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The Library of Congress and GPO Release Ten Years of Legislative Data on GovInfo

We are excited to announce that the Library of Congress, in partnership with the Government Publishing Office (GPO), the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate, have released ten additional years of Bulk Status XML Bulk Data on GovInfo.

Bulk Legislative Status Data available via GovInfo.

Library of Congress Bill Status Data available via GovInfo.

This bill status information, which is created by the Library, describes the activities and status steps for each legislative measure. The new data spans 2003-2012 (the 108th Congress to the 112th Congress). This is in addition to the bill status information that was already available through GovInfo, which covered 2013-2020 (the 113th Congress to the 116th Congress). This data is also available on Congress.gov for users who would like to search a bill’s status, but do not need access to bulk data.

“We are pleased to make additional years of Library of Congress bill status data available through our partners at the Government Publishing Office,” said Deputy Librarian of Congress for Collections and Services and Law Librarian of Congress Jane Sánchez. “This is the latest example of an enhancement that was created in response to patron feedback. We hope that access to this collection of bulk data will facilitate new innovation and analysis.”

Click here to access the data through GovInfo’s Bulk Data Repository.

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