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A Wealth of Law Library Reports in 2014!

Research-books-on-two-desksThe foreign law specialists and legal analysts at the Law Library of Congress have had another busy year writing reports and other responses to requests from a wide range of patrons.  Some of these were detailed multinational studies, such as our reports on police weapons in select countries and on the regulation of genetically modified organisms, while others were shorter surveys that looked at the laws of a large number of countries on a specific issue, such as the criminalization of homosexuality in African jurisdictions and the regulatory responses to virtual currencies around the world.  Some reports were just on single countries, such as on rules related to the slaughter of domestic animals in Sweden.

We’ve made a real push this year to make more of our reports available to the public, and it appears our efforts have paid off!  Last December Hanibal highlighted the nine reports that we published on our website during 2013.  Since that time we have not only published eight more reports that were completed in 2013, but also added another 27 new reports to our Legal Topics page!  Here’s the full 2014 list in date order:

There are also many older reports on our website that remain a great resource for anyone interested in learning about how different countries have sought to address various legal and policy issues.  Published in 2007, our report on children’s rights is still one of our most visited, with the entries on China, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, and relevant international law proving particularly popular.  Our 2013 report on firearms control laws, particularly the entries on Australia, South Africa, and Great Britain, was also viewed by a large number of people.  Within other reports, an entry on laws related to sex selection and abortion in India was among our most viewed, as were pages on Canadian laws related to medical malpractice liability and points-based immigration.

Several of the information pages related to US constitutional law were also well-used during 2014, including those on gun ownership and the Supreme Court; the War Powers Act; and presidential signing statements.

We look forward to seeing what interesting topics we will research and publish reports on next year!  We often write about our new reports on this blog under the Global Law category.  You can also sign up to receive alerts whenever a report is published.  Just click the “subscribe” button at the top of any page on our website and select an option under “Legal Research Reports.”

Global Legal Monitor: 2014 Year in Review

The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) had a great 2014.  One of the Law Library of Congress premier online sources, the GLM published 431 articles in 2014 covering legal developments around the world, particularly parliamentary acts and court decisions on a variety of issues. When writing for the Global Legal Monitor, we try to focus on issues that we believe will interest […]

Top 10 New In Custodia Legis Posts of 2014

What an exciting year it has been for In Custodia Legis!  We added Jennifer and Betty to our blog team.  We published over 200 posts (go back and read any of them you might have missed, I’ll wait).  The three most-viewed months in our blog’s four year history came in September, October, and November.  Towards the […]

On Break for the Holidays – Pic of the Week

    In Custodia Legis will be on break for the upcoming holidays – Thursday, December 25 and Friday, December 26 (a holiday by executive order).  We will be back next week – except on Thursday, January 1 – with some end-of-the-year posts! Just last week, the Library of Congress set up its annual holiday […]

Nairobi Shipment

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in the Processing Section of the Law Library. Monday morning we received five large boxes shipped from the Nairobi field office of the Library of Congress. It’s always fun when these deliveries arrive as we never know what we’ll find. The last shipment from Nairobi was mostly […]

The Congress.gov Top 14 in 2014

I love end of the year lists.  It is nice to take a step back from the day to day or month to month and look at trends over time.  Last year I surveyed the top 13 in 2013 and decided to add another item to the list this year. This has been an eventful […]

An Interview with Brandon Fitzgerald

Today’s interview is with Brandon Fitzgerald, project manager of a Law Library staffing contract.  Brandon does a terrific job managing a group of contractors who help keep our collections orderly and updated. Describe your background. I’m a native son of Cleveland, Ohio which for all its grit remains one of my favorite cities. After traveling […]

Constitutions of Clarendon

The Constitutions of Clarendon were issued by Henry II in 1164.  This document became the bone of contention between Henry II and the Archbishop of Canterbury, who was also his former chancellor and friend, Thomas Beckett.  The quarrel between these two men eventually led to Thomas’s murder and then elevation to sainthood, as well as […]