OPM's Federal HR Institute
Developing visionary HR professionals to transform government.

The Federal HR Institute (FHRI) is a key part of the government-wide initiative to grow the federal HR workforce’s capability. 

The FHRI curriculum establishes a single, standardized framework based on career mapping for federal HR practitioners. 

Programs Our History Looking Ahead Resources Register Contact

Our Programs

FHRI is the only comprehensive Federal development program of its kind for HR practioners. Now offering a 22-course curriculium for Staffing specialists, at its completion, the FHRI suite will include 10 HR specialty areas:

  • Staffing
  • Classification
  • Employee Relations
  • Strategic Business Partner
  • Labor Relations
  • Performance Management
  • Human Resources Development
  • Pay and Compensation
  • Employee Benefits
  • HR Information Systems

We've mapped out clear guides for Federal HR practioners' professional development, informed by career path and competency specifications for each functional HR domain:

an image of icons depicting a curriculum journey through foundational, technical, advisor, and strategic skill levels

View Courses and Journey Maps:


Our History

First coined the Federal HR Capability Program in 2016, the FHRI curriculum was designed to improve capability in all functional HR domains from early entry into the 200-job series through GS-15.  The curriculum was informed by the career path and competency specifications from OPM’s Merit System Accountability and Compliance (MSAC) and Employee Services (ES) to be the only comprehensive program of its kind for Federal HR practitioners.

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Looking Ahead

In fiscal year 2021, FHRI curriculum expansion activities include Classification, Employee Relations, and Strategic Business Partner.

FHRI Curriculum Progress as of 10_20_20. Staffing - complete. Classification - in progress. Employee Relations and Strategic Business Parnter - upcoming. Labor Relations, Performance Management, HR Development, Pay and Compensation, Employee Benefits, and HR Information Systems - incomplete.

FHRI's upcoming curriculum development activities include:

  • Fundamentals of Legal Research**
  • Position Management
  • Advance Classification
  • FLSA
Employee Relations

  • Fundamentals of Legal Research**
  • Critical Analysis
  • Merit System Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices
  • Title 5 Discipline Overview
  • Employee and Labor Relations
  • Performance Management
  • Consulting Skills for HRM Professionals**
Strategic Business Partner

  • Business Analytics
  • Consulting Skills for HRM Professionals**
  • Evaluating Staffing Programs ***
  • Project Management for HR Professionals
  • Strategic Workforce Planning ***
  • Change Management
* In-process
** Cross-cutting course-included in other HR Functional area course tracks
*** Adapted from already developed courses in the Staffing Curricula



HR Specialist Career Path Guides

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Phone: 202-418-4252

Email: fhri@opm.gov

Federal HR Institute

1900 E Street, NW-Suite 2431-AB

Washington, DC 20415

Last modified: Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:35 AM