Oregon Water Science Center


Welcome to the USGS in Oregon. Our mission is to explore the natural world around us and provide reliable scientific information to help Federal, State, and local agencies, Tribes, and the public make well-informed decisions. Our research is widely used to manage Oregon's water resources for the benefit and safety of people and the environment. 

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Weekly Science Seminar

Our lunchtime seminars are held Tuesdays from 12pm to 1 pm and are open to the public.

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Date published: December 1, 2020

"Legacy nitrogen" contributing to upward nitrate trends in streams

Despite the tremendous effort invested in reducing the use of nitrogen, widespread decreases in nitrate loads in US rivers and streams remain elusive—what gives? A new study from the USGS provides more evidence that the culprit is the slow release to streams of nitrogen that has accumulated in groundwater and other...

Date published: November 6, 2020

Potential Burrowing Habitat for Lamprey Larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon

Lampreys in the Umpqua River basin face multiple threats, including predation by nonnative fish such as smallmouth bass.


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Year Published: 2020

Nitrate in streams during winter low‐flow conditions as an indicator of legacy nitrate

Winter low‐flow (LF) conditions in streams provide a potential opportunity to evaluate the importance of legacy nitrate in catchments due to the dominance of slow‐flow transport pathways and lowered biotic activity. In this study, the concentration, flux, and trend of nitrate in streams during winter low‐flow conditions were analyzed at 320 sites...

Johnson, Henry M.; Stets, Edward G.

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Year Published: 2020

River network and reach‐scale controls on habitat for lamprey larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon

This study developed a spatially explicit framework to support the conservation of Western Brook Lamprey Lampetra richardsoni and Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus in the Umpqua River basin, Oregon. This framework identified locations within the river network likely to support “potential burrowing habitat” for lamprey...

Jones, Krista; Dunham, Jason B.; O'Connor, Jim E.; Keith, Mackenzie K.; Mangano, Joseph F.; Coates, Kelly; Mackie, Travis

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Year Published: 2020

Temperature and water-quality diversity and the effects of surface-water connection in off-channel features of the Willamette River, Oregon, 2015–16

Water-quality conditions (including temperature) in the Willamette River and many of its adjacent off-channel features, such as alcoves and side channels, were monitored between river miles 67 (near Salem, Oregon) and 168 (near Eugene, Oregon) during the summers of 2015 and 2016. One or more parameters (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH,...

Smith, Cassandra D.; Mangano, Joseph F.; Rounds, Stewart A.
Smith, C.D., Mangano, J.F., and Rounds, S.A., 2020, Temperature and water-quality diversity and the effects of surface-water connection in off-channel features of the Willamette River, Oregon, 2015–16: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5068, 70 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20205068.