Season’s Greetings from Library Services & Content Management & SuDocs

Dear Federal depository library partners,

On behalf of the entire Library Services & Content Management and Superintendent of Documents staff at GPO, I want to wish you and your families a happy, healthy holiday season.

Despite all of 2020’s trials and tribulations, the staff members at nationwide Federal depository libraries have continued to serve the American public in unique and creative ways. You’ve faced the challenges at your libraries head on, all the while striving to meet the needs of your patrons. The resiliency and innovation displayed by the FDLP community this year has been nothing short of amazing. At GPO, we want you to know that we are grateful for you, appreciate you, and hope your holidays, while different this year, are special in their own way.

If you need to reach our staff members with questions, or if you need assistance at any time, please contact us. We look forward to a prosperous 2021.

Best Wishes,
Laurie Hall
Superintendent of Documents
Managing Director, Library Services & Content Management
U.S. Government Publishing Office

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