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December 17, 2020 Press Release
Aguilar Introduces Bill to Help Inland Empire Homebuyers
Rep. Pete Aguilar introduced H.R. 8974, the FHA Fairness Act. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan guarantee program helps prospective homebuyers secure low-interest home loans. The limits for these loans differ across regions and are determined using a formula that accounts for the median home price in a given metropolitan statistical area (MSA). The FHA Fairness Act allows cities in certain MSAs to access higher FHA loan limits by adjusting this formula to account for large MSAs like San Bernardino County where home prices can vary widely across the region. The bill would ensure that Inland Empire residents can access the loans they need to become homeowners, especially in higher-cost areas.
December 8, 2020 Press Release
Aguilar’s National Security Provisions Pass House
Today, the House passed the conference report accompanying H.R. 6395, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. The report includes three key provisions spearheaded by Rep. Pete Aguilar. The first makes permanent a successful direct-commissioning pilot program established by Rep. Aguilar in 2017 to help the military recruit and retain top cybersecurity talent from institutions like California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). The second enhances the transparency of the country’s nuclear security by making certain funding for the nuclear program contingent on the release of reports currently being withheld by the Trump Administration. The third expands a yearly report to Congress on white supremacist, extremist and criminal-gang activity within the military by requiring the Pentagon to include in the report the total number of allegations, investigations, and inquiries related to this type of activity. The conference report also includes a three-percent pay raise for active-duty military personnel, requires updates and improvements to military housing and strengthens the military’s ability to respond to COVID-19 and future epidemics.
December 4, 2020 Press Release
Aguilar Announces $2.5 Million for Alzheimer’s Therapy Research
Rep. Pete Aguilar announced $2.5 million in federal funding for Karamedica, Inc. for their work developing a microparticle gene delivery therapy to treat a form of Alzheimer’s Disease. The funding comes from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) National Institute on Aging, and will allow Karamedica to hire more scientists and researchers in Southern California. The project is being conducted by a consortium of institutions including Loma Linda University and University of California, Riverside.

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