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OST-R's Programs

Office of Research and Technology (OST-R) is charged with advancing the deployment of cross-cutting technologies to improve our Nation’s transportation system.  

We oversee the following six program components: 

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

 BTS is a policy-neutral, objective broker of statistical information on the use and performance of the transportation system, its contributions, and consequences. This office is the preeminent source of objective, credible, and timely transportation statistics that are the basis for critical policy and investment decision making by governments at every level, the private sector, and the general public. Learn more.




Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO)

ITS JPO Logo ITS JPO is responsible for conducting research on behalf of the Department and all major modes to advance transportation safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability through electronic and information technology applications, known as ITS.

The ITS Research Program develops and tests the underlying technology, applications and standards, and conducts policy research aimed at enabling Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I)  capabilities. The ITS JPO also runs active programs for technology transfer, ITS professional capacity building and ITS evaluation, aimed at providing valuable resources for state and local agencies and other ITS stakeholders. Learn more

Office of Research, Development and Technology (RDT)

Research Hub LogoRDT manages and coordinates the strategic planning and execution processes for transportation research development and technology (RD&T) across the Department as defined in the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.  In addition to coordinating mandated annual RD&T reporting to Congress, the program promotes excellence in research management, develops guidance concerning access to research results, the peer review processes and research ethics and coordinates Departmental participation in initiatives of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). RDT program activities directly address and facilitate the achievement of the Secretary’s Innovation goal and includes the administration of the Research Hub, University Transportation Center (UTC) Program, Commercial Remote Sensing & Spatial Information (CRS&SI) TechnologiesTechnology Transfer (T2) Program, Positioning Navigation Timing (PNT) and Spectrum Management ProgramLearn more.

Positioning, Navigation and Timing and Spectrum Management (PNT)

Gif image of NOAA's GPS satellite constellation PNT develops and coordinates the development of departmental positions on PNT (including GPS) and spectrum policy to ensure safety, mobility, and efficiency of the transportation network. PNT Represents the civil Departments and Agencies in the development, acquisition, management, and operations of GPS, including requirements development. Learn more.




Transportation Safety Institute (TSI)

Traffic flowing on a busy highway with Safety decal superimposed on the roadTSI is OST-R’s Oklahoma City-based fee-for-service organization that provides innovative training for a nation on the move. TSI is committed to developing world-class safety, security, and environmental training, products, and services for both public and private sectors. Learn more.



Volpe National Transportation Systems Center 

Volpe Center LogoThe Volpe Center is a leading federal research, analysis and technology center within the U.S. DOT. Home to world-renowned multi-disciplinary expertise in all modes of transportation, Volpe serves as a catalyst for innovation, anticipating emerging and future transportation issues, and advancing transportation innovation for the public good. 

The majority of Volpe’s work directly supports the U.S. DOT’s Operating Administrations (OAs) and the Office of the Secretary. The Center also lends key support to 12 Federal agencies including DoD, DHS, NASA, Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture. Learn more.

Last updated: Thursday, December 21, 2017