1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 1 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE I Operating Cash Balance ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening balance Closing ______________________________________ Type of account balance This This today Today month fiscal year ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account $ 1,613,526 $ 1,611,360 $ 1,598,798 $ 1,781,679 Supplementary Financing Program Account 0 0 0 0 Short-Term Cash Investments (Table V) 0 0 0 0 Total Operating Balance $ 1,613,526 $ 1,611,360 $ 1,598,798 $ 1,781,679 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 2 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE II Deposits and Withdrawals of Operating Cash ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Deposits Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account: Agriculture Loan Repayments (misc) $ 24 $ 145 $ 760 Cash FTD's Received (Table IV) 13,695 67,417 271,550 Commodity Credit Corporation programs 20 160 834 Deposits by States: Supplemental Security Income 2 13 297 Dept of Commerce (DOC) 13 74 356 Dept of Education (ED) 117 781 3,645 Dept of Energy (DOE) 12 63 685 Dept of Health & Human Serv (HHS) - Misc 12 118 1,310 HHS - Marketplace Receipts 0 0 1 HHS - Medicare Premiums 60 475 4,034 Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) - misc 17 98 513 DHS - Customs and Certain Excise Taxes 112 667 8,317 DHS - Fed Emergency Mgmt Agency (FEMA) 12 71 324 DHS - Transportation Security Admn (TSA) 0 3 150 Dept of Labor (DOL) - misc 1 7 38 DOL - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. 1 23 4,451 Dept of Transportation (DOT) 3 11 196 Dept of Veterans Affairs (VA) 24 186 820 District of Columbia 0 0 22 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 0 4 38 Estate and Gift Taxes 159 603 2,710 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 1 1,004 4,534 FCC - Universal Service Fund 63 329 1,004 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) 0 1 31 Federal Reserve Earnings 0 692 8,121 Foreign Military Sales Program 7 1,653 3,956 General Services Administration (GSA) 3 47 234 Housing and Urban Development programs 1 55 251 Individual Income and Employment Taxes, Not Withheld 326 2,259 24,682 Interest recd from cash investments 0 0 0 Justice Department programs 212 320 1,008 National Science Foundation (NSF) 0 0 1 Postal Service 433 2,508 11,108 Public Debt Cash Issues (Table III-B) 1,407 590,675 2,198,365 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 4 26 166 Small Business Administration (SBA) 34 254 1,083 State Unemployment Insurance Deposits 83 2,564 4,332 Unclassified - Deposits 62 407 2,580 Other Deposits: Federal Housing Admin: Note Sales 238 844 2,585 Thrift Savings Plan Transfer 1,466 3,018 9,255 Total Other Deposits 1,704 4,305 15,760 Change in Balance of Uncollected Funds 0 0 0 Transfers from Depositaries 0 0 0 Total Federal Reserve Account 18,628 678,017 2,578,266 Short-Term Cash Investments: Transfers from Federal Reserve Account (Table V) 0 0 0 Total Deposits (excluding transfers) $ 18,628 $ 678,017 $ 2,578,266 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 3 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Withdrawals Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account: Air Carrier Worker Support 0 0 48 Commodity Credit Corporation programs 118 848 7,655 Coronavirus Relief Fund 0 0 0 Defense Vendor Payments (EFT) 1,593 6,998 35,123 Dept of Commerce (DOC) 28 245 863 Dept of Education (ED) 413 2,700 16,515 Dept of Energy (DOE) 84 715 4,592 Dept of Health & Human Serv (HHS) - Misc 118 469 1,789 HHS - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 130 276 1,180 HHS - Federal Hospital Insr Trust Fund 566 4,236 43,153 HHS - Federal Supple Med Insr Trust Fund 757 4,733 52,144 HHS - Grants to States for Medicaid 1,432 8,482 49,453 HHS - Health Resources & Services Admin 23 598 3,219 HHS - Indian Health Service 381 1,307 2,142 HHS - Marketplace Payments 0 0 6,918 HHS - Medicare Prescription Drugs 0 11 20,431 HHS - National Institutes of Health 154 789 3,512 HHS - Other Public Health Services 29 221 810 HHS - Othr Admin for Children & Families 72 499 2,680 HHS - Othr Cent Medicare & Medicaid Serv 129 569 3,058 HHS - Payments to States 107 516 2,405 HHS - Temp Assistance for Needy Families 28 352 1,328 Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) - misc 68 372 1,445 DHS - Customs & Border Protection (CBP) 14 114 682 DHS - Fed Emergency Mgmt Agency (FEMA) 41 408 3,018 DHS - Transportation Security Admn (TSA) 1 2 3 Dept of Labor (DOL) - misc 37 374 1,777 DOL - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. 