

If you require help navigating federal bureaucracy, our office is here to help. Please reach out to our office and we’ll do what we can to assist you. Contact us online here or call 402-476-1400.
Tour Requests

Tour Requests

Our office is happy to help you plan you visit to Washington, D.C. Please fill out the form set up tours to a variety of historic D.C. landmarks, including the Capitol Building, the White House, the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, and the Library of Congress.
Flag Requests

Flag Requests

My office can request that an American flag be flown over the United States Capitol on any day of the year. Accompanying a requested flag will be a certificate of authenticity from the Architect of the Capitol. The certificate includes the name of the person or organization for whom the flag was flown, the date and the occasion. The flag and certificate make great gifts for honoring special occasions and anniversaries.


A select number of internships are available throughout the year in both our Nebraska and Washington, D.C. offices. This program is designed to enrich your academic experience with direct participation in the legislative process and public service. Applicants to our intern program must be a high-school graduate and be a United States citizen. The typical successful applicant will have strong research skills, good verbal and written communication skills, the ability to adapt to a fast-paced environment, and lots of enthusiasm.
Academy Nominations

Academy Nominations

It is an honor and privilege to recommend Nebraskans to attend the United States Military Academies.

Prior to applying for a nomination from our office, please contact your academy or academies of choice to request a pre-candidate questionnaire. Once completed and returned, the academy will apprise you of any special physical, medical, or academic requirements particular to their institution.

Nebraska Breakfast

Nebraska Breakfast

All Nebraskans visiting Washington D.C. and their guests are invited to attend and visit with their Congressional delegation. The Nebraska Breakfast is the oldest ongoing gathering of its kind on Capitol Hill. Click here to view this year's schedule for the Nebraska Breakfast and RSVP online.
Mobile Offices

Mobile Offices

These office hours provide Nebraskans with a face-to-face opportunity to speak with members of Senator Sasse’s staff about federal government-related issues. Constituent services representatives will be on hand to offer guidance and aid to Nebraskans who require help navigating Washington's federal bureaucracy. Click here to see our schedule for mobile office hours.