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Important Call to Action: Notify GPO as Your Library Reopens

Please notify GPO using this form as your library begins to reopen and change operating statuses due to COVID-19. GPO staff members are tracking this information for the purposes of resuming shipments and general communication. This will help us support you and your library effectively and efficiently.

Important items to note:

  • Please complete only the fields that apply to your library’s situation.
  • Resubmit the form as your library's operation changes, including if your library needs to reclose or if there are any updates to services offered.
  • Shipments will continue to be held for those libraries that do not submit this form.
  • When shipments resume, GPO will work to ship the backlog in order of preparation, so the materials prepared when the closures first began will begin shipping first.
  • The 60-day claim periods are being extended. Claims will be honored even though the dates of your shipping lists will be past 60 days. Shipping lists were prepared, boxes were packed, and shipments were held at GPO’s distribution facility beginning in mid-March.

Thank you for all you do in Keeping America Informed. The staff at GPO sends their continued wishes for health and wellness.

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