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OKlahoma Tracer EXperiment (OKTEX) Information

OKlahoma Tracer EXperiment (OKTEX) was a single 3-hour release (1900 to 2200 UTC) of a several perflourocarbons from Norman, OK (35.24N 097.46W) on Jul. 08, 1980.

Sampling sites were arrayed along 2 arcs; one arc at 100 km north of the release with 30 sites sampling at 45 min intervals, and a second arc 600 km north-northeast of the release, from southeast NB throughout central MO, with 38 sites sampling at 3-hour intervals.

Ferber,G.J., K.Telegadas, J.L.Heffter, C.R.Dickson, R.N.Dietz, and P.W.Krey, 1981: Demonstration of a Long-range Atmospheric Tracer Sysytem Using Perfluorocarbons. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL-101, 81, 74pp.

Modified: May 10, 2011
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