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  • Starting in January 2021, we’re making the process easier for participants. If you’re turning 50 or older and are eligible for catch-up, you’ll no longer need to make separate catch-up elections to your TSP account. To learn how to make these contributions next year, visit Catch-up contributions.

G Fund

Government Securities Investment Fund

First, let's answer a few questions.

  • The payment of G Fund principal and interest is guaranteed by the U.S. Government. This means that the U.S. Government will always make the required payments.

  • The G Fund is subject to the possibility that your investment will not grow enough to offset the reduction in purchasing power that results from inflation (inflation risk).

  • Consider investing in the G Fund if you would like to have all or a portion of your TSP account completely protected from loss. If you choose to invest in the G Fund, you are placing a higher priority on the stability and preservation of your money than on the opportunity to potentially achieve greater long-term growth in your account through investment in the other TSP funds.

The G Fund's investment objective is to produce a rate of return that is higher than inflation while avoiding exposure to credit (default) risk and market price fluctuations.


Average annual returns
2020 YTD 1 Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 10 Yrs
- - - - -
  • Details As of 12/31/2019

    $243.8 billion

    Net administrative expenses
    $0.430/$1,000 account balance 0.043% (4.3 basis points)

    Other expenses
    $0.000/$1,000 account balance 0.000% (0.0 basis points)

    Benchmark index
    Not applicable

    Asset manager
    Not applicable

    Inception date

    Top ten holdings As of 12/31/2019

    The G Fund rate is calculated by the U.S. Treasury as the weighted average yield of approximately 136 U.S. Treasury securities on the last day of the previous month.

  • Portfolio Weight As of December 31, 2018

    Sector Portfolio Weight 1 Portfolio Percentage
    Short-term U.S. Treasury securities 100.0%
    1. By law, the G Fund must be invested in nonmarketable U.S. Treasury securities specially issued to the TSP.
  • Fees As of 12/31/2019

    Net administrative expenses1
    $0.430/$1,000 account balance 0.043% (4.3 basis points)

    Other expenses2
    $0.000/$1,000 account balance 0.000% (0.0 basis points)

    1. An expense ratio of 0.043% translates to 4.3 basis points or $0.430 per $1,000 acount balance.
    2. Fees paid to the investment manager.

    Additional information

    The G Fund is invested in short-term U.S. Treasury securities specially issued to the TSP. Payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by the U.S. government. Thus, there is no “credit risk.”

    Although the securities in the G Fund earn a long-term interest rate, the Board’s investment in the G Fund is redeemable on any business day with no risk to principal. The value of G Fund securities does not fluctuate; only the interest rate changes.

    The G Fund Yield Advantage—The G Fund rate calculation results in a long-term rate being earned on short-term securities. Because long-term interest rates are generally higher than short-term rates, G Fund securities usually earn a higher rate of return than do short-term marketable Treasury securities.