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The Energy and Global Global Security directorate supports four crosscutting strategic research initiatives. These collaborative efforts draw upon expertise, capabilities, and facilities across the laboratory to expand the work performed within the directorate.

Manufacturing Science and Engineering

The Manufacturing Science and Engineering Initiative revolves around a science-based approach to energy manufacturing and related material technologies. It builds upon Argonne’s leadership in materials science, x-ray science, and high-performance computing to accelerate the progression from discovery to demonstration in a dedicated collaborative facility. 

National Security Programs

Argonne’s National Security Programs focuses on two strategic vectors: Energy for Maneuver and Preventing Weaponization. Research in these areas builds on crosscutting strengths across the EGS directorate and reaches into other research areas as appropriate to solve R&D challenges in national security.

Nuclear Energy Science and Technology

Argonne applies its expertise in nuclear technology and its international nuclear energy network to enhance the safety and security of nuclear power generation worldwide. This initiative focuses on establishing and leading partnerships with industry, other DOE laboratories, and universities to develop and demonstrate advanced reactor and fuel cycle systems that are economically competitive; discharge less waste; and further enhance nuclear safety, security, and proliferation resistance.

Securing Energy and Critical Resources

In this initiative, Argonne focuses on developing a national program for projecting and addressing the energy and critical resource needs of the interconnected society of the future. We will address national critical infrastructure security and resilience issues, with an eye toward increased interconnectivity of communities, cities and regions.