans Advisory Committee before declining health led to his move to Mississippi.
Sep 16, 2020 Press Release
Johnson County’s Vienna High School District is receiving $375,000, and Wabash CUSD #348 has $21,248 headed its way.
Sep 30, 2016 Op-Ed
Much like the Framers of our Constitution sought to balance the influence and power that competing factions like political parties, unions or trade groups could exert on our Republic, ICANN’s ‘multi-stakeholder’ structure seeks to prevent any one entity – be it a multinational corporation or a government – from gaining control of the DNS.
Feb 8, 2016 Op-Ed
Since reaching the peak of his political power, President Obama has not only left his downstate Illinois constituents behind, his policies have destroyed their livelihoods and devastated their local communities.
Nov 18, 2015 Op-Ed
Policies that encourage a greater, more diverse supply of resources will expand the availability of those resources and lower the costs to consumers. This premise is as true for coal, oil and renewable fuels as it is for cable, fiber and wireless networks.
Feb 24, 2015 Op-Ed
Despite all the president’s rhetoric about middle-class economics, the reality is that the majority of middle-class families pay more and get less as a result of his policies.
Sep 18, 2014 Op-Ed
If we prematurely abandon our commitment to oversee Internet governance, no amount of American power and influence will be able to restore what is lost: the Internet Open and Free.

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