Water Quality

Southwest Florida’s top issue is water quality. We are working every day to fund Lake Okeechobee Watershed and Everglades Restoration projects.

Economy & Jobs

It’s time to get our economy moving again. Cutting taxes, reduce our obscene national debt, and eliminate burdensome regulations.


Our veterans deserve the highest quality care in the fastest and most dignified method possible. We must fix the VA.


We must address out of control prescription prices and protect social security and medicare.


Education is best handled by locally elected school boards. We will minimize federal intrusion and end common core.

National Security

Defeating radical Islamic terrorism, strengthening our military and securing our borders at home and abroad.

Congressman Francis Rooney announces new DOL rule cracking down on corrupt union leadership

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Washington, D.C.- Today, Congressman Rooney released the following statement regarding a proposed rule by the Department of Labor to enhance financial transparency for unions regulated by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. “In 2018, I introduced the Union Transparency and Accountability Act for the purpose of rooting out corruption of powerful, acquisitive union bosses. For too long, union members in this country have been misled by the leaders they elect to represent the...

Rooney votes against another bloated spending package

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Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Francis Rooney voted against H.R. 8319 – a continuing resolution (CR) to extend government funding through December 11, 2020. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the CR appropriates funding at an annualized level of $1.398 trillion. Congressman Rooney stated, “This continuing resolution contains an excessive amount of spending which far exceeds what we need for Covid relief at a time when the government is already trillions in debt. Congress has not pa...

Congressman Rooney speaks out against payroll tax credit executive order

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Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Francis Rooney issued the following statement addressing the executive order to defer payroll taxes. The executive order attempts to alleviate economic hardships that have been caused by COVID-19. The order would give employers the option to temporarily defer Social Security taxes from their employee’s paycheck for the rest of 2020. Congressman Rooney stated, “I appreciate the administration’s attempt to bring financial relief to hardworking Americans during t...

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Connect with Rep. Rooney
Congratulations to @FGCU on being recognized as the top university in Florida for entrepreneurial studies.… https://t.co/hdv3rcFmOn @RepRooney | 11.25.2020
- that is how our system of government works. We have more that unite us than divide us, and now that the heat of b… https://t.co/MrNkXop0pN @RepRooney | 11.08.2020
Congratulations to Pres-elect Biden on a successful campaign. All Americans need to come together to support Pres-e… https://t.co/11YFq09pGs @RepRooney | 11.08.2020
Another improvement would be to hold social media outlets responsible for their content, like a newspaper. The ulti… https://t.co/apz1m2CwOm @RepRooney | 11.07.2020