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USDA FOIA Points of Contact

Before submitting FOIA requests, we encourage you to review USDA’s website. USDA routinely posts information so you may find what you are looking for is already posted.

You should also keep in mind that because we have a decentralized FOIA program, each FOIA agency or staff office is independently handling and processing its requests. Therefore, before emailing or mailing your request, you should try to determine whether it is likely that the agency or staff office will have the records you are seeking. You can view the descriptions of each FOIA agency or staff office by clicking on the title below.

If after reviewing the descriptions, you are unsure about which FOIA agency or staff office will have responsive records, submit your request to the USDA Departmental FOIA Officer at the address below.

Alexis R. Graves
Departmental FOIA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
South Building
Room 4104
Washington, DC 20250-0706

Requesters will be notified by the Departmental FOIA Officer when their requests are routed. This notification will include the FOIA agency or staff office likely to have responsive records in addition to the point(s) of contact.

The USDA Departmental FOIA Office processes records requests for all USDA staff offices with the exception of the Office of Inspector General. The Departmental FOIA Office also processes records requests for the Research, Education and Economics and the Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs mission areas. Requests for the USDA Departmental FOIA Office should be directed to

Office of Inspector General

Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigates allegations of crime against the Department’s program and promotes the economy and efficiency of its operations.

FOIA inquiries for OIG should be directed to:
Alison Decker
FOIA Officer
Albert Stewart
FOIA Contact
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Whitten Building
Room 441-E
Mail Stop 2308
Washington, DC 20250
Tel. 202-720-5677
Fax 202-690-6305

Farm Production and Conservation

Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) is the Department’s focal point for the nation’s farmers and ranchers and other stewards of private agricultural lands and non-industrial private forest lands. FPAC agencies implement programs designed to mitigate the significant risks of farming through crop insurance services, conservation programs and technical assistance, and commodity, lending, and disaster programs.


FOIA inquiries for FPAC should be directed to:
Patrick McLoughlin
FOIA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250-9410
Tel: 202-590-6168
Fax 202-720-2979

Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services works to harness the Nation's agricultural abundance to end hunger and improve health in the United States. Its agencies administer federal domestic nutrition assistance programs and the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, which links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers through science-based dietary guidance, nutrition policy coordination, and nutrition education.

FOIA inquiries for FNS should be directed to:
Kevin Lynch
FOIA Officer
Braddock Metro Center II
1320 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314

Food Safety

Food Safety ensures that the Nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and properly labeled, and packaged. This mission area also plays a key role in the President's Council on Food Safety and has been instrumental in coordinating a national food safety strategic plan among various partner agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency.

FOIA inquiries for FSIS should be directed to:
Arianne Perkins
FOIA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
South Building
Room 2170
Washington, DC 20250
Tel. 202-720-2109
Fax 202-690-3023

Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Marketing and Regulatory Programs facilitates domestic and international marketing of U.S. agricultural products and ensures the health and care of animals and plants. MRP agencies are active participants in setting national and international standards.

FOIA inquiries for AMS should be directed to:
Mark R. Brook
FOIA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
South Building
Washington, DC 20250
Tel. (202) 205-0288

FOIA inquiries for APHIS should be directed to:
Tonya Woods
FOIA/PA Officer
4700 River Road
Unit 50
Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1232
Tel. 301-851-4076
Fax 301-734-5941

Natural Resources and Environment

Natural Resources and Environment ensures the health of the land through sustainable management. Its agency works to prevent damage to natural resources and the environment, restore the resource base, and promote good land management.

FOIA inquiries for FS should be directed to:
Margaret Scofield
Acting FOIA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Yates Building
Stop 1150
Washington, DC 20250
Tel. 202-205-1542

Rural Development

Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural America by providing financial programs to support essential public facilities and services as water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, emergency service facilities and electric and telephone service. Rural Development promotes economic development by providing loans to businesses through banks and community-managed lending pools, while also assisting communities to participate in community empowerment programs.

FOIA inquiries for RBS, RUS and RHS should be directed to:
Lolita Barnes
National FOIA/PA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
South Building
Stop 0706
Washington, DC 20250-0706
Tel. 202-690-5394