FY 2021 Budget Justification

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The following documents reflect the FY 2021 Department of Energy's Budget Request to Congress:

Summary Budget Documents

  • Budget Fact Sheet - Department of Energy FY2021 Budget Fact Sheet
  • Budget in Brief - A high-level narrative summary of the Department's budget request
  • Summary Tables - A summary of the request by appropriation account and by organization
  • Laboratory Table - Summarizes funding by decision unit and by the laboratories at which DOE does work
  • State Table - Summarizes funding by decision unit and by each State at which DOE does work

Detailed Budget Justification - Energy and Water Development Appropriations

  • Volume 1
    • National Nuclear Security Administration
    • Federal Salaries and Expenses
    • Weapons Activities
    • Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
    • Naval Reactors
  • Volume 2
    • Other Defense Activities
    • Departmental Administration
    • Inspector General
    • International Affairs
    • Working Capital Fund
    • Crosscutting Activities
    • Artificial Intelligence and Technology Office
    • Energy Information Administration
    • Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy
    • Pensions
  • Volume 3 Part 1
    • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    • Electricity
    • Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
    • Southeastern Power Administration
    • Southwestern Power Administration
    • Western Area Power Administration
    • Bonneville Power Administration
  • Volume 3 Part 2
    • Nuclear Energy
    • Fossil Energy Research and Development
    • Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves
    • Strategic Petroleum Reserve
    • Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve
    • Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
    • Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program
    • Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program
    • Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program
  • Volume 4
    • Science
  • Volume 5
    • Environmental Management