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Immigration Statistics Reading Room

The Office of Immigration Statistics provides regularly released data and customized tabulations in response to a public request when there is a significant value for that information. Below are a collection of files in response to these requests. Tabulations are organized by topic and each page contains an explanation of what the files contain.

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Lawful Permanent Residents

Lawful Permanent Residents Supplemental Yearbook Data Tables

  • The following Lawful Permanent Residents data tables are available in the supplemental zip files provided on the Lawful Permanent Residents topic page (or on the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pages).
    • Lawful Permanent Residents Supplemental Table 1: Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by State or Territory or Residence and Region and Country of Birth.
    • Lawful Permanent Residents Supplemental Table 2: Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Leading Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA) of Residence and Region and Country of Birth.
    • Lawful Permanent Residents Supplemental Table 3: Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Region of Birth and Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) of Residence.
    • Lawful Permanent Residents Supplemental Table 4: Immigrant Orphans Adopted by U.S. Citizens by Sex, Age, and State or Territory or Residence.

Yearbook Tables 8-11 Expanded (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals): FY 2006-2018

  • Expanded versions of Tables 8 thru 11 from each of Yearbooks of Immigration Statistics from FY 2006-2018 to distinguish between Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals.

Lawful Permanent Residents by Type, Broad Class of Admission, and Sex and Broad Age Group: Top Twenty States: FY 2018

  • State-level data for the top twenty states of residence of new Lawful Permanent Residents: Expanded version of two panels of Table 9 (sex and broad age group) of the 2018 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics to distinguish between Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals.

Lawful Permanent Residents by Citizenship and Major Class of Admission: FY 2005-2016

  • Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) and derivative (spouses and children) employment-based LPRs by citizenship and major class of admission for FY 2005-2016.

New Lawful Permanent Residents by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties only): 2007-2019

  • County-level data for the top 200 counties of residence of new Lawful Permanent Residents by major class of admission and country of birth.

Adjustments to Lawful Permanent Residence by Year of Entry: FY 2000-2018

  • Year of entry into the United States of those adjusting to LPR status from FY 2000 to FY 2018 for the top 10 countries of birth and by world regions.

Refugees & Asylees

Credible Fear Cases Completed (FY 2007-2018) and Referrals for Credible Fear Interview (FY 2016-2018)

  • Total Credible Fear cases completed for FY 2007-2018 and top fifteen nationalities referred for a Credible Fear Interview for FY 2016-2018.

Asylum Workload by Top Twenty Nationalities: FY 2014-2016

  • Asylum cases filed, cases completed, and pending for top twenty nationalities with a breakdown for cases completed by cases granted, cases denied, referral to immigration judge, and cases closed.


Naturalizations Supplemental Yearbook Data Tables

  • The following Naturalizations data tables are available in the supplemental zip files provided on the Naturalizations topic page (or on the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pages).
    • Naturalizations Supplemental Table 1: Persons Naturalized by State or Territory or Residence and Region and Country of Birth.
    • Naturalizations Supplemental Table 2: Naturalizations by Leading Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA) of Residence and Region and Country of Birth.
    • Naturalizations Supplemental Table 3: Persons Naturalized by Region of Birth and Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) of Residence.

Nonimmigrant Admissions

Nonimmigrant Admissions Supplemental Yearbook Data Tables

  • The following Nonimmigrant data tables are available in the supplemental zip files provided on the Nonimmigrant Admissions topic page (or on the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pages).
    • Nonimmigrant Supplemental Table 1: Nonimmigrant Admissions by Class of Admission and Country of Citizenship.
    • Nonimmigrant Supplemental Table 2: Nonimmigrant Admissions by Class of Admission and Country of Residence.
    • Nonimmigrant Supplemental Table 3: Nonimmigrant Admissions by Class of Admission and State or Territory of Destination.

Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: FY 2016-2018

  • Selected nonimmigrant classes of admission by sex and age for FY 2016-2018.

Special Reports

Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Data Tables

  • Archived tables for Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report. Selected quarterly data on Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees, Nonimmigrants, and Naturalizations.


Year End Report of the Monthly Statistical Reports: Fiscal Years 1999-2005 (Archive)

Last Published Date: October 23, 2020

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