

What is MIDAS?

The Farm Service Agency’s (FSA’s) Modernize and Innovate the Delivery of Agricultural Systems (MIDAS) program is a modernization initiative to provide a secure, long-term, web-based solution to simplify, integrate, and automate the delivery of Farm Programs across the United States.

Deployed in two major phases in April 2013 and December 2014, MIDAS is used each day in nearly 2,200 FSA offices to manage a range of federal assistance programs, which support some five million farms across the country.

Through MIDAS, farm and customer (Farmer, Rancher, and Producer) data is now centralized and integrated, providing a host of benefits to farmers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) alike. MIDAS empowers FSA field offices to provide consistent, top-notch customer service by placing at their fingertips the farm and customer data they need – linked together within a single system. The result is greater data accuracy, reduced data entry efforts, and improved access to systems for both customers and FSA field offices.

MIDAS represents a robust foundation upon which future FSA modernization and innovation efforts will be built, allowing FSA to optimize similar information technology platforms to achieve additional efficiencies across the entire Agency.