Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2018-0001
Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs

The Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs has all of the current information in one manual to help you and your purchasing agent buy the right amount of food and the appropriate type of food for your program(s), and determine the specific contribution each food makes toward the meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2016-0002
Guide to Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs

The Guide to Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs is a central resource that comprehensively outlines the USDA professional standards requirements for state and local school nutrition program personnel who manage and operate the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.  It supports school nutrition personnel in ensuring they have the knowledge and skills they need to prepare nutritious, safe, and enjoyable school meals.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2014-0045
Responding to Food Recall Procedures for Recalls of USDA Foods

This manual was developed to provide an overview of the recall process for USDA Foods with a focus on school meals programs.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2013-0024
Stomach Bug Book
Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2012-0019
Handling Fresh Produce in Classrooms

Handling Fresh Produce in Classrooms: Guidance for School Nutrition Staff - Follow your school district’s food safety plan for appropriate actions when temperature standards are not met.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2012-0001
Coordinated Review Effort Procedures Manual

An administrative review which refers to the Coordinated Review Effort is the initial comprehensive on-site evaluation by a state agency  of a school food authority participating in the National School Lunch Program, and includes both critical and general areas of review.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2009-0033
Contracting with Food Service Management Companies

Contracting with Food Service Management Companies: Guidance for School Food Authorities The following guidance identifies items that should be considered in deciding whether to use a FSMC, the actions that should be taken once a decision to use a FSMC has been made, and the responsibilities of the SFA after the SFA-FSMC contract becomes operational.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2009-0007
Contracting with Food Service Management Companies

Contracting with Food Service Management Companies. Guidance for State Agencies. The purpose of this guidance is to provide SAs with the actions appropriate to ensure compliance with both program regulations and Federal cost and procurement standards.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2007-0031
Child Nutrition Labeling for Juice Drinks and Juice Drink Products

This publication has been prepared for juice drink manufacturers.  It contains directions for calculating the contribution that a juice drink or juice drink product makes toward meeting meal pattern requirements for the child nutrition programs.  It also contains instructions on how to apply for and obtain approval of a label with a child nutrition (CN) statement. 

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2005-0001
Child Nutrition Labeling for Nonmeat Products

This publication has been prepared for food manufacturers. It contains instructions on how to apply for and obtain approval of a label with a Child Nutrition (CN) statement.