Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences Advisory Committee (MPSAC)

The Advisory Committee for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPSAC) provides advice and recommendations to the National Science Foundation's programs within the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), addressing policies and directions MPS programs in science and education should follow; effective and efficient strategies for achieving overall program excellence; the appropriateness of current disciplinary boundaries; definition of the most effective investment strategies; and assessment of the success of the program and other appropriate aspects of program performance.

    Kathleen McCloud, (703) 292-8236,
           Preferred Contact Method: E-Mail
    Leighann Martin, (703) 292-4659,
           Preferred Contact Method: E-Mail
    Vanessa Simon, (703) 292-2945,
           Preferred Contact Method: E-Mail





Committee of Visitors (COV) Reports, Responses and Recommendations

Other Reports



Please note that, with respect to the agenda that was published in the Federal Register, we have made a change that affects the order of two presentations/discussions on Industries of the Future (IotF). This re-ordering of agenda items is reflected in the following revised agenda:

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
  • Call to Order and Official Opening of the Meeting—Sean Jones, Acting Assistant Director, MPS
  • FACA and COI Briefing—Clark Cooper/Kathleen McCloud, MPS
  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes—Catherine Hunt, MPSAC Chair
  • UPDATE: MPS—Sean Jones, Acting Assistant Director, MPS
  • CHE COV Report Presentation—Peter K. Dorhout, Kansas State University
  • CHE COV Report discussion and vote on acceptance—Catherine Hunt, MPSAC Chair
  • MPS and the Living World Subcommittee: Revised name, revised charge, short discussion—Linda Sapochak, Jennifer Lewis, Catherine Hunt
  • Industries of the Future (IotF): Quantum Information Science—Denise Caldwell, MPS/PHY
  • Preparation for Meeting with NSF Director and COO
  • Closing remarks and adjourn for the day
Friday, August 7, 2020
  • Call to Order and Official Opening of the 2nd Day—Sean Jones, Acting Assistant Director, MPS
  • Industries of the Future (IotF): Artificial Intelligence—Erwin Gianchandi, CISE/OAD
  • Current Events (COVID-19 and other social issues affecting NSF): Presentation and discussion—Steve Meacham (OD/OIA), NSF Recovery Task Force
  • Legislative and Public Affairs that Affect MPS: Presentation and discussion—Amanda Greenwell, Office of Legislative and Public Affairs
  • The Budget Process: Presentation and discussion—Caitlyn Fife, Budget Division, Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management (BFA/BD)
  • Meeting and discussion with NSF Director and COO
  • Adjourn—Sean Jones, Acting Assistant Director, MPS
  • MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
  • April 16, 2020 8:00AM to April 17, 2020 12:30 PM (Face-to-Face Meeting)
    In light of COVID-19, we have decided to
     postpone the MPSAC Meeting that had been scheduled for April 16 and 17, 2020
    Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance. Please email with your name and organizational affiliation to request your badge, which will be ready for pick-up at the visitor's desk on the day of the meeting. The National Science Foundation is located at: 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314
    MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
  • October 23, 2019 - October 24, 2019 (Face-to-Face Meeting)
    Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance. Please email with your name and organizational affiliation to request your badge, which will be ready for pick-up at the visitor's desk on the day of the meeting. The National Science Foundation is located at: 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314
    MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
  • August 23, 2019 (Virtual Meeting)
    Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance. Please email with your name and organizational affiliation to request your badge, which will be ready for pick-up at the visitor's desk on the day of the meeting. The National Science Foundation is located at: 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314
    MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
  • May 2, 2019 - May 3, 2019 (Face-to-Face Meeting)
    Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance. Please email with your name and organizational affiliation to request your badge, which will be ready for pick-up at the visitor's desk on the day of the meeting. The National Science Foundation is located at: 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314
    MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
  • November 15, 2018 - November 16, 2018 (Face-to-Face Meeting)
    Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance. Please email with your name and organizational affiliation to request your badge, which will be ready for pick-up at the visitor's desk on the day of the meeting. The National Science Foundation has relocated to: 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314
    MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
  • August 14, 2018 - August 15, 2018 (Face-to-Face Meeting)
    Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance. Please email with your name and organizational affiliation to request your badge, which will be ready for pick-up at the visitor's desk on the day of the meeting. The National Science Foundation has relocated to: 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314
    MPS Advisory Committee (MPSAC)
Archived Meetings

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