Bureau of Competition: Contact Information

If you have a question or comment about an antitrust issue, submit it to the Bureau of Competition by one of the methods below. Please consult the FTC’s Guide to the Antitrust Laws, which may answer general questions about the antitrust laws and contains Frequently Asked Questions on a number of topics, or Inside BC to learn more about the work of the Bureau of Competition.  

To fully describe your concern, please provide answers to the following questions:

  • What company, entity or organization is engaging in conduct you believe violates the antitrust laws?
  • How do you believe this entity may have harmed competition?
  • What is your role in the situation? For instance, are you a customer, competitor or supplier?

To help us serve you better, please include a day-time telephone number in your communication.



Regular Mail:

Office of Policy and Coordination 
Room CC-5422
Bureau of Competition
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580
(202) 326-3300

NOTE: E-mail is not secure.  Confidential information should be marked “Confidential” and sent via regular mail.  To learn how we may use the information you provide, please read our Privacy Policy.

RESPONSES TO E-MAIL: The Bureau appreciates hearing your concerns and the time you have taken to express your views.  Please understand that in some instances the volume of e-mail we receive on a particularly issue is such that we cannot respond individually to each message.  You have our assurance, however, that all incoming messages are forwarded to the appropriate division within the Bureau of Competition and that your views are being heard.


For further information about matters handled by the FTC’s Health Care Division, or to lodge complaints about suspected antitrust violations, please write, call, or fax this office as follows:

Mailing Address: Health Care Services and Products Division
Bureau of Competition
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580

Telephone Number: 202-326-3300
Fax Number: 202-326-3384

For further information about pharmaceutical mergers handled by the FTC’s Mergers I Division, please write, call, or fax the Mergers I Division as follows:

Mailing Address: Mergers I Division
Bureau of Competition
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580

Telephone Number: 202-326-2682
Fax Number: 202-326-2655

For further information about hospital mergers handled by the FTC’s Mergers IV Division, please write, call, or fax the Mergers IV Division as follows:

Mailing Address: Mergers IV Division
Bureau of Competition
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580

Telephone Number: (202) 326-2769 or (202)-326-2214
Fax Number: (202) 326-2286