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December 17, 2020 News Releases

Washington, DC— Thursday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) gave his eighth House Floor speech in his series on the presidential election, voter fraud, and election theft.

December 17, 2020 News Releases

Washington, DC— Thursday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05), joined by 18 House Conservative colleagues, sent an investigation and hearings request letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and various House and Senate committee chairs.

December 16, 2020 News Releases

Washington, DC— Wednesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) gave his seventh House Floor speech in his series on the presidential election, voter fraud, and election theft.

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12/16/2020 244 S.2216 Yea
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12/9/2020 240 H.R.8900 Nay