0 11 550 DOL - Unemployment Benefits 1,783 8,162 34,583 Unemployment Assist - FEMA Lost Wage Pmt 259 521 7,804 Dept of Transportation (DOT) - Misc 9 77 238 DOT - Federal Aviation Administration 37 377 1,397 DOT - Federal Highway Administration 116 1,304 5,671 DOT - Federal Railroad Administration 2 8 33 DOT - Federal Transit Administration 115 385 2,078 DOT - Office of the Secretary 0 19 75 Dept of Veterans Affairs (VA) 288 1,487 6,439 VA - Benefits 56 340 19,765 District of Columbia 1 8 45 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 19 168 691 ESF - Economic Recovery Programs 0 17 246 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 1 147 376 FCC - Universal Service Fund 26 100 859 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) 0 24 127 Federal Employees Insurance Payments 238 2,087 9,474 Federal Salaries (EFT) 63 3,420 24,106 Food and Nutrition Service (misc) 85 436 2,250 General Services Administration (GSA) 122 1,026 3,267 Housing and Urban Development programs 74 3,966 9,958 Interest on Treasury Securities 0 9,400 12,780 IRS Tax Refunds Business (EFT) 920 2,324 5,131 IRS Tax Refunds Individual (EFT) 44 1,936 9,977 Justice Department programs 55 447 1,621 NASA 109 486 2,245 National Science Foundation (NSF) 20 150 716 Postal Service Money Orders and Other 211 1,158 4,731 Public Debt Cash Redemp. (Table III-B) 1,431 520,121 2,061,558 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 4 24 116 Small Business Administration (SBA) 1,192 20,078 24,770 Social Security Benefits (EFT) 56 22,461 104,678 Supple. Nutrition Assist. Program (SNAP) 997 2,900 11,921 Other Withdrawals: Agency for Internat'l Development 55 1,232 3,305 Agriculture 170 942 3,686 Federal Financing Bank 59 134 823 Thrift Savings Plan Transfer 52 330 2,861 Unclassified 1,469 10,684 43,543 Total, Other Withdrawals 1,806 21,880 110,202 Transfers to Depositaries 0 0 0 Total Federal Reserve Account 16,462 663,290 2,746,420 Short-Term Cash Investments: Transfers to Federal Reserve Account (Table V) 0 0 0 Total Withdrawals (excluding transfers) $ 16,462 $ 663,290 $ 2,746,420 Net Change in Operating Cash Balance $ 2,165 $ 14,727 $ -168,153 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 4 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-A Public Debt Transactions ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Issues Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Marketable: Bills: Regular Series $ -1 $ 232,319 $ 1,139,662 Cash Management Series 0 115,001 635,011 Notes 0 207,943 314,375 Bonds 0 24,334 47,977 Inflation-Protected Securities Increment 215 887 5,662 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 Nonmarketable: United States Savings Securities: Cash Issue Price 5 21 73 Interest Increment 4 272 622 Government Account Series 426,145 2,575,700 11,411,458 Hope Bonds 0 0 0 Domestic Series 0 2 7 Foreign Series 0 0 0 State and Local Series 76 3,527 23,057 Other 1,326 9,374 40,954 Total Issues $ 427,771 $ 3,169,380 $ 13,618,859 Stated at face value except for savings and retirement plan securities which are stated at current redemption value. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Redemptions Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Marketable: Bills $ 0 $ 345,027 $ 1,815,948 Notes 0 158,575 182,571 Bonds 0 0 0 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 Nonmarketable: United States Savings Securities 46 271 1,064 Government Account Series 420,934 2,564,837 11,282,794 Hope Bonds 0 0 0 Domestic Series 0 0 5,003 Foreign Series 0 0 0 State and Local Series 58 6,880 16,173 Other 1,327 9,369 40,800 Total Redemptions $ 422,365 $ 3,084,958 $ 13,344,351 Net Change in Public Debt Outstanding $ 5,405 $ 84,422 $ 274,508 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 5 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-B Adjustment of Public Debt Transactions to Cash Basis ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Transactions Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Public Debt Cash Issues: Public Debt Issues (Table III-A) $ 427,771 $ 3,169,380 $ 13,618,859 Premium on New Issues 0 0 1,263 Discount on New Issues: Bills (-) 0 143 616 Bonds and Notes (-) 0 1,703 3,427 Federal Financing Bank (-) 0 0 0 Government Account Transactions (-) 426,145 2,575,700 11,411,458 Hope Bonds (-) 0 0 0 Interest Increment on United States Savings Securities (-) 4 272 622 Inflation-Protected Securities Increment 215 887 5,634 Total Public Debt Cash Issues Deposited in Federal Reserve Account $ 1,407 $ 590,675 $ 2,198,365 Public Debt Cash