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Office of Response and Recovery

Our Mission

The Office of Response and Recovery provides guidance leadership and oversight to build, sustain and improve the coordination and delivery of support to citizens and state, local, tribal and territorial governments to save lives, reduce suffering, protect property and recover from all hazards.

What We Do

  • Through our Logistics Management Directorate, we deliver critical commodities and manufactured housing units following disasters. There are eight distribution centers in the United States and OCONUS strategically located to provide rapid support.
  • Through our Recovery Directorate, we provide assistance to communities overwhelmed by acts of terrorism, natural disasters or other emergencies.
  • Through our Response Directorate, we provide the core, coordinated federal operational response capability needed to save and sustain lives, minimize suffering and protect property in a timely and effective manner in communities that become overwhelmed by natural disasters, acts of terrorism or other emergencies.
  • Through our Field Operations Directorate, we ensure the operational readiness of FEMA’s incident workforce and coordinate the federal interagency for recovery to achieve timely, effective and integrated field operations that support the whole community across all mission areas.

Contact Us

David Bibo
Acting Associate Director

Last updated July 17, 2020