MAE Reports and Articles

Monitoring Assessment & Evaluation Reports & Articles

The Farm Service Agency works with partners to identify Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation (MAE) projects to quantify CRP environmental benefits to water quality and quantity, wildlife, and rural economies.

Project Summaries 

Click on the images or text below to view summaries of recent projects.

Bird Conservation Benefits of the CRP

Assessing the Impact of the CRP on Honey Bee Health

Prairie Strip Benefits

Saturated Buffers

Project Reports

Click on the text below to view full reports from completed projects.

Multiple Benefits Studies

Wildlife Studies

Water Quality and Quantity Studies

Pollinator Studies

Ongoing Studies

MAE projects often require multiple years of observation to complete. This page lists the projects that have been funded and are under way.

Other Links 

Numerous organizations have monitoring and assessment programs that complement FSA’s MAE project and provide information on the benefits of the CRP.


Links to previous webinars on MAE projects are available on this site.