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Couple wedding ring photo

Step 3 to Success for Youth – Get Married Before Having Children

Taking a holistic approach to teaching the benefits of healthy relationships and choices, including marriage, to achieve a brighter future.

NPRM Campaign slide

National Runaway Prevention Month: Shining a Light on Runaway and Homeless Youth Issues

Each November, FYSB joins youth-serving organizations, youth advocates, and other partners to observe National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM), a public-awareness campaign designed to “Shine a Light” on the experiences of runaway and homeless youth, and spotlight prevention resources.

Image of six teens of various ethnicities standing in a row.

November Is National Adoption Month: Engaging Youth Voice in Permanency Planning

The importance of youth being engaged in their own permanency planning

Smiling barista working behind the counter in a cafe.

Step 2 to Success for Youth: Get a Full-Time Job

Step 2 of the Success Sequence Series

Dr. Bergeron talking on stage at a conference

Happy Birthday ECD! The Journey is Just Getting Started!

ACF's Office of Early Childhood Development (ECD) is committed to engaging partners in meaningful ways and bringing unlikely partners together to push our thinking and engage in shared learning and shared action for shared impact.

Graduate holding a diploma

Step 1 to Success for Youth– Graduate from High School

Success Sequencing: High School Diploma, full-time job, and marriage before children

Back to school written on chalkboard, with school supplies

Safe Return to School Puts Kids First

ACYF programs can most effectively serve the holistic needs of young people when we partner with public and private schools, local community and faith-based educators, and their parents by putting kids first on their safe return to school.

Students tossing their caps at graduation.

Success Sequence = Optimal Health for Youth

The success sequence is a proven formula to help young people thrive and become self-sufficient. 

Image to illustrate World Day of Trafficking in Person

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. Today, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we celebrate the substantial national progress resulting from this foundational framework.

Two hands cradle a purple domestic violence awareness ribbon

The Community’s Role in Reducing the Impact of Domestic Violence in Times of Emergency

Ways organizations can prepare to respond to victims of domestic violence.

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