Modernizing Recordation of Notices of Termination

The U.S. Copyright Office is proposing to amend certain regulations governing the recordation of notices of termination under sections 203 and 304(c) of the Copyright Act.

Along with a parallel rulemaking focused on modernizing document recordation in conjunction with development of the Office’s online recordation system (details available here), the proposed amendments are intended to improve efficiency in the processing of termination notices and to provide additional guidance to the public in this area. In addition, the Office is providing notice of changes to its examination practices for certain notices of termination that pertain to multiple grants. Finally, the Office sought and received public comment regarding the possible development of a sample form, template, or similar guidance documents for notices of termination, as well as potential regulatory updates regarding notices filed by third-party agents.

Written comments were due August 5, 2020.

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