National Housing Market Summary


Quarterly Key Indicators

Note: Change From Prior Period May Be Shown As a Percent Change or a Percentage-Point Change




Change From
Change From
as-of Date

SA = seasonally adjusted.
NSA = not seasonally adjusted.
SAAR = seasonally adjusted annual rate.
r = revised.
s = statistically significant.
n = not statistically significant.
u = statistical significance unavailable.
Z = Suppressed for data quality reasons.
NA = not available.
FHFA = Federal Housing Finance Agency.
ARM = adjustable-rate mortgage.
DQ = delinquent.
FC = foreclosure.
FHA = Federal Housing Administration.
VA = U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
PMI = private mortgage insurance.
GDP = Gross Domestic Product.
URE = usual residence elsewhere.

Note: Components may not add to totals because of rounding.

* The median rental price underlying this estimate was affected by the same pandemic-induced survey issues influencing the homeownership and vacancy rates (see Homeownership and Housing Vacancy section).

** The share of previous-quarter shipments sold for residential use within four months of being shipped.

*** Commitment (advertised) rates on the 5-Yr ARM are now reported in place of rates on the 1-Yr ARM. Freddie Mac discontinued surveying lenders on the 1-Yr ARM as of January 2016.

**** FHA market share estimates are based on new methodology beginning with the Q3 2013 report; estimates were revised back through Q1 2011. See the FHA Market Share report on their website for an explanation of the new methodology:

***** FHA mortgage applications and endorsements data have been revised to exclude Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM) beginning with the Q3 2013 release.

****** The Q2 and Q3 2020 data on homeownership and vacancy rates, housing stock, and households should be viewed with caution. The data are based on the BLS Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey conducted by the Census Bureau and represent a break in the series because the surveys were conducted under COVID-19 restrictions that prevented normal data collection procedures. In-person interviews were suspended on March 20, 2020 and the Q2 survey was conducted solely by telephone interviews, resulting in a much lower survey response rate. In-person interviews were incrementally added back for the Q3 survey with 39 percent added in July, 50 percent in August, and 100 percent in September. See