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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Research Gateway

Publications | Library | Archives 

The NWRC Research Gateway contains research articles, reports, factsheets, technical notes, data and other materials authored or co-authored by NWRC scientists and colleagues. The majority of the entries are journal articles but the database also includes conference proceedings, tech notes, book chapters, and other research publications.

NWRC has made digital copies of its authors' published papers available on this website as part of its effort to disseminate research findings. Copies of the papers are to be used for noncommercial, personal and educational purposes only.

For further information, please contact the Information Services Unit at 970-266-6000

NWRC Publications       

 2020 | 2019 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |

To search all NWRC publications visit the NWRC Digital Collections Site

Click here to view NWRC's yearly Publication Award winners. 

NWRC Research Fact Sheets
NWRC Annual Reports

WS Research Needs Assessment

2016 | 2011      


Living with Wildlife Activity Sheets

National Wildlife Disease Program Brochures and Manuals

Complementary Content