Redemptions: Public Debt Redemptions (Table III-A) $ 422,365 $ 3,084,958 $ 13,344,351 Premium on Debt Buyback Operation 0 0 0 Discount on Debt Buyback Operation (-) 0 0 0 Federal Financing Bank (-) 0 0 0 Government Account Transactions (-) 420,934 2,564,837 11,282,794 Hope Bonds (-) 0 0 0 Total Public Debt Cash Redemptions Withdrawn from Federal Reserve Acct. $ 1,431 $ 520,121 $ 2,061,558 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 6 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-C Debt Subject to Limit ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening balance Closing ______________________________________ Balance Transactions balance This This today Today month fiscal year ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Debt Held by the Public $ 21,173,686 $ 21,172,132 $ 21,096,956 $ 21,018,952 Intragovernmental Holdings 6,046,213 6,042,361 6,038,521 5,926,439 Total Public Debt Outstanding 27,219,899 27,214,494 27,135,477 26,945,391 Less: Debt Not Subject to Limit: Other Debt 478 478 478 478 Unamortized Discount 18,434 18,517 18,548 17,271 Federal Financing Bank 7,262 7,262 7,262 7,262 Hope Bonds 0 0 0 0 Plus: Other Debt Subject to Limit Guaranteed Debt of Government Agencies 0 0 0 0 Total Public Debt Subject to Limit $ 27,193,725 $ 27,188,236 $ 27,109,188 $ 26,920,380 Statutory Debt Limit SUSP-1 SUSP-1 SUSP-1 SUSP-1 SUSP-1 - Statutory debt limit temporarily suspended through July 31, 2021. Unamortized Discount represents the discount adj. on Treasury bills and zero-coupon bonds. 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 7 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE IV Federal Tax Deposits ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Classification Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Withheld Income and Employment Taxes $ 13,343 $ 68,903 $ 255,529 Individual Income Taxes 234 1,148 11,871 Railroad Retirement Taxes 25 93 411 Excise Taxes 44 267 4,566 Corporation Income Taxes 52 332 11,120 Federal Unemployment Taxes 3 363 555 Estate and Gift Taxes & Misc IRS Rcpts. 1 43 224 Total $ 13,704 $ 71,148 $ 284,276 Cash Federal Tax Deposits: Direct $ 80 $ 450 $ 2,396 Through Depositaries 13,615 66,967 269,155 Total Cash FTD's $ 13,695 $ 67,417 $ 271,550 Inter-agency Transfers 9 3,731 12,725 Total $ 13,704 $ 71,148 $ 284,276 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE V Short-Term Cash Investments ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Depositary Balance Transactions ______________________________________ Total A B C ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Balance Today $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Deposits: Transfers to Depositaries 0 0 0 0 Special Direct Investment 0 0 0 0 Term Investment 0 0 0 0 Repo Investment 0 0 0 0 Withdrawals: Treasury Initiated 0 0 0 0 Depositary Initiated 0 0 0 0 Special Direct Investment 0 0 0 0 Term Investment 0 0 0 0 Repo Investment 0 0 0 0 Closing Balance Today $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 8 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday, November 9, 2020 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE VI Income Tax Refunds Issued ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fiscal Classification Today month year to date to date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ IRS Tax Refunds Business (Checks) $ 99 $ 849 $ 6,408 IRS Tax Refunds Business (EFT) 920 2,324 5,131 IRS Tax Refunds Individual (Checks) 49 2,086 8,442 IRS Tax Refunds Individual (EFT) 44 1,936 9,977 This statement summarizes the United States Treasury's cash and debt operations for the Federal Government. Treasury's operating cash is maintained in an account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and in short-term cash investments. Treasury minimized and then suspended its short-term cash investment program beginning in November 2008, but anticipates investing again when market conditions warrant. Major information sources include: Federal Reserve Banks, Treasury Regional Financial Centers, Internal Revenue Service Centers, various electronic systems, and information on the Public Debt. Information is presented on a modified cash basis. Deposits are reflected as received and withdrawals are reflected as processed.SOURCE: Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury. Note: The Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) is available by 4:00 p.m. the following business day on the Fiscal Service website https://fiscal.treasury.gov/reports-statements/dts/. For more information, call the Cash Reporting Branch at 202-874-9789.