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December 8, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Rep. Paul Mitchell (MI-10), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement after the House passed the final version of the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, commonly known as the NDAA: 


December 8, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Rep. Paul Mitchell (MI-10), a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, released the following statement after the House passed the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020: 

December 7, 2020 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Paul Mitchell (MI-10) and Sen. Tim Scott (SC) released the following statement today after announcing Rep. John Moolenaar (MI-04) will be the House Co-Chair for the Congressional Caucus on Education Innovation and Opportunity in the 117th Congress: 



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