United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Publication Notification Process for VA Investigators

VA investigators or their local research offices are required to notify VHA Research Communications of all scientific publications or presentations, upon acceptance by a journal or meeting sponsor, in accordance with VHA Handbook 1200.19 (112 KB, PDF).

Please submit your notifications using our SharePoint PubTracker system by following the simple steps below:
  • Go to the ORD SharePoint Website by copying and pasting the following URL into your browser:
    (Access restricted to VA Intranet using Internet Explorer)
  • Click "Submit Notification" and fill in the form
    (Be sure to upload a copy of the presentation abstract or complete accepted article)

For questions related to Biomedical Laboratory R&D, Clinical Science R&D, Cooperative Studies Program, and Rehabilitation R&D notifications, please contact Mitch Mirkin, R&D Communications, at 410- 962-1800, ext. 252, or mitch.mirkin@va.gov. For questions related to Health Services R&D and QUERI notifications please send an email to vhacohsrd@va.gov. For technical assistance with the SharePoint site, contact Charles Festel at 617-232-9500 ext: 42174 or charles.festel@va.gov.

  • Please note, with the exception of HSR&D and QUERI notifications, if you currently do not have VA Intranet access, you may temporarily continue to send notifications via email to research.publications@va.gov. Please be sure to include the article or abstract title, along with an electronic copy of the abstract, manuscript or poster; VA investigators' full names and degrees; and the journal or meeting title and date. Optionally, you may also attach a brief lay summary of the findings; and a note stating whether the findings are likely to be controversial, sensitive or particularly newsworthy, or whether they have especially important implications for VHA.

Please note that notification emails should no longer be sent to the ORD and HSR&D publications email addresses as of Sept. 20, 2011.