
About OCFO

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is responsible for the financial leadership of NOAA, and its primary duty is to uphold strong financial management and accountability while providing timely, accurate, and reliable financial information and enhancing internal control. 

The areas under the direction of the OCFO are the Budget, Finance, and Performance, Risk, and Social Science Offices.

  • NOAA's Budget Office formulates, produces, and tracks the NOAA Budget each fiscal year.  These activities include interactions with external stakeholders such as the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress. 
  • NOAA’s Finance Office provides NOAA's financial management policies, systems, and procedures. It advises NOAA offices on financial management policies and procedures and provides special-purpose financial information and analyses on matters of immediate concern to line and staff offices, the CFO, and the Office of the Under Secretary.
  • NOAA’s Performance, Risk, and Social Science Office (PRSSO) was established within OCFO in 2016 to enhance NOAA-wide integration of performance, risk, strategic planning, and social science functions.  Additionally, PRSSO serves as the Executive Secretariat for the Program Management Council (PMC), which is a governance function for mission-critical and large-scale projects.   


OCFO Executive Team:

Chris Cartwright, Director of NOAA Budget Office

Nuthan Deodhar, Director of NOAA Finance Office

Anthony (Tony) Wilhelm, Director, Performance, Risk, and Social Science Office

Contact Us: or 301-713-